GARRISON SECURITAS LTD. Paper Mill Road, Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh

  • Private Security Officer

    Private Security Officer

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    Associate with us for exceptional industrial security, best Private Security Officer, fool proof security for industries and give us a chance to serve you almost all types of industries like healthcare, hospitality, software, media etc,

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  • Bank Security

    Bank Security

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    Our Bank Security Service also includes gunman security guards who are placed at entry and other vulnerable points. We investigate into insurance claims, assets with evidence, carry out tracing of missing creditors. We have a close liaison with the civil police. Also we have a large strength of ex-servicemen on our strength.

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  • event security

    event security

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    We make special security arrangements for specific events by sensible combination of electronic gadgetry and security personnel. We also make use of computerized systems for coordination and control to ensure that the event goes on smoothly.

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  • Retail Security

    Retail Security

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    At Garrison Securitas, we provide a wide range of professional services to the retail sector, from retail security officers and mystery shoppers, to store detectives and undercover internal reporters.

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  • Hotel Security

    Hotel Security

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    Garrison Securitas Provides Trained Security Guards for Hotels . Our Services from small guest houses, frm houses to five star hotel networks. Our security guards are trained before they have been placed. Garrison Securitas Security guards are disceplined and well suited for hospitality sectors.

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  • Institutional Security

    Institutional Security

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    Hospitals, colleges and universities have special security needs. At such locations, large numbers of people come and go, pursuing a many different purposes. Security services personnel, therefore, must be correspondingly adaptable ready to respond at a moments notice to changing and, at times, unpredictable circumstances.

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  • security guards services

    security guards services

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    Garrison securitas provides Security Guards Services for the guarding of your industrial property. Our security guards personnel are fully trained to offer you best quality industrial security services.

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Service Provider
  • Year of Establishment 2005
  • No. of Employees 950 - 1000
  • Annual Turnover Rs. 5 to 25 Crore Approx.
  • Ownership Type Corporation/Limited Liability Company

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Garrison securitas has been one of the leading security agency certified an iso 9001: 2008 (qms) in the indian private security industry. Set up in 2005, the company has been a thought and knowledge leader since its inception. Garrison securitas has endeavored to provide the best security solutions to its customers through innovation, commitment to quality, training and strict compliance to standards .
In the coming period, garrison securitas, which was so far operating exclusively with experienced security personnel, felt the need of recruitment of civilian manpower due to increased business requirements. There was also a pressure to have the manpower specially trained in industrial security duties. This led to establishment of the first fully residential training facility in the indian private security industry by garrison securitas.
After creating a reliable supply chain for trained security guards, the next challenge was to induct young individuals to form the managerial cadres of the company. To meet this requirement, we took yet another visionary step by launching the training program that aimed at inducting young graduates and training them in every aspect of private security. It was envisaged that these young trained officers in course of time would graduate into middle level managers.
This development also altered the market qualitatively and in commercial terms. While on one hand, these developments led to the recognition of the industry, on the other hand, it enhanced competition, customer expectations and pressure on the indian owned security companies.
Under the changed market dynamics, garrison securitas initiated several measures to face the new challenges of the business. Major initiatives were taken towards re-engineering the organization and amending the processes of recruitment, training, communication, quality assurance and customer relationship management.
In the changed scenario, garrison securitas promptly mapped its present business processes and service offerings to meet the growth opportunities. Accordingly, a major change process was planned. In true tradition of taking visionary decisions all through, garrison securitas , decided to induct professional management team to act as catalyst for the change process. Top professionals with experience in different industry were drawn into the company's fold and the board was restructured to induct eminent, professional and independent directors. This coincided with the induction of the second generation of the promoter family into business.
"hr" is the most invaluable asset in any organization; hiring the right candidate is vital to organizational reputation and growth. Many of the mncs and other reputed companies feel comfortable dealing with organizations where proper employee screening and verification procedures are carried out by professionals.
» indian corporates are now getting alive to the fact that pre-employment screening is a ‘must’ not only for organizational growth but also for internal
efficiency and external reputation.
» inculcation of ethical working ethos inside an organization has its stating point in correct pre-employment verification and screening.
» thorough pre and post employment screening of employees, dealing with sensitive data and tasks, is vital for obtaining and retaining the trust of clients,
particularly mncs. Our usp is the continuation of the pre employment verification to the post employment stage, in a seamless and professional manner.
» to effectively manage risks in the workplace and to limit liability, pre-employment screening is a well-tested method.
» "lifestyle mapping", combined with thorough screening, sends a clear message across the organization that integrity, confidentiality and dependability are vital parameters in the organizational ethos.
» reduces unnecessary load on hr dept. By weeding-out resumés with false, exaggerated or fraudulent information. These hr-connects are important parts of our services.
We, as professionals, believe that in keeping with our motto, "verification by professionals", our “actions should speak louder than words".
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Contact Information


  • Basement Kamal Market Brijesh Nagar Paper Mill Road Saharanpur- 247001 U.p. India, Uttar Pradesh

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