APTSO EXPORTS Edappadi, Salem, Tamil Nadu

  • Shallot


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    Shallots are an easy to grow vegetable with a distinctive flavour that can be used for cooking or pickling. There are many tempting varieties with bulbs in many shapes and sizes. Plants are undemanding and can be grown in any well-drained, fertile soil in a sunny position.Water if the weather is dry and remove any flower spikes as soon as they are seen. Shallots are normally planted as sets (immature bulbs). They can be sown from seed, but most gardeners prefer to start from sets as they are quicker to mature, are better in colder regions, less likely to be attacked by some pests and diseases and need less skill to grow than seed.Add organic matter, such as manure or garden compost before planting and rake in a dressing of general purpose fertiliser. Plant shallot sets 25cm (10in) apart in rows 40cm  (16in) apart from mid-November to mid-March. Gently push them into soft, well-worked soil so that the tip is just showing and firm the soil around them. Birds can be a problem lifting the sets, so cover freshly planted rows with horticultural fleece to prevent this.Sets can be planted through black suppressing membrane to prevent and avoiding the need to hoe.Shallots are long, thin bulbs like vegetable. They are smaller in size and grow in clusters of bulbs in the root system. The bulbs have a mild pungent taste and a distinct smell as compared to onions and garlic. This is a popular ingredient used by the chefs around the world. Besides adding flavour to your dishes, shallots have various health benefits and a high nutrient content. They’re also great for your hair and are widely used as an ingredient in hair treatment products. Shallots belong to the onion and allium family. They contain vital nutrients like vitamins B & C, calcium, iron and potassium. There are many varieties of shallots such as French Grey Shallot or Griselle Genus Allium Oschaninii, Pink Shallot or Jersey Shallot, Banana Shallot, Green shallot. Iron: Shallots contain iron which is required for proper functioning of your red blood cells. Healthy red blood cells contain a good amount of hemoglobin that helps them transfer oxygen from the lungs to the other tissues of your body. It is also essential for your proper metabolism, brain function and to make your tissues strong. 1 cup of shallots can provide 1.9 milligrams of iron that gives 24 percent of the daily required iron intake for men and 11% for women. Fiber: Shallots help in a healthy digestion. Due to its dietary fiber content, it absorbs water and fills your stomach after a meal. It slowly releases sugar in your bloodstream and helps soften the stool, thus preventing constipation. It is also useful in reducing the blood cholesterol levels, preventing many heart diseases. One cup of shallots can provide 5.1 grams of dietary fiber that is 20 percent of the daily required fiber for women and 13% for men. Potassium: Shallots are a rich source of potassium. One cup of shallots can provide 534 milligrams of potassium that is 11% of your daily required intake. Potassium is useful to regulate the body’s fluid levels. It also aids in the proper functioning of nerve and muscle cells. This helps the metabolism by breaking down carbohydrates into required body fuel. Potassium helps in maintaining a healthy heart by lowering blood pressure. Deficiency of potassium can lead to cramps and weakness in the muscle. Rich in vitamin A: Shallots are the richest source of vitamin A that is required for your good health. Vitamin A (an antioxidant) helps protect you from the harmful free radical damage. They can also be useful in maintaining membranes, prevent infections, lead to good eye health, promote healthy immune system, and for proper growth and development. Low in fat: Shallots contain very low amount of fat. Hence, they can be effectively used for low-fat diets. Low in sodium: Shallots are very low in sodium. Our body requires some amount of sodium for survival, but too much can cause high blood pressure. Many flavoring ingredients are high in sodium content, but shallots can be consumed by high blood pressure or kidney patients as a suitable alternative. Flavonoids: Shallots have two sets of compounds including sulphur compounds like allyl propyl disulphide (APDS) and flavonoids like quercetin. Consume flavonoid in your daily diet to reduce the risk of cancer, heart related diseases and diabetes. They are antiviral, anti-allergenic, anti-cancer, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory. Osteoporosis: Consume shallots in your daily diet for the proper growth of the bone tissue and reduce the risk of osteoporosis by 20 %.

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  • Potato


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    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) popularly known as ‘The king of vegetables’, has emerged as fourth most important food crop in India after rice, wheat and maize. Indian vegetable basket is incomplete without Potato. Because, the dry matter, edible energy and edible protein content of potato makes it nutritionally superior vegetable as well as staple food not only in our country but also throughout the world. Now, it becomes as an essential part of breakfast, lunch and dinner worldwide. Being a short duration crop, it produces more quantity of dry matter, edible energy and edible protein in lesser duration of time than cereals like rice and wheat. Hence, potato may prove to be a useful tool to achieve the nutritional security of the nation.It is believed that potato was a native of Andes in South America and gradually spread throughout the world. Indian potato preferred world wise for its taste and meets the international quality standards in terms of disease freeness, shape, size, skin color, flesh and dry matter content. It has been revealed that, according to FAO, a potato is consumed by more than one billion people the world over. It is a high-quality vegetable cum food crop and used in preparing more than 100 types of receivers in India. The popular Indian recipes like Samosas and Alu Paranthas are prepared from potato. The protein of potato has high biological value than proteins of cereals and even better than that of milk. The biological value of the mixture of egg and potato is higher than the egg alone. Hence, a potato can be a supplement to meat and milk products for improving their taste, lowering energy intake and reducing food cost. Nutritional point of view, a potato is a wholesome food and deserves to be promoted as a potentially high-quality vegetable cum food crop in the country.     Apart from being used as a food source, potatoes have an important role to play in skincare as well. As pointed out earlier, they are rich in vitamin C which is vital for maintaining skin health. Thus, this starchy vegetable is beneficial for your skin in the following ways. 1. Removal of Dark Circles: Potatoes are a natural under eye brightener and so, applying potato juice or potatoes directly on the affected area can banish dark eye rings. Peel and slice a raw potato into large pieces. Placing them in a cloth or handkerchief, stick them on your eyes for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Doing this regularly will reduce your dark circles considerably. You can also apply potato juice under your eyes with a cotton ball to fade away dark circles. 2. Treatment of Wrinkles: Potato is considered as an effective anti-aging beauty agent, particularly in warding off wrinkles. Regular application of potato juice imparts a healthy glow to your skin It also helps to soften your skin as well as keep wrinkles at bay. 3. Treatment of Dark Spots: Potatoes are a natural way of fading away those dark spots. If you have black spots on your face, you can blend peeled potatoes in a blender Next, apply them to your face. Give a gentle massage Then do peeling for 5 minutes Once done, rinse off with clean water. 4. Removal of Facial Blemishes: Facial blemishes adversely affect your appearance and potato juice is a great natural way to get rid of them. Use cold potato juice as a daily facial rinse This can help you get rid of your blemishes It will help reveal clear and perfect skin. 5. Treatment of Sunburns: Potatoes are wonderful for treating sunburnt skin. All you need to do is place cold potato slices on the affected areas Alternatively, you can simply dab potato juice on the spot. This will give you a soothing and cooling sensation as well as diminish your suntan. 6. Skin Lightening: Potatoes are a natural skin lightening agent. Apply a mask of grated raw potato on your face and rinse off with water after 30 minutes. Using this on a regular basis will make your face smooth, clean and bright as well as reduce facial swelling. You can also apply a mixture of lemon and potato juices to lighten your skin naturally. This acts as mild bleach for your skin and yields quick results. 7. Potato for Dry Skin: If you have dry skin, potatoes will help give you that smooth skin feeling in minutes. Make a face mask by mixing a grated potato with half a teaspoon of curd. Apply it on your face for 20 minutes and then wash it off. This will act as an anti-aging mask to hydrate your skin from within It will also help to replenish moisture into dry skin to iron out fine lines effectively.

