ORESEL Poultry Feed Supplement
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50 Piece (MOQ)
ORESEL as natural source of vitamin E & mineral that helps cope with various stressors such as heat stress, transport, and handling. Reducing oxidative stress and supporting immune function, birds better adapt to challenging environmental conditions, leading to improved overall performance and welfare Composition Helianthus annuus 20% Pueraria tuberosa 25% Cucumin sativum 15% Triticum aestivum 20% Hedychium Spicatum 20% Advantages Antioxidant Immune Function Reproductive Performance Muscle and Skeletal Health Stress Management Indication Neurological Abnormalities Oxidative Stress Poor Growth and Development Immunosuppression Skeletal Abnormalities Reproductive Disorders Muscular Dystrophy Pack size: 20 kg Shelf life: 48 Month Usage: To be mixed 1.5-2 kg per ton of feed Country of origin: India
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