Organic Coconut Sugar
240 Per Kilogram
We feel happy to supply 1005 pure organic manufactured coconut sugar with all certifications tested. This organic coconut sugar is hygienic and best for health. This coconut sugar is produced from coconut wine. This sugar can be kept for long duration of time without any contamination.
Organic Coconut Sugar
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coconut sugar is a whole, pure and completely natural sugar, free of additives and preservatives. It doesn’t go through the extensive refining process as sugar does, so it is a whole, pure food. Coconut Palm sugar is a rich source of vitamins and minerals like amino acids, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc and is a completely safe as a diabetic sugar substitute. Coconut sugar has a low glycemic index of 35, making it safe and convenient for any one concerned with blood sugar levels. It helps Improve Glucose and Lipid levels in diabetics (both Type 1 and Type 2) Provides Slow Energy release, typical of Slow GI Food, which sustains your body through your daily activities without regular sugar sugar high’s and low’s. Coconut sugar is gluten free and is suitable for those with digestive disorders like cellac disease. Ideal for those allergic to dairy and wheat. Aside from the health benefits, coconut sugar also tastes good! Coconut sugar is a great sugar alternative for many reasons. It bakes very well and helps you to give an amazing texture to all your favourite dishes! It’s sweet enough to replace regular white sugar in, but healthy enough to call it a “whole nutrient rich” food. Features : Excellent source of nutrients High in demand Superior quality
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