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  • Onion


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    About Onion Botanical Name: Allium cepa L.Family: Amaryllidaceous. The onion is one of the most important commercial vegetable crops grown in India: The demand for onion is worldwide. It is used both in raw and mature bulb stage as vegetable and spices. The pungency in onion is due to a volatile oil known as an ally-propyl disulfide. The bulb of onion consists of swollen bases of green foliage leaves and fleshy scales. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, A.P., Bihar, and Punjab are the important onion producing states. Follow harvesting of onion bulbs at the right stage of maturity. It is important in deciding the storage life of onion as bulbs may be stored for about six months. fried onions, onion benefits, onion plant, sweet onion, health benefits of onion, red onion, onion calories, white onion, onion price, yellow onion, onion nutrition, onion price in India, Indian onion, spring onion benefits, onion rate, onion varieties, onion export. Can you imagine a recipe without the onion in it? This wonderful bulb-vegetable, one of the oldest edible food sources known to humankind, is found in a bewildering array of recipes and preparations, be it your favorite salad, or mouth-watering gravy or curries. It has also been in used in traditional medicines since ancient times for its health promoting and curative properties. Botanically, the vegetable belongs to the Alliaceae family, in the genus, Allium and known scientifically as:Allium cepa.     This humble vegetable Onion can provide you with healthy and glowing skin, thanks to the presence of rich amounts of antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E. Both consumption and topical application of the onion can provide numerous benefits to your skin. 1. Anti-aging Benefits: The Onion possesses enormous anti-aging benefits. The antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E fight against the damage caused by harmful UV rays as well as prevent free radical damage which is responsible for causing premature aging of our skin. Onion is one of the richest sources of quercetin, the most powerful antioxidant that can keep your skin wrinkle-free. Vitamins and sulfur, on the other hand, protect your skin and keep it soft and supple. The anti-aging qualities of onion can be attributed to the presence of sulfur-rich phytochemicals. Massaging your skin with fresh onion juice helps increase blood circulation and improves the overall appearance of your skin by imparting a more youthful and radiant appearance. 2. Treatment of Acne: The anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities of onion can work wonders on your skin. It is a powerful antiseptic which protects your skin from acne-causing bacteria and other skin infections. Onions can be used in the treatment of acne and pimples. For this purpose, you can mix 1 tablespoon of onion juice or extract with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and apply it on your face. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash off. Apart from topical application, regular consumption of onion can also give you miraculous results in the case of acne. 3. Lightens the Complexion: The Onion help in purifying your blood and supply your body with flavonoids which assist Vitamin C in its important functions. The consumption of onion can keep your skin healthy and glowing. You can prepare your own face mask by combining 1 ½ tablespoons freshly extracted onion juice with 2 tablespoons gram flour, ½ teaspoon milk and a pinch of nutmeg. Mix all these ingredients to form a thick paste and add some more milk if required to reach the desired consistency. You can also add a few drops of lavender essential oil to beat the smell of the onion. Apply it all over your face after cleansing and leave for 15 to 20 minutes or until it dries. Dab a cotton ball in milk and remove the pack by massaging in gentle circular movements. This will exfoliate the dead skin cells as well as lighten the skin tone. 4. Treatment of Dark Spots and Pigmentation: The Onion juice is excellent for getting rid of dark spots and pigmentation. The rich variety of phytonutrients and antioxidants in onion nourish your skin while removing skin impurities. You can prepare a face pack by mixing equal quantities of onion juice and fresh yogurt. You can also add a few drops of any essential oil for a pleasant aroma. Massage your face with this mixture, using gentle circular movements for 10 to 15 minutes. This should be done daily for best results. 5. Treatment of Stings and Bites: The Onion can be used to soothe stings and bug bites. All you need to do is place an onion slice on your sting or bite. The anti-inflammatory properties of onion help in reducing the burn, itchiness, and swelling caused by insect and bug bites. Hair Benefits The benefits of onion do not end here. This layered vegetable is great for your hair as well. Onion juice is often used as a remedy for various hair problems. Some of the ways in which onion can benefit your hair are as follows. 1. Treatment of Thinning Hair: Onion is quite helpful in treating thinning hair. All you need to do is juice an onion in a juicer and add ½ teaspoon of honey to it. You can add any essential oil of your choice to suppress the smell. Apply this mixture all over your hair or onto the portions that appear thin. Leave it overnight and do not cover your head. Shampoo your hair the next morning. This should be done at least once to thrice a week for best results. 2. Treatment of Hair Loss and Dandruff: You can prepare a hair mask using onion to combat hair loss, dandruff, and an itchy scalp. Onion juice is particularly beneficial for increasing the length of your hair. All you need to do is grind or mash an onion and strain it through a grinder to obtain the juice. Mix this juice with equal amounts of olive or coconut oil and apply it on your scalp and hair. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave it for 2 hours. Rinse it off with a shampoo to get rid of hair stickiness. This hair pack will improve the ability of your hair for re-growth besides imparting a shiny, glossy look to your hair. It should be applied twice a month for best results. 3. Maintains Hair Color: You can apply onion juice on your hair to impart a nice coppery shade as well as to make your hair glossy. However, if you wish to maintain the natural color of your hair, you can blend onion with adequate amounts of mustard oil and apply it on your hair. Mustard oil will suppress the color lightening effect of onion. 4. Natural Conditioner: To condition your hair naturally, you can apply a mixture of onion and fenugreek paste on your hair. Keep it for half an hour and wash off with amild shampoo.

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  • Fresh Jasmine Buds

    Fresh Jasmine Buds

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    Jasmine  contains around 200 species native to tropical and warm temperate regions of the Eurasia, Australasia and Oceania. Jasmines are widely cultivated for the characteristic fragrance of their flowers. Online Florist and Online flower shop.   This flower’s power doesn’t end there. When slathered on, sniffed, or sipped, jasmine also offers these all-over benefits: Promotes weight loss With a naturally sweet and heady, floral taste,jasmine tea is the most common way to ingest this botanical (scented tea is made by mating jasmine with green tea, oolong, or black tea to absorb its flavor and fragrance). Thanks to high levels of catechins, drinking jasmine tea is said to accelerate the metabolism and trigger the body to burn more calories. Soothes your mind and body Research suggests that the aroma of jasmine, taken as a tea or smoothed on the skin, has a relaxing effect. In fact, just the scent of jasmine chills out autonomic nerve activity and decreases your heart rate. Rich in flavonoid antioxidants that combat oxidative stress, jasmine tea has a mild sedative effect which relaxes the body and mind–even calms coughs, and may help regulate insulin levels and lower blood pressure. Some say jasmine is also an effective antidepressant. Alleviates aches and pains Jasmine’s antispasmodic properties make it an effective aid for muscle pain, stiffness, and sprains. Traditionally, essences of this potent flower have been used during birth for its pain-relieving and antispasmodic properties, and recent studies have confirmed its effectiveness. Online Florist and Online flower shop Clarifies and protects The essential oils of this delicate flower contain potent antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiviral properties thanks to a portfolio of compounds like benzaldehyde, benzoic acid, and benzyl benzoate. When slathered on, jasmine-infused lotions and oils can help bolster skin’s immunity and protect skin from invading offenders especially as the seasons change. Hydrates for softer skin Traditionally used to restore skin, the essential oils and botanical extracts of jasmine increase skin’s elasticity and help balance moisture in the skin to naturally reduce dryness. Plus, its natural antibacterial properties protect skin from assault and aid skin’s immunity. Heals blemishes and scars Jasmine oil is a cicatrize, meaning it helps fade scars left in the wake of acne, skin wounds, eruptions, and stretch marks. (Say ta-ta to any kind of blemish with these complexion-perfecting remedies.)

