TRUE VALUE ORGANIC PVT LTD Nakur, Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh

  • Gulmohar Organic Manure

    Gulmohar Organic Manure

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    5 Ton (MOQ)

    We are offering organic manure increases productivity of crops by 30% the ever rising demand of food grains has been wholly supported by “gulmohar organic manure. It plays an important role in productivity. By using this product, one can expect a 25%-30% increase in crop yield. The dependence on nitrogen and phosphorus based chemical fertilizers can be reduced by 25%. According to several experiments conducted in the national research center, using organic manure results in growth of the crop in a suitable manner, and the organic activity viz. Nitrogen fixation through earthworms and other soil vermin increases, resulting in the replenishment of nutrients in the soil. Testing in various parts of the country, the following crops have experienced 10%-27% increase:

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  • Vill. & Post Afghan Khera, Tehsil Nakur, District Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh (India)-247340