Shatavari Plant
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The shatavari plant offered by us is used in treatment of nervous disorders, tumors, dyspepsia, throat infections, cough bronchitis, tuberculosis, and general debility. Also, the organically grown shatavari plant provided by us is popularly used as an antacid and can be availed at pocket friendly prices. used in : pregnancy and lactation periodheat related problems
Yellow shatavari
280 - 400 Per
Best Deals from Shatavari Plant
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100 Ton (MOQ)
CULTIVATION Satavar is common throughout the tropical and subtropical regions, particularly central India. It is also found up to an altitude of 1500 m in subtropical Himalayas. By nature, the plant is xerophytic and prefers the semi-arid to subtropical, cool environment.(Ssp group) CLIMATE AND SOIL Soil – black, well drained and fertile soil is good for cultivation. But can be cultivated in loose and medium black soil. Climate- crop responses well to tropical and hot climate The plant prefers annual average rainfall of 600–1000 mm or less, of which 85% is received during July to September. A well-drained fertile sandy-loam to medium black soil, with a pH of 6–8 is best suited for its cultivation with staking support. Satavar can be grown in open land as well as under shade, but very high moisture levels result in rotting of root. PROPAGATION MATERIAL Both seeds and root stumps can be used for propagation. (Ssp group) However, seeds are preferable on account of high production that makes up for low germination percentage in cultivation. Seeds may be collected from March to May when their color changes from red to black. AGRO-TECHNIQUE RAISING PROPAGULES Seeds are sown during the April -may in well-prepared and raised nursery beds containing good amount of FYM (farmyard manure). The beds should ideally be 10 m × 1m in size. Seeds are sown in lines 5 cm apart and covered with a mixture of FYM and soil. The beds are lightly watered at regular intervals using a rose water cane. (Ssp group) PROPAGULES RATE AND PRE-TREATMENT About 7 kg of seeds are required for raising seedlings for 1 hectare of crop. To obtain early and higher germination percentage, presoaking in water is required. Higher germination is also achieved by soaking the seeds in cow urine for 24 hours. The germination commences after 20 days of sowing and is completed in 30 days. PLANTING LAND PREPARATION AND FERTILIZER The land should be given a deep disc plugging, followed by harrowing and leveling. The field is normally divided into plots, keeping one irrigation channel in between two rows of plots. About 10 tones of well-decomposed FYM are thoroughly mixed in the soil one month before transplanting. Shatavar. A fertilizer dose of 40 kg nitrogen, 20 kg phosphate, and 20 kg potash per hectare may be applied for better growth and higher tuberous root yield. One-third of nitrogen and entire dose of phosphate and potash should be placed 10–12 cm deep in the rows before transplanting TRANSPLANTING AND OPTIMUM SPACING The seedlings are ready for transplanting after 50-60 days of sowing. These are transplanted in field at the onset of monsoon in July. (Ssp group) Keeping the plant-to-plant distance at 60 cm. Optimum number of seedlings required per hectare using the recommended spacing is about 150000. INTERCROPPING SYSTEM Satavar is normally grown as a monocrop, but it can be grown in inter spaces available in orchards having low light interception. Plants need staking material, thus poles or shrubs serve for support. IRRIGATION AND INTERCROPPING The field is irrigated immediately after planting if there are no rains for 2-3 days. Satavar can be grown in rain-fed condition as well as irrigated. (Ssp group) On availability of irrigation water irrigation at the interval of 25-30 days may be given. Frequent weeding is required during its early period of growth. Care should be taken to avoid any damage to growing shoots at the time of weeding. Totally, about 2-3 hand weeding is needed to keep crop free of weeds. INTERCULTURAL AND MAINTENANCE PRACTICES The balance two-third N is applied in two equal split doses during September and in late February. The fertilizer is broadcast in between the rows and mixed in soil Followed by irrigation, if the soil is dry. Satavar initially grows slowly for 60 days, which keeps inter-row space virtually vacant, allowing easy weed growth. It is necessary to carry out weeding and hoeing operations to keep the field free from weeds for initial two-month