Lab Valley Beater
165,000 - 225,000 Per piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
We specialize in manufacturing, exporting and supplying Lab Valley Beater from Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh. The instrument is widely used in laboratories for beating pulp under standardized conditions and determine the behavior of pulp when subject to definite beating schedule. Our Lab Valley Beater is also suitable for routine checking of pulp in laboratory and can be availed at rational prices. Model : AI – 3017
Coolex Powder
40 - 250 Per Kilogram
200 Kilogram (MOQ)
Composition :Each 200 g. Contains : Calcium Lactate 2 gm Potassium Chloride 8 gm Magnesium Sulphate 0.9 gm Sodium Chloride 1.6 gm Sodium Bicarbonate 1.4 gm Sodium Citrate 6 mg Dextrose 80.1 gm Water Soluble Carbohydrates 96 gm Lacto Bacillus 3000 Sporogenes (Millin Spores) Vitamin C 4 gm Advantages : Stabilizer Ruman pH To treat dehydration systematic acidosis. Overcomes stress during vaccination, transportation. Helps in repid recovery of Diarrhoea. During Extreme Heat & Temperature Conditions. Dosage : Cow/Buffaloes/Horses - 100-200 gm. lday Calves/Sheep/Goat/Dogs - 20-30 gms.! day. Poultry - 1 gm.! Litre Water Administer orally with Feed.
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