firoze fabricators Mettur, Salem, Tamil Nadu

  • Storage Tanks

    Storage Tanks

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    Fabrication & erection of Molasses storage tanks. - 4000 MT to 12000 MT Capacities.M/S. Sakthi Sugars Ltd, Unit I Sakthi Nagar, M/S. Sakthi Sugars Ltd, Unit IV, Modakuchi, M/s.Bannariamman Sugars Limited, Unit I Sathyamangalam, M/s.Bannariamman Sugars Limited, Unit II Nanjangud, M/s.Bannari Amman Sugars Limitd, Distillary Division, Peryaupuliyur, Bhawani, M/s.Bannariamman Sugars Limited, Distillary Division, Nanjungude,Karnataka, M/s.Dharani Sugars & Chemicals Ltd, Unit I & II, Vasudevanallur & Polur, M/s.Thiru Arooran Sugar Mills Ltd., Tirumandankudi, Kumbakonam, M/s. Sree Ambika sugars ltd, tukuli, kattor,Kumbakonam, M/s. Sree Ambika sugars ltd, kanadukandan, veruthachalam

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  • Steel Plants

    Steel Plants

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    Through M/s.SCIL India Limited, Calcutta. Project site at M/s. Southern Iron & Steel Co.Ltd, Mettur Dam.( Now Jintal). Fabrication and erection of Blast Furnace Gas Holder tank 39M. dia x 33M. height with complete structural arrangement with telescopic type 3 stage including gas ducting .

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  • Stable Bleaching Powder Plant

    Stable Bleaching Powder Plant

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    Our Special Expertise is in supplying of Stable Bleaching Powder Plant Equipments of 2 to 5 M Tons Batch Capacity. Chlorination drum (Reactor) and it's connected of Main drums, End covers, Rotor shaft, Arms & blades, Dust return screw conveyor, Discharge door, Ventury & Lime Scrubber, Storage Bunker, Vibrator, Rotary Feeders, Screw conveyors, Rake Elevators.

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  • Paper Plants

    Paper Plants

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    Supply of stainless steel Thickener Drum assembly, supply of Coating kitchen Process vessels. Fabrication erection of pulp mill , Chemical recovery plant - Carbon steel, stainless steel 304/ 316 Storage tanks , clarifier tanks around 1000Mt , Fabrication erection of total plant stainless steel and mild steel process piping, M/s. Servall , karamadai, Blit Industrial Packaging Co. Ltd, Coimbatore. M/s. Seshasayee paper & Boards ltd, Pallipalayam, Erode.

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  • Distillery Plant

    Distillery Plant

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    Distillery Modernization projects, new plants at the following Distillery units directly & through M/s. Praj Industries Ltd., Pune Complete fabrication & erection of Distillery Plant connected Structural, Boiler, and Chimney works. Molasses, Alcohol & Receiver Storage tanks, Erection of Distillation, Evaporation, ethanol Plant equipments, Fermentation storage/settling tanks, connected Stainless steel, mild steel and copper pipe lines etc.

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  • Cogen Plant Conveyor Project, Gas Based Power Plants and Sugar Plants

    Cogen Plant Conveyor Project, Gas Based Power Plants and Sugar Plants

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    Fabrication and erection of Sugar Plant main building structure, boiling house, Clarification house, Mill house, sugar Godown structures, sugar bin, crystallizers, syrup heaters, Juice heaters, evaporators, Clarifiers, batch, continuous pan, Pan discharge valves, lime classifier, process storage tanks molasses storage tanks, sugar refinery System , Chimney & connected pipe lines etc. Erection of Sugar Plant machineries and Day to day regular maintenance works. Supply Fabrication, Erection of Chimney and its supporting Structure, Charge Air, Exhaust gas Ducting its support structures, Furnace ,LUBE oil, DM water Storage tanks. Unloading, leading erection of DG set, auxiliaries, plant pipe lines.M/s. Technick., Pune Coal and Baggase Conveyer Systems at M/s. Sakthi Sugars Ltd., Sakthinagar M/s. Tecpro Engineers (P) Ltd., Chennai Coal and Baggase Conveyer Systems at M/s. Sakthi Sugars Ltd., Sakthinagar M/s. Belcosys Infra Tech Private Ltd., Hyderabad Coal and Baggase Conveyer Systems at M/s. Madras Sugars Ltd., Thirukovilur.

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  • Chemical Plants.

    Chemical Plants.

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    Fabrication and erection of structural building , Equipement Erection , Pipelines with Radiography Quality welding for their all Expansion project. Revamping of EDC cracking furnaces, Erection of Bullet tanks, Dehydration Reactors (37 MT single unit), Polymerizer, Blow down tanks and is connecting SS & MS pipe Line . VCM Gas Holder tanks 200 Cu.M. & 400 Cu.M., SS/MS Storage tanks. Supply of Tri Chloro Ethylene plant, Reaction Tower, Process vessels, Heat Exchangers, Erection and commissioning of Niro Dryer Plant SS Silo, Drying chamber (SS 304), Powder silo, DuctingM/s.Chemplast Sanmar Limited, Mettur Dam - 2. M/s.Chemplast Sanmar Limited, Mettur Dam - 3. M/s.Cabot Sanmar Limited, Mettur Dam - 3. M/s.Kinetic Technology India Limited, New Delhi. M/s.Kilburn Engineering Limited, Mumbai. M/s. L &T Niro Limited, Baroda

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  • Aluminum Fabrication Plants

    Aluminum Fabrication Plants

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    Fabrication /erection of Aluminum Smelter unit, Cathode Basins, Saddles, Anodic Pots , Winch Foundation Frames, Burner assembly / ducting ,Anode/Cathode Bus bar (Aluminum) Connection assembly, Scrubbing Towers. Distillation tanks/filter press, Kelley filters etc.M/s. Madras Aluminium Co.Ltd.,Mettur DamM/s.Consolidated Engineering Construction Co.Ltd., Bangalore.M/s. Sriram EPC Chennai.

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
FIROZE FABRICATORS is a partnership firm came in to the Engineering Industry during 1964 and started their Organization set up in 1978 with in the area of one acre at D2, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Mettur Dam - 636 402.
We are one of the leading Engineering Industries with well equipped workshop facilities having capable and experienced engineers, technicians, skilled, and semi skilled work force to undertake wide range of services in the field of fabrication, and supply of equipments to various process Industries.
We carry out contracts for all kinds of mild steel, stainless steel, copper & aluminum fabrication, supplying and erection of heavy machinery and equipments to various process Industries like Power Plant Boilers components pressure parts vessels & non pressure parts, Sugar Plants, Distillery Plants, Chemical Industries, Paper Industries, Textile Units and Agro based Industries. It includes of process plant equipments, D.G. sets, Storage tanks, Steel structures and plant piping etc.
We are the leading manufacturer of Stable Bleaching Powder Plants - 2MT & 5MT per batch capacity on Turnkey basis in all over India.
Our clientele include reputed giants of the Industry all over India. To our credit are numerous successful projects in Chemical, Textile, Metallurgical, Paper, Sugar, Distillery, Fertilizer, and Thermal power plants
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Contact Information

Firoze Fabricators

  • Firoze Fabricators
  • D-2 & D3 SIDCO Industrial Estates, Dam, Mettur, Salem, Tamil Nadu

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