Private Security Officer
Associate with us for exceptional industrial security, best Private Security Officer, fool proof security for industries and give us a chance to serve you almost all types of industries like healthcare, hospitality, software, media etc,
...moreBank Security
Our Bank Security Service also includes gunman security guards who are placed at entry and other vulnerable points. We investigate into insurance claims, assets with evidence, carry out tracing of missing creditors. We have a close liaison with the civil police. Also we have a large strength of ex-servicemen on our strength.
...moreevent security
We make special security arrangements for specific events by sensible combination of electronic gadgetry and security personnel. We also make use of computerized systems for coordination and control to ensure that the event goes on smoothly.
...moreRetail Security
At Garrison Securitas, we provide a wide range of professional services to the retail sector, from retail security officers and mystery shoppers, to store detectives and undercover internal reporters.
...moreHotel Security
Garrison Securitas Provides Trained Security Guards for Hotels . Our Services from small guest houses, frm houses to five star hotel networks. Our security guards are trained before they have been placed. Garrison Securitas Security guards are disceplined and well suited for hospitality sectors.
...moreInstitutional Security
Hospitals, colleges and universities have special security needs. At such locations, large numbers of people come and go, pursuing a many different purposes. Security services personnel, therefore, must be correspondingly adaptable ready to respond at a moments notice to changing and, at times, unpredictable circumstances.
...moresecurity guards services
Garrison securitas provides Security Guards Services for the guarding of your industrial property. Our security guards personnel are fully trained to offer you best quality industrial security services.
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