    Application : Decorative, Garlands, Vase Displays

    Shelf Life : 7days

    Color : White

    Occasion : Birthday, Party, Weddings

    Cultivation : Organic

    Flowers Type : Jasmine

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  • Indian Mango Fruits

    Indian Mango Fruits

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    The mango is a juicy stone fruit belonging to the genus Mangifera, consisting of numerous tropical fruiting trees, cultivated mostly for edible fruit. The majority of these species are found in nature as wild mangoes. They all belong to the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae. The mango is native to South and Southeast Asia, from where it has been distributed worldwide to become one of the most cultivated fruits in the tropics. The highest concentration of Mangifera genus is in India. mango outlet, mango online, mangos, manga online, mango shop, health benefits of mango, mango nutrition, outlet mango, mango store, mangoshop, mango fruit, ripe mango, raw mango, types of mangoes, alphonso mango, mango online shop, fresh mango. Mango exporter. While other Mangifera species (e.g. horse mango, M. foetida) are also grown on a more localized basis, Mangifera indica—the “common mango” or “Indian mango“—is the only mango tree commonly cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions. It originated in Indian subcontinent and Burma. It is the national fruit of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines, and the national tree of Bangladesh. In several cultures, its fruit and leaves are ritually used as floral decorations at weddings, public celebrations, and religious ceremonies. Mangoes are generally sweet, although the taste and texture of the flesh vary across cultivars; some have a soft, pulpy texture similar to an overripe plum, while others are firmer, like a cantaloupe or avocado, and some may have a fibrous texture. The skin of unripe, pickled, or cooked mango can be consumed but has the potential to cause contact dermatitis of the lips, gingiva, or tongue in susceptible people.Summers are here and soon we will start seeing mangos in the market, hmm fresh and juicy. Mangos are loved by almost one and all, especially when they are sweet. I am sure your mouth is watering right -now as you read these lines. Apart from being tasty, do you know that Mango also offers a number of health benefits? But before we look at mango health benefits, one thing you must keep in mind is that we are definitely not talking about ready-made mango drinks here, we are talking about fresh mango fruits. Besides being extremely pleasing to your taste buds, mango is amazing for your skin as it is a great source of antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, which keep your skin healthy and glowing. It is often used in various face masks and scrubs. Its various skin benefits are as follows: 1. Mangoes for Glowing Skin: Mangos are great for your skin as they have the ability to reduce dark spots, blemishes, and acne, thus imparting a natural glow to your skin. Vitamin A and Beta-carotene in this fruit restore, rejuvenate and revive your skin with vigor as well as add shine to your skin. Manga Online 2. Treatment of Blackheads: This might appear a bit surprising but mangos can be used to remove blackheads. For this purpose, prepare a scrub by mixing a teaspoon of mango pulp, half a teaspoon of milk or milk powder and honey. Rub it all over your face in circular motion. This will help in removing dead skin and blackheads, thus adding a glow to your face. 3. Anti-aging Benefits: The antioxidants present in this fruit delay the onset of skin aging and pigmentation. They also protect your skin against the harmful free radicals which can cause skin cancer. Vitamin C helps to cure pimples and acne. When applied directly, it smoothens out your skin and acts as anatural moisturizer. 4. Improves Complexion: Mangos are packed with vitamin A which is a vital nutrient for maintaining a healthy skin and complexion as well as the integrity of mucous membranes. Mango skin is a great de-tanning agent. You can rub your face and hands with the skin of a ripe or raw mango and apply some milk cream on it. Wash off with cold water after 10 to 15 minutes. Doing this at least twice or thrice a week will reduce tanning drastically. Regular consumption of mangos provides you with a fair and smooth skin. 5. Treatment of Dark Spots: Mango skin is also beneficial in reducing dark spots. For this purpose, you can make a powder from the sun-dried mango skin and mix it with a teaspoon of yogurt. Using this as face pack will reduce dark spots, blemishes and add a golden glow to your complexion. 6. Treatment of Acne: Raw mango juice is an excellent astringent that can remove acne. You can boil a slice of a baby mango or raw mango in water and use this water on your face as an acne remover. 7. Great Cleanser: To cleanse your skin, take a teaspoon of wheat flour and add mango pulp to it. This acts as a perfect cleanser by reaching your pores and cleaning them from deep within. 8. Home-made Face Wash: You can prepare a home-made face wash by mixing one teaspoon each of mango pulp and powdered almond. Add a tablespoon of milk to this mix and grind it into a paste. This face wash can be applied on all skin types and washed after 20 minutes. 9. Exfoliates your Skin: You can prepare an exfoliating mask by blending ¼ of a peeled mango, 2 spoons of whole milk, powdered almonds and crushed oats in a blender. Apply this on your face and neck for 20 minutes and rinse in lukewarm water. 10. Good for Sensitive Skin: If you have sensitive skin, you can make a face pack by mixing mango pulp, oatmeal, milk, and honey. Wash your face with cold water. Pat dry and apply this paste on your skin. Wash off with cold water after 15 minutes. Mango Benefits for Hair: Mangos are rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish your hair and promote hair growth. Mango for hair is beneficial in the following ways: 11. Great Conditioner: Mango can be used in preparing a home-made conditioner. For this purpose, mix mango pulp with a spoonful of yogurt and two egg yellows. Apply this on your hair and leave for 30 minutes. This will condition your hair by making them soft and manageable. 12. Treatment of Dandruff: Mango contains vitamin A which helps in fighting dandruff and adding shine to your hair. It is often used as an ingredient in hair moisturizers. Mangos contain vitamin E which improves scalp circulation and encourages hair growth. 13. Treatment of Hair Loss and Grey Hair: Mango seed oil is an excellent source of fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. The seed kernel itself has great moisturizing properties. You can prepare this oil by removing the outer coat of the mango seed and adding them to a jar of coconut, sesame or mustard oil and place this jar in the sunlight for a few days. Using this concoction regularly will make your hair long, black and thick and prevent hair loss.