period. (Ssp group) After two months, Satavar grows enough to cover the inter row spaces and prevents weed growth. DISEASE AND PEST CONTROL No serious insects, pests, and disease have been reported in this crop. PLANT PROTECTION No serious pest and disease has been noticed in this crop HARVESTING CROP MATURITY & HARVESTING The crop matures in 18 months after planting. Rabi season, that is, November– December, is the best time for harvesting tuberous roots when the above-ground parts start turning pale yellow. The crop, when harvested in 18 months, yields about 4–5 tones/hectare, while harvesting after 20 months yields about 6tones/hectare of tubers along with 35 kg hectare of seeds. YIELD & COST OF CULTIVATION The tuberous root yields 15%–20% of dry matter after removal of outer wall. An average shade-dried tuberous root yield of 4-5 tons per hectare is obtained from 18-month-old plants under experimental conditions. Including land preparation, nursery rising, cost of planting material, FYM, cost of transplanting, harvesting, peeling and processing for market, and so on. (Ssp group) The calculated yield of 18- month-old crop of Satavar is 4-5 tones/hectare, which can fetch net returns of approximately Rs 1-1.25 laces/hectare. POST HARVESTING The harvested toots are thoroughly washed preferably in flowing water, Thereafter, inner woody threads are removed by splitting the roots. The thin root barks are removed by scraping with a knife or incising them. In the traditional method, the roots are also kept in a bamboo basket on a pot of boiling water for five to ten minutes to facilitate easy removal of thread and root bark. But this method is really not required when freshly collected roots are peeled off. The roots are then dried in the shade for 8-10 days. The fresh roots lose about 90% of their weight after peeling and drying. In case of delay in peeling, it becomes extremely difficult later on. Value addition of root powder enhances marketability and sale and price. The roots get damaged within 3 to 4 months if threads in not immediately removed. YIELD Average yield per acre is 2000 kg dried roots. SERVICES This expenditure is an one-time expenditure and one time production only Production starts in 18th month. (Ssp group) This includes Supervision, consultancy, guidance, Transportation cost first year. Buy back Agreement of Satavar dry roots. Satavar growing first harvesting practical training. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF COMPANY For 1 Acre plantation the cost of Plants is Rs. 90,000/-, out of which 50% i.e. Rs. 45, 000/- has to be paid before the cultivation and the remaining half after the planting is done. The Buy Back Agreement Stamp paper of Rs.100/- has to be stamped by District Court of your area. For 10 Acre or more yield the buy Back Agreement Stamp Paper will be of Rs.500/-.
Asparagus Racemosus
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50 Kilogram (MOQ)
Organic Asparagus Racemosus
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2 Metric Ton (MOQ)
Asparagus Racemosus
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The Asparagus Racemosus Root Supplied and Exported by us, exhibits numerous medicinal qualities because of which it is preferred by clients from pharmaceutical backgrounds. Our clients are also pleased by the easy availability of Asparagus Racemosus in bulk quantities at competitive prices. The plant contains : Four saponins, viz, shatavarin I to IV. Shatavarin IV is a glycoside of sarsasapogenin having two molecules of rhamnose and one molecule of glucose. Mucilage Starch Properties : The roots are bitter Sweet Emollient Cooling Nervine tonic Constipating Galactagogue Ophthalimic Anodyne Aphrodisiac Diuretic Rejuvenating Carminative Appetizer Stomachic Antispasmodic Useful in treatment of : Nervous disorders Dyspepsia Diarrhea Dysentery Tumours Inflammations Vitiated conditions of vata and pitta Burning sensations Hyperdipsia Ophthalmopathy Nephropathy Hepatopathy Stragury Scalding of urine Throat infections Tuberculosis Cough Bronchitis Gleet Gonorrhea Leucorrhoea Leprosy Epilepsy Fatigue Hyperacidity Colic Haemorrhoids Cardiac debility Hypertension Abortion Agalactia General debility
Shatavari Plant
3 Per Piece
Shatavar Plant
2 - 2 Per pieces
10000 Piece (MOQ)
Women use shatavari to treat conditions related to hormone imbalance such as polycystic ovarian syndrome ( PCOS) and infertility. Reduce symptoms of menopause. A small study showed taking an herbal mixture that included shatavari significantly reduced hot flashes.
