Vitamin-H Powder
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100 Pack (MOQ)
LIQUID FEED CONCENTRATE FOR LIVESTOCK & POULTRY INDICATION : Improves Stamina & Body Coat Prevents Hair Loss Combats Stress Improves & Maintain Milk Yield DOSAGE Dog & Cat : 2-5 ml. daily Cattle : 100 ml. daily Calves : 5 ml. daily Poultry (per 100 birds) Chicks : 5 ml. daily Growers : 7 ml. daily Layers : 10 ml. daily DIRECTION FOR USE : VITAGAIN-H ideal for all Species. Normally The Following Quantities are Sufficient when given in drinking water or with Wet Meals for Livestock & Poultry Feeding .
Supple Vitamin Powder
60 - 500 Per Kilogram
200 Kilogram (MOQ)
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