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  • Indian Black Pepper

    Indian Black Pepper

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    Cultivation Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as aspice and seasoning. The fruit, known as a peppercorn when dried, is approximately 5 millimetres (0.20 in) in diameter, dark red when fully mature, and, like all drupes, contains a single seed. Black pepper plant, white pepper, organic black pepper. Peppercorns and the ground pepper derived from them may be described simply as pepper, or more precisely as black pepper (cooked and dried unripe fruit), green pepper (dried unripe fruit) and white pepper (ripe fruit seeds). Black pepper is native to south India and is extensively cultivated there and elsewhere in tropical regions. Currently, Vietnam is the world’s largest producer and exporter of pepper, producing 34% of the world’s Piper nigrum crop as of 2008   Black pepper is one of the most common spices used in different cuisines around the world. It is used in both whole and grounded form. It contains potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin K and vitamin C. Apart from a strong flavour, it also has certain health benefits which must be taken into account. Black pepper aids in digestion and also helps in relieving cough and a common cold. Millions of people who consume black pepper every day might not be aware of the fact that it is classified as a medicinal spice and is very rich in mineral content. Also, it has an anti-biotic property. Let us delve deeper into the black pepper benefits for the human body. This seemingly small black spice is packed with an array of rich properties that can help you improve your health. Essential nutrients such as manganese, potassium, iron, dietary fiber, and vitamins C and K can be found in black pepper. It has antibacterial, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which make it an amazing medicinal spice. Apart from helping in treating cough and cold and other diseases like cancer and intestinal problems, adding it to your daily diet helps in improving your skin and hair. Black Pepper Health Benefits 1. Anti-biotic properties: Black pepper has natural antibiotic characteristics owing to its Vitamin C content.  They curb harmful free radical reactions. This is one of the prime uses of black pepper. 2. Gastro diseases: Black pepper eases the digestion process by secreting hydrochloric acid as an alert before food consumption and hence, helps in the prevention of diseases related to the intestine and stomach. 3. Bacterial infections: Black pepper helps in treating diseases caused due to bacteria. The influence of black pepper has been observed while treating conditions like constipation, diarrhea, and colic. 4. A cough and cold: Surprisingly, the spice also acts as a remedy for a cough and cold. The antibacterial properties of black pepper are used for treating respiratory disorders. 5. Flu and congestion: Black pepper eases congestion. The free-radical scavenging activity of black pepper helps in the treatment of cancer. It slows down the activity of some types of cancer. Black pepper finds its application in skin cancer. 6. Free radical suspension: It generates free radical killing action that curbs the cancerous activities in the body. 7. Metabolism: Black pepper helps in boosting metabolism in the body. It burns unwanted calories and helps in reducing belly fat. Black pepper is very effective against obesity. Daily consumption of black pepper helps in reducing stomach related problems. 8. Skin treatment: The use of black pepper in the diet helps to improve skin condition and promotes weight loss. Black pepper finds its application in Ayurveda also. If you have not tried black pepper in the daily diet, go for it. 9. Dental health: Black pepper is helpful in improving dental health. It helps fight tooth decay and provides quick relief from a toothache. 10. Anti-depressant: Black pepper is a natural anti-depressant. Piperine present in black pepper acts as an anti-depressant and stimulates the nervous system. As a result of that, the cognitive capacity is improved.

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  • Healthy and Delicious Rice

    Healthy and Delicious Rice

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    Rice is an annual plant that is harvested once a year. The cultivation of rice is suited for countries with low labor costs and high rainfall as it is very labor intensive and requires large amounts of water for cultivation. Small rice seedlings are hand planted into rice paddies that are then filled with water. The seeds draw nutrients from the paddies water, which is also the same water…Brown Rice Indian Rice is the second highest worldwide production after maize (corn). Since maize is mostly grown for purposes other than human consumption, rice is the most important grain for human consumption. There are more than 40,000 varieties of rice that grow on every continent except on Antarctica. Some research shows that rice may have been indigenous to India over 4,000 years ago and moved… The health benefits of rice include its ability to provide fast and instant energy, regulate and improve bowel movements, stabilize blood sugar levels, and slow down the aging process, while also providing an essential source of vitamin B1 to the human body. Other benefits include its ability to boost skin health, increase the metabolism, aid in digestion, reduce high blood pressure, help weight loss efforts, improve the immune system and provide protection against dysentery, cancer, and heart disease. Rice is a fundamental food in many cultural cuisines around the world, and it is an important cereal crop that feeds more than half of the world’s population.  parboiled rice, jasmine rice, brown rice, white rice and Long grain rice. Indian Rice…   Benefits of Rice The various benefits of rice can be found in more than forty thousand varieties of this cereal that is available throughout the world. The two main categories are whole grain rice and white rice. Whole grain rice is not processed very much, so it is high in nutritional value, whereas white rice is processed so that the bran or outer covering is removed, leaving it with less nutritional value. People choose different styles of rice for particular flavors, depending on their culinary needs, the availability, and the potential for health benefits as well! Rice can also be defined by the length of each grain. Indian or Chinese cuisines specialize in long grained rice, whereas western countries prefer short or medium length grains. Health Benefits of Rice Some of the health benefits of rice are explained below. Great Source of Energy: Since rice is abundant in carbohydrates, it acts as fuel for the body and aids in the normal functioning of the brain. Carbohydrates are essential to be metabolized by the body and turned into functional, usable energy. The vitamins, minerals, and variousorganic components increase the functioning and metabolic activity of all your organ systems, which further increases energy levels. Cholesterol Free: Eating rice is extremely beneficial for your health, simply because it does not contain harmful fats, cholesterol or sodium. It forms an integral part of a balanced diet. Any food that can provide nutrients without having any negative impacts on health is a bonus! Low levels of fat, cholesterol, and sodium will also help reduce obesity and the health conditions associated with being overweight. Rice is one of the most widely used and eaten foods in the world because it can keep people healthy and alive, even in very small quantities. Blood Pressure Management: Rice is low in sodium, so it is considered one of the best foods for those suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension. Sodium can cause veins and arteries to constrict, increasing the stress and strain on the cardiovascular system as the blood pressure increases. This is also associated with heart conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes, so avoiding excess sodium is always a good idea. Cancer Prevention: Whole grain rice like brown rice is rich in insoluble fiber that can protect against many types of cancer. Many scientists and researchers believe that such insoluble fibers are vital for protecting the body against the development and metastasis of cancerous cells. Fiber specifically is beneficial in defending against colorectal and intestinal cancer. However, besides fiber, rice also has natural antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin-A, phenolic and flavonoid compounds, which also act as or stimulate antioxidants to scour the body for free radicals. Free radicals are byproducts of cellular metabolism that can do serious damage to your organ systems and cause the mutation of healthy cells into cancerous ones. Boosting your antioxidant levels is a great idea, and eating more rice is a wonderful way to do that. Skin care: Medical experts say that powdered rice can be applied topically to cure certain skin ailments. On the Indian subcontinent, rice water is readily prescribed by Ayurvedic practitioners as an effective ointment to cool off inflamed skin surfaces. The phenolic compounds that are found in rice, particularly in brown or wild rice, have anti-inflammatory properties, so they are also good for soothing irritation and redness. Whether consumed or topically applied, a substance derived from rice tend to relieve a number of skin conditions. The antioxidant capacity also helps delay the appearance of wrinkles and other premature signs of aging that can affect the skin. Alzheimer’s Disease: Brown rice is said to contain high levels of nutrients that stimulate the growth and activity of neurotransmitters, subsequently helping to prevent Alzheimer’s disease to a considerable extent. Various species of wild rice have been shown to stimulate neuroprotective enzymes in the brain, which inhibit the effects of free radicals and other dangerous toxins that can cause dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Diuretic and Digestive Qualities: The husk part of rice is considered to be an effective medicine to treat dysentery, and some people say that a three-month-old rice plant’s husks are said to have diuretic properties. Chinese people believe that rice considerably increases appetite, cures stomach ailments and reduces all digestive problems. As a diuretic, rice husk can help you lose excess water weight, eliminate toxins from the body like uric acid, and even lose weight, since approximately 4% of urine is actually made up of body fat! The high fiber content also increases bowel movement regularity and protects against various types of cancer, as well as reducing the chances of cardiovascular diseases. Rich in Vitamins: Rice is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals like niacin, vitamin D, calcium, fiber, iron, thiamine, and riboflavin. These vitamins provide the foundation for body metabolism, immune system health, and general functioning of the organ systems since vitamins are commonly consumed in the most essential activities in the body. Cardiovascular Health: Rice bran oil is known to have antioxidant properties that promote cardiovascular strength by reducing cholesterol levels in the body. We have already spoken about the cardiovascular benefits of fiber, and low levels of fat and sodium. Wild rice and brown rice varieties are far better than white rice in this category since the husk of the grain are where much of the nutrients are; the husk is removed in white rice preparation. Resistant starch: Rice abounds in resistant starch, which reaches the bowels in an undigested form. This type of starch stimulates the growth of useful bacteria that help with normal bowel movements. Also, this insoluble rice is very useful in reducing the effects of conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and diarrhea. According to the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, the nutritional value of rice needs to be improved even more so that it benefits mankind.  Rice, being the most dominant cereal crop in most of the world can improve the lives of millions of people who consume it. Efforts are currently being made to increase the micro-nutrient value of rice by combining traditional methods of growing crops with modern biotechnology. The institute further states that the development of rice with high iron and zinc compounds could be possible through bio-fortification. That can also induce high-quality yields, which could be eagerly accepted by farmers as well as rice consumers for healthier, longer lives. Rice can also prevent chronic constipation. The insoluble fiber from rice acts like a soft sponge that may be pushed through the intestinal tract quickly and easily. Brown rice and whole grains are known to be rich in insoluble fiber. However, it is advisable to drink lots of water for relieving your constipated condition, in addition to eating fibrous foods. Diabetic patients should include brown rice rather than white rice, which contains low levels of the glycemic index. As little as one cup of brown rice on a daily basis provides a person with almost 100% of their daily manganese requirement, which helps to produce energy from carbohydrates and protein. Brown rice is also extremely beneficial for normal functioning of the nervous system and the production of sex hormones.

