fluid mechanics lab equipments
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An orifice is an opening in the wall of a tank, while a mouthpiece is a short pipe fitted in the same opening. A mouthpiece will be running flu if its length does not exceed two to three times the diameter. Both orifice and mouthpiece are used for discharge measurement. The jet approaching the orifice continues to converge beyond the orifice till the streamlines become parallel. This section of the jet is then a section of minimum area and is known as vena contracta
fluid mechanics lab equipments
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This apparatus is used to measure the velocity of fluid in the pipe. This apparatus is also used to measure the coefficient of pitot tube. The system is closed circuit. The apparatus consists of:A Centrifugal pump of 25mm x 25mm with 12 HP Motor (ISI – Kirlosker Make) M.S. Sump Tank 80 Ltr. to collect the water. M.S. Measuring Tank 30 Ltr fitted with piezometer tube to measure the discharge. Damper is used to collect the water in M.S. MEASURING TANK for certain time.
Best Deals from Fluid Pressure Apparatus
fluid mechanics lab equipments
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Flow through Fluidized Bed, Flow through Packed Bed, Heleshaw Apparatus, Impact of Jet Apparatus, Laminar Flow Apparatus, Apparatus for Study of Laminar and Turbulent Flow in Pipes Apparatus for Measuring Discharge through Weirs.
fluid mechanics lab equipments
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we are offering fluid mechanics lab equipments for the used for engineering colleges and institutes..
fluid mechanics lab equipments
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fluid mechanics lab equipments, Surveying Instruments