Yellow shatavari
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1 Kilogram (MOQ)
Chintamani Traders is the number one yellow Shatavari suppliers in India. We manufacture our products in our company. We are actively engaged in delivering a range of herbal products and spices along with Yellow Shatavari to our esteemed customers on a wide scale. With just a click of a single button, our consumers can place their order and get our effective medicinal plants. Our products are widely in demand by consumers all around the world. Shatavari is widely appreciated for treating women issues. It reduces the symptoms of menopause and also improves reproductive health. Offered Shatavari roots are used in Ayurvedic medicine and are known for providing anti-anxiety and antioxidant effects. The antioxidant content in this product protects the body from harm and issues caused by free radicals which can damage the body cells and lead to diseases like cancer. It is also effective in reducing depression and anxiety which leads to mental stress. Get products from us as we are the leading Yellow Shatavari manufacturers. Uses • It lowers down the blood sugar level • It helps in relieving cough • Promotes diuretic activity • During pregnancy, it boosts the production of milk during breastfeeding. Get our products at an affordable price and get the benefit of timely delivery services. Contact us and order our products as we are the best yellow Shatavari exporters in Delhi.
Nepali Shatavari Plant
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We also assist the clients in marketing and other related procedures. We are one of the leading Nepali Shatavari Plant Suppliers & Nepali Shatavari Seeds suppliers all over India.Returns/Crop (As per 2017) : Price - Rs.3,80,000 lac/crop (Rupees Three Lac Eighty Thousand per crop - As per current market). Yield : Upto 20 quintal. Harvesting : Harvested in 18 months from the date of planting or as per the maturity. Irrigation :Proper irrigation without excess water. It requires moderate amount of water & the thumb rule is to maintain normal moisture in the soil. Planting Time :Starts from monsoon & continues till temperature falls in single digits & must plant it when the temperature is below 38 degree. On an average,it can be planted in almost whole year leaving around 100-120 days. You can also call us to know the better time of plantation.Marketing/Selling :We provide the marketing support & assistance also for the Nepali Golden Shatavari. Marketing is also done only when the material is of authentic variety because some fraudsters supply adulterated variety planting material to the farmers at less costing & that becomes problem at the time of marketing.
shatavari plants
3 - 5 Per Piece
1000 Piece (MOQ)
Shatavari Plant
40 - 60 Per Piece
300 Piece (MOQ)
shatavari plants
40 - 50 Per Piece
10 Piece (MOQ)
shatavari plants
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50 Piece (MOQ)
Shatavari Plant
11 Per Piece
Shatavari Plant
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The Shatavari Plant we dole out, is grown in appropriate environment with appropriate water, sunlight and natural fertilizers. To keep them unscathed even during worldwide transit, we resort to meticulous modes of storage & packaging. No matter what the quantity is, we always prioritize timely order fulfillment. For competitive prices, contact us. We are the revered Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Shatavari Plant in India and abroad. Details Common Name Satavari ( C ) Maturity period After 2-3 year Botanical Name or Family Asparagus Racemosus Family: liliaccac Parts Used Tuber, root Medicinal Use Enhance lactation, general weekness, fatigue, cough.
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500 Bottle (MOQ)
Shatavari Shatavari capsule is made from pure & natural shatavari root & powder. Shatavri roots possess antioxidant properties and promote women wellness. Benefits of Shatavari tablets can include balanced hormonal levels, reduced tiredness, weakness and enhanced body stamina, strength & immunity. Shatavari is known as a rejuvenating herb that has beneficial effects on female fertility. Shatavari improves the production of essential hormones and helps maintain hormonal balance in the body, mood swings and post-menopausal health issues.
Natural Shatavari Plants
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Shatavari Plant
2 - 5 Per 0
2 rupees per unit
Shatavari Plant
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