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  • Green Cardamom

    Green Cardamom

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    Cultivation Cardamom of commerce is the dried ripe fruit (capsules of cardamom plant) often referred as the “Queen of Spices” because of its very pleasant aroma and taste. Cardamom is a perennial, herbaceous, rhizomatous plant. Based on the nature of panicles, three varieties are recognized viz. Malabar with prostrate panicle, Mysore with erect panicle, and Vazhukka with semi erect panicle. Plants are of medium size (2 to 3 mtr height) with pubescent leaves (on the dorsal side) and fruits globose in the case of Malabar, whereas plant robust (3 to 4 mtr height) with leaves glabrous on both sides with ovoid capsules in the case of Mysore. Vazhukka variety is a mix of both the above in physical characteristics. Cardamom refers to several plants of the similar genera Elettaria and Amomum in the ginger family Zingiberaceae. Both genera are native to India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bhutan; they are recognized by their small seed pods, triangular in cross-section and spindle-shaped, with a thin, papery outer shell and small black seeds. cardamom price, cardamom powder, cardamom benefits, cardomain, cardamom tea, ground cardamom, cardamom plant, commodity news, cardamom coffee, cardamom spice, organic spices, cardamom recipes, whole spices, cardamom auction, commodity trading, cardamom taste, wholesale spices, elaichi plant, cardamom price in India. Guatemala, where the German coffee planter Oscar Majus Kloeffer introduced Indian cardamom before World War I, has become the biggest producer and exporter of cardamom in the world, followed by India. Some other countries, such as Sri Lanka, have also begun to cultivate it. Elettaria pods are light green, while Amomum pods are larger and dark brown.The major use is for the preparation of ‘gahwa’ – a strong cardamom coffee concoction which is a symbol for hospitality among Arabs. Apart from this cardamom is widely used as a flavouring material in whole and ground form. In Asia, it can add a lingering sparkle to every kind of dishes both traditional and modern. In Scandinavian countries it is used in baked goods and confectionaries. In Europe and North America it is an ingredient in curry powder and in some sausages products. Cardamom oil and oleoresin has applications in flavoring processed foods, cordials, and liquors and in perfumery and in Ayurvedic medicines. Benefits of Cardamom Seeds For Skin: Whoever thought that cardamom seeds would be the fountainhead to clean and healthy skin? Cardamom seeds indeed help in cleansing the skin, thereby removing all toxins and giving it a natural glow. 1. Cardamom seeds will help in hydrating your skin. 2. These seeds have been used since time immemorial for their healing powers. They also have good antibacterial properties. 3. They help in internal and external warming of the body, thereby resulting in increased circulation of blood. 4. They are also known for nourishing the skin and giving it a tranquil effect. 5. Cardamom seeds are also beneficial for their regulatory properties on the skin. Now take a minute to know more about the benefits of  green cardamoms Benefits of Cardamom Seeds For Hair: 6. This delectable spice also stretches its merit to your hair’s health. Thisspice helps in strengthening the roots, thereby helping you gain strong hair. It is also known to provide shine and luster to your hair. 7. Steep the cardamom pods in Aloe Vera, oil and heat till you get the strong, delightful scent of cardamom. Take the saucepan off the stove and let it be for a day. Filter it out and voila. You have the cardamom-rich oil for your hair. Remember to use oil that doesn’t dominate the cardamom scent. Benefits of Cardamom Seeds For Health: This Queen of Spices offers a plethora of advantages due to its numerous healing capabilities and medicinal properties. In order to get an overview of its health benefits, read on. 8. Have you lost your appetite? Then add some powdered cardamom to your curry or chew some of its seeds to improve your appetite. 9. How many of us suffer from cold and headaches when its winter? You need to look no further. Just make cardamom tea and your headache will be gone in a jiffy! 10. Are you looking for a natural mouth freshener? Do you have odor problems? Chew a couple of cardamom seeds and it solves your breath problem (halitosis). 11. These seeds are the best solution for indigestion, belching and flatulence problems. Cardamom helps improve your digestion of food. 12. It is rich in minerals and vitamins like Vitamin A, B, C, niacin, riboflavin etc. It also helps in detoxification by removing toxins from the body. It is a great blood purifier and removes excess urea, calcium and other toxins from the kidney. This way, cardamom seeds are good for your kidney as well. 13. For those of you who suffer from hypertension, its time you consume cardamom on a regular basis as this spice has the capability of improving blood circulation to the lungs. This helps in reducing your blood pressure. 14. Various studies have shown that cardamom seeds are the storehouse of anti-bacterial and even anti-tumor properties. It is also known to be rich in antioxidants. 15. It also improves metabolism and boosts your immunity. Cardamom Chewed as a Breath Freshener Popping a cardamom pod in your mouth can help get rid of unwanted food smells and give your breath a nice, fresh odor. It makes a nice change from chewing gum and is great to chew after a spicy meal. That’s just a small selection of the uses of thisgorgeous spice and it’s easy to see why it’s loved all around the world and has made its mark on so many cuisines. Once you’ve tried adding cardamom to your dishes on a regular basis, you will be hooked on its subtle flavor and warm tones. Try mixing it with other spices or adding different amounts of it to dishes, until you’ve worked out the ideal amounts for your favorite recipes. Begin with just a pinch in a bread or cake recipe, or a podin with casseroles or stews and work up from there.

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  • Fresh Marigold Flowers

    Fresh Marigold Flowers

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    Marigold  flowers from July to September. The scented flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs). It is hardy to zone 6 and is frost tender. The lower leaves are broad and spatula-shaped. Upper leaves may be oblong, are smooth at the edges, and are arranged alternately along the stem. Seeds are crescent to horseshoe-shaped with the rough exterior. Its branching stem grows to the height of 30- 60 cm. Online flower shop, flower delivery, flowers online, florist, flower arrangements, flower shop, buy flowers online, florist near me, flower store. Marigold flower plant is propagated by the seeds. They are shown during the early spring. Marigold flowers do not need cultivation but the soil should be free from the weeds. The seeds should be shown 2cm apart. Seeds should be planted in the sunny locations. Fertilizers should be added from time to time. They require damp to the wet soil for the growth. The seeds are germinated in two to three weeks. It needs full sunlight for its growth.Other Names of Marigold: The marigold is also known as Mary bud, pot marigold, ruddes, golds, holigold, gold bloom and the garden marigold Useful Parts of the Plant: The petals or the flower heads The marigold is known for its bright orange colored flowers as well as its numerous medicinal properties. Marigold is grown mainly in March and April and is known to grow rapidly. There are different varieties of the plant and they are divided into four basic species. These include African Marigold, French Marigold, Triploids, and single Marigold. There are also sub-types with all of these major varieties. Nutritional Information and Properties: With regards to the nutritional information pertaining to marigolds, they are known to be a rich source of flavonoids and vitamin C. they have no fat content and therefore aid weight loss. Health Benefits and Therapeutic Uses One of the health benefits of marigolds is that it is used in the treatment of minor burns when used in the form of ointments or a tincture. On account of the anti-inflammatory properties of marigold, it is also used in the treatment of allergic reactions, eczema and bruising. Health benefits of marigold oil also include it being used in the treatment of plantar lesions that tend to occur on the feet. Another one of the benefits of the marigold flowers is that it is very beneficial in getting rid of an oily complexion naturally. In this treatment, fresh flowers need to be soaked in warm water and then applied to the skin at least once a day and allowed to remain for 10 minutes before washing it off. Marigolds are also known to have plenty of health benefits on account of their high content of antioxidants. These antioxidants are known to be effective in combating the damage that may b caused by free radicals which are typically the by-products of environmental factors such as pollution or cigarette smoke or even normal body functions. The lycopene present in marigold is also known to lower the risk of heart disease and prostate cancer. The antioxidants present in marigolds are also known to protect the eyes from macular degeneration and cataracts. Health benefits and therapeutic uses of marigold flowers as well as the leaves of the marigold include it being beneficial inminimizing the number of tumors in the case of breast canceras well as in the prevention of the development of new cancer cells. Besides breast cancer, Marigolds are also known to be effective against colon, leukemia, and melanoma cancer cells. One of the medicinal uses of marigolds is that it promotes thegrowth of both new blood vessels as well as new skin tissue and hence it is used in the healing of wounds such as burns, scrapes as well as irritated skin. When consumed internally, marigolds are also known to help against digestive inflammation in the form of duodenal or gastric ulcers on account of its anti-inflammatory properties. Marigold tea is also known to be effective against painful mouth and stomach ulcers as well as colitis. Marigolds are effective in this aspect because they tend to stimulate the lymphatic system and thereby minimize the swelling as well as cleanse the body of toxins which may be contributing to the ulcers. Marigold flower is also used in the form of an ointment for women who are suffering from breast cancer to minimize dermatitis that is usually caused by chemotherapy. The petals of the marigold flower are also used in sitz baths as they are effective in healing vaginal infections, bladder infections, healing of stitches post childbirth as well ashemorrhoids. To prepare a sitz bath the petals of the marigoldflowers should be boiled for some time and then added to the warm bath water. One of the health benefits of marigold juice is that it is very effective in healing scabies and warts.

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  • Fresh Guava Fruits

    Fresh Guava Fruits

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    Cultivation Guavas  are common tropical fruits cultivated and enjoyed in many tropical and subtropical regions.Psidium guajava (common guava, lemon guava) is a small tree in the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae), native to Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. Although related species may also be called guavas, they actually belong to other genera, such as the “strawberry guava” Acca sellowiana. fruit market, guava benefits, guava leaves, guava fruit, goa fruit, fruit importers, vegetable supplier, red guava, guava paste, yellow guava, types of guava, Guava exporters. Guava fruits, usually 4 to 12 centimeters (1.6 to 4.7 in) long, are round or oval depending on the species. They have a pronounced and typical fragrance, similar to lemon rind but less sharp. The outer skin may be rough, often with a bitter taste, or soft and sweet. Varying between species, the skin can be any thickness, is usually green before maturity, but becomes yellow, maroon, or green when ripe. The pulp inside may be sweet or sour, and off-white (“white” guavas) to deep pink (“red” guavas). The seeds in the central pulp vary in number and hardness, depending on species.Guava is termed as superfruits because of the presence of multiple health benefits nutrients-vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, copper, manganese, fibre, flavanoids, and other phytochemicals.  It is surprising to know that guavas are having more vitamin C than oranges and more potassium than  bananas. One guava contains 169 mg of vitamin C while an orange has only 69 mg.Guava is also used as guava jams and jellies.  To know in details about the Top 15 Health and Medicinal Benefits of Guavas, go through the article. Now take a minute to know about the benefits of  Guava fruits Guava for cancer treatment Guava is one of the important fruits which are abundant with cancer-fighting antioxidants-Lycopene.  The phytochemical-lycopene is good for treatment and combating of cancers such as prostate and breast cancer. The higher concentration of Lycopene fights with free radicals andprevents the risk of cancer and heart diseases. For cancer diseases, one should prefer to red-fleshed guava over other varieties of guavas. The antioxidants also prevent the formation of cancerous tumors.  The other nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, flavonoids, beta-carotene, lutein and cryptoxanthin along with antioxidants also help to fight free radical cells which credit to cause cancer. Guava is plentiful of dietary fiber that aids in protecting of colon mucous which prevents toxins and cancer-causing cells.  Fruits rich in carotene such as guava are known to fight off lung and oral cancers too. Guava treats hypertension Guava is highly useful in the treatment of blood pressure, hypertension, and heart disease. Guava contains adequate fiber and also hypoglycemic in nature which helps to control cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Guava improves heart health, prevents stroke by controlling high blood pressure and lowering cholesterol which is credited to the presence of a moderate quantity of potassium. Guava Exporters. Guava for skin care and beauty Are you facing the problems of skin loosening, regular eating of guava works significantly in improving the texture and health of the skin? Guava enhances skin texture, tightening the loosening skin,  and far better options than the nourishing lotions available in the market. The higher concentration of minerals and nutrients present in guava makes the skin toned, fresh and wrinkle-free. Guavas also help to revive the lost elasticity of the skin. The astringents present in guavas keep the skin away from blemishes, acne, wrinkles, and pimples. Guava, being anti blemishes in nature, also known for anti-aging properties. For skin beauty, you may also wash your face with the decoction of immature guava fruits and its leaves. Constipation home remedy through Guava Guava contains sufficient quantity of dietary fiber and roughage that are extremely beneficial for constipation piles and hemorrhoids.  A 100 gram of guava contains about 36% of the recommended daily intake of fiber. Guava seeds are powerful laxatives, help in chronic constipation and cleansing the digestive system. Dietary fiber helps in digestion and absorption of nutrients from food substances. Guavas contain a higher amount of insoluble fiber that facilitates the movement of wastes from colon; clean the intestines and excretory system and help in the treatment of constipation. Since guavas cleanse the intestine, so it is also an effective remedy for intestinal laziness. Weight Loss through guava Many of us don’t know how to lose weight naturally and effectively through diets and foods. Guavas are the important weight loss foods. Guavas are rich in dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins with no cholesterol and low carbohydrate; give you the satisfaction of fullness. If you want to lose your weight naturally, eat one or two guavas at lunchtime. It is sufficient to give you energy till the evening. Guava leaves are also considered as a weight loss diet. The adequate roughage keeps your stomach full, reduces the desire of more eating thereby helps to lose weight from tummy and other regions. Fruit Market. Guavas juice health benefits Guavas juices are prepared of young leaves and guavas. Guavas juiceshave many health and medicinal benefits. Guavas juices are refreshing innature.  Guavas juices are rich in fiber which is beneficial for a proper functioning of digestive system. It helps to cleanse the body. Also useful for obese as well as diabetic patients. Guava for acidity treatment Guavas act like as alkalinity inside the body.  The basicity properties of guavas are used in the treatment of acidity and hyperacidity. Guavas juices are helpful in releasing of toxins from the body, especially from the stomach.

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  • Carrot


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    The carrot is a root vegetable, usually orange in color, though purple, red, white, and yellow varieties exist. It has a crisp texture when fresh. The most commonly eaten part of a carrot is a taproot, although the greens are sometimes eaten as well. It is a domesticated form of the wild carrot Daucus carota, native to Europe and southwestern Asia. carrot top, benefits of carrots, baby carrot, wild carrot, carrots nutrition, health benefits of carrot, carrot calories, candied carrots, carrot juice, carrot recipes, carrot juice benefits, carrot salad, carrot plant, vitamins in carrots, cooked carrots, harvesting carrots, Indian Carrots, red carrot, fresh carrots, ooty carrot, carrot price, uses of carrot, fresh vegetables exporter. The domestic carrot has been selectively bred for its greatly enlarged and more palatable, less woody-textured edible taproot. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reports that world production of carrots and turnips (these plants are combined by the FAO for reporting purposes) for the calendar year 2011 was almost 35.658 million tonnes. Almost half were grown in China. Carrots are widely used in many cuisines, especially in the preparation of salads, and carrot salads are a tradition in many regional cuisines. This is a selection from half-sib progeny of a local type (D.C.3). The roots are long and slightly tapering with attractive deep orange color. Suitable for growing in hilly areas at the altitude above 1800m. The crop is medium in duration (100-110 days) and suitable for growing in all the three seasons throughout the year. The central core is thin, fleshy and palatable. The crop is free from pre­mature bolting and resistant to powdery mildew, leaf spot, and drought. The roots are rich in Beta-carotene. It yields 49.1 t/ha with a seed yield of 700-1000 kg/ha.     carrots benefits for skin are , thanks to the abundant amounts of Vitamin A and other antioxidants which protect against various skin problems and help in maintaining skin health. The benefits of eating carrots for skin are as follows: Carrots for Glowing Skin: Consumption of carrots keeps your skin healthy and vibrant as they are loaded with Vitamin C and antioxidants. Carrots can also be used to prepare an inexpensive and convenient face mask. All you need to do is to mix grated carrot with some honey and apply it as a face mask to get glowing skin. Treatment of Blemishes/Scars: Drinking carrot juice is effective in getting rid of blemishes and scars. You can also apply carrot pulp on your skin to clear the blemishes.1 Anti-aging Benefits: Carrots also contain Vitamin C which aids collagen production in the body. Collagen is a type of protein that is vital for the maintenance of skin elasticity. It helps prevent wrinkles and locks the process of aging. Vitamin A, being an antioxidant, also attacks the free radicals to prevent signs of aging like wrinkles, pigmentation and an uneven skin tone. Sun Protection: Beta-carotene in carrots is a skin-friendly nutrient that is converted into Vitamin A inside the body. It helps in repairing the skin tissues and provides protection against the sun’s harsh rays. The antioxidants and carotenoids protect and condition the skin to increase its immunity against the sun and heal sunburns. In fact, consumption of carrot juice in summer acts as a natural sunblock. Suitable for Dry Skin: Deficiency of potassium can lead to dry skin. Carrots are rich in potassium; hence, drinking carrot juice can prevent this problem as well as keep your skin hydrated. Treatment of Skin Ailments: Carrots are effective in the prevention and cure of various skin ailments. The antioxidants in this vegetable can treat skin conditions like pimples and acne, rashes, dermatitis and other skin problems caused due to Vitamin A deficiency. However, keep in mind not to consume carrots in excess as they can cause your skin to temporarily turn yellowish orange in color. Healing Qualities: Carrots possess great healing qualities. Raw or grated carrots can be applied to wounds, cuts, and inflammation for quick healing. Their anti-inflammatory properties help to revitalize and tone the skin. Carrot Facial Masks for Skin: Wondering on how to use the carrot on a face? Here are carrot facial masks for you to check out. Carrot Moisturizing Facial Mask: Things you will need: 2 teaspoons of grated carrot A teaspoon of honey A teaspoon of milk cream Few drops of olive oil Preparation and Usage: Grind the grated carrots to smooth paste. Collect this carrot paste in a small bowl and add all the remaining ingredients to it. Blend well with a spoon and your quick homemade carrot moisturizing facial mask is all ready to use! Cleanse your face with a gentle facial cleanser and apply this carrot mask evenly over your skin. Let it sit on your face for 10-15 minutes. Splash cold water and wash away after that. Pat dry to see your soft, glowing and of course moisturized skin. Carrot Calming Facial Spray: How does our facial skin feel after getting exposed to sunlight and dust? Doesn’t it feel uncomfortable and tanned? Give your skin a soothing carrot spray to get that calmness. Extract the juice from fresh carrots and mix this carrot juice with 2 parts of rose water. Store this liquid in an old, cleaned spray bottle and that’s it! Your homemade calming carrot facial spray is ready for usage. You can use this spray over your body skin to calm down heat, tan and sunburns! Hair Benefits Since ages, carrots have been known to promote hair growth and add thickness to the hair. Being loaded with Vitamin A, carrots offer the following benefits for your hair. Treatment of Hair Loss: Carrots are great for combating hair loss as they provide your hair with vital vitamins, making them stronger, thicker and shinier. Drinking carrot juice for hair makes your hair healthy. This is the best benefit of carrots for hair. Stimulates Hair Growth: Consuming 3 to 4 ounces of carrot juice daily stimulates hair growth as well as thickens your hair. Vitamin C and Vitamin E in carrot improve circulation in the scalp, thus promoting hair growth and prevents premature graying of hair.

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  • Basmati Rice

    Basmati Rice

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    Basmati rice has been reported in India since the early days of the 19th Century though it may have been named differently. ‘Bas’ in the Hindi language means “aroma” and ‘Mati’ means “full of” hence the word Basmati i.e. full of aroma. This rice is different from other rice mainly due to the aroma and elongation post cooking. No other rice has this combined characteristic. The post cooking elongation of more than twice its original length, the aroma, and its sweet taste have made basmati rice a delicacy. Basmati rice is grown only in Northern India and in parts of Pakistan touching India. One can easily call it the Champagne of India. Indian Rice, Long grain rice, Parboiled Basmati Rice, Sella Basmati rice, 1121 basmati rice, rice producers in India, the largest producer of basmati rice, parboiled rice, and brown basmati rice. A well known Company in the USA had applied for the Patent of Basmati Rice i.e. it could label its product as Basmati Rice and in turn, nobody else could use this nomenclature for its product. It is like somebody, say in India, gets a patent registered for Champagne and then nobody, even people in France (where Champagne originated from) would be allowed to call its product as Champagne. Though the authorities in the USA have rejected the claim however they have allowed their three strains of rice to be called basmati rice. This is also against the principles as basmati rice is only grown in UP, Punjab, Haryana and J&K in India and Punjab in Pakistan for decades. Any rice grown elsewhere other than the above regions cannot be called Basmati, as it cannot have the combined characteristic of aroma and elongation post cookingbecause of the soil and weather conditions.The Basmati Rice diet is an extension of the Rice Diet program. The Rice Diet program is based on a 1939 North Carolina study, in which subjects were monitored on the diet. According to RiceDietProgram.com, it may help prevent or treat obesity, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and other health problems. The diet consists of eliminating excess sodium and simple sugars from your diet. Instead, you consume healthy carbohydrates such as Basmati rice in your meals. Your diet also consists of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and lean proteins. Basmati rice can be part of a sensible diet plan because it provides you with beneficial vitamins, minerals, and protein. Basmati Rice During the course of this diet plan, you are allowed to eat starches such as Basmati rice as your body’s main source of energy. Basmati rice is aromatic rice grown in India and Pakistan. It has a nut-like texture and a buttery flavor. It is considered long-grain white rice and is lower in starch than other varieties. According to The Wellness Encyclopedia of Food and Nutrition, this means that Basmati rice does not raise blood sugar quickly for those concerned with diabetes. Basmati rice is usually soaked for 30 minutes up to two hours before cooking. It can be cooked in low-sodium broth, fresh fruit or tomato juice. Significance of Sodium A main component of the Rice Diet program is to significantly decrease your intake of sodium. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends no more than 2,400 mg of sodium in your diet. However, the Rice Diet suggests limiting yourself to 500 mg per day. According to author Kitty Rosati, excess sodium or salt in your diet is linked to high blood pressure, water retention and weight gain. Basmati rice is aromatic rice and does not need to be enhanced with salt. If you want to add flavor, squeeze some lemon juice, herbs and spices over your rice. Considerations for Fiber Basmati is refined white rice that has been stripped of its bran layer. In The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, Dr. Jonny Bowden says that stripping the grain of its bran removes essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Dr. Bowden suggests using brown rice because it has not had its bran layer removed and retains its nutrients. In The Fiber35 Diet, author Brenda Watson says that fiber found in brown rice protects against various types of cancer, lowers cholesterol levels and prevents heart disease. Serve Basmati rice mixed with brown rice to get the benefits of fiber into your diet. Other fiber-rich foods consumed during the Rice Diet include fresh vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and seeds. Effects on B-Vitamins Basmati rice provides you with key nutrients such as iron, manganese, and B-vitamins such as niacin and thiamin. Niacin and thiamin play a role in the breakdown and utilization of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. According to the University of California at Berkeley, the B-vitamins are depleted through the processing, preparation, and cooking of Basmati rice. As a preliminary step to cooking, Basmati rice is soaked before cooking, which may increase the loss of water-soluble B-vitamins. To ensure you are getting an adequate amount of B-vitamins in your diet, include other acceptable food sources such as sunflower seeds, peanuts, whole grains, mushrooms and oily fish. Considerations for Protein According to FatSecret.com, a 3/4-cup serving of Basmati rice provides about 3 g of protein. In The Food Bible, author Judith Wills says that protein is essential in your diet for growth and development. The protein contains different amino acids that are used in your body for different purposes. Essential amino acids are those that your body cannot produce on its own and must obtain from food. Foods that contain all essential amino acids are considered “complete proteins.” Basmati rice lacks certain amino acids and needs to be combined with other forms of protein that contain the missing amino acids. You can mix Basmati rice with legumes, nuts or seeds to form a complete protein in your diet plan. Carbohydrates One serving of basmati rice contains 35 grams of carbs, most of which is found in the starchy white grain inside the bran. While you should definitely watch your intake of carbs, especially if you’re not an active person, basmati rice is composed of complex carbohydrates, meaning it’s digested easily and made available as an energy source for the body fairly quickly. Basmati rice also contains a little less than 1 g of fiber per serving. As far as carbs go, rice is a better choice over something like bread. Fat As stated previously, rice is a low fat, low cholesterol food. Most of its very minimal fat content located in the grain’s germ, which is stripped away during the milling process for white rice. Brown rice maintains its germ and has a very slightly higher fat content. Most of your concern regarding fat consumption should come from how you prepare your rice dish; whether or not you use a lot of butter or oil while it’s in the rice cooker, and what kind of toppings you’re putting on it.Plain basmati rice itself is very low in fat, with about 1 g per serving.

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  • Primary Business Manufacturers
  • Secondary Business Type Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers
  • Year of Establishment 2014
  • No. of Employees 20 - 50
  • Ownership Type Individual (Sole proprietorship)

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  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
We are Proudly Supply the All type of Agricultural Products to our Global Customers via Quality, timing, satisfaction and Relationship. Our Employees like as Business partners are well experienced in Quality maintenance. We are the Youngest Exporter from india, We are directly buying and manufacturing the Products from Ooty, kodaikkanal, dindigul, salem.
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Contact Information


  • Mr. M Ayyavu
  • 12/14/1 SouthKadu,Katchupalli,Edappaadi,Salem, Edappadi, Tamil Nadu