Solar Module
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* IEC Standard Solar Panels. * TUV Certified. * Efficiency of the modules ranges from 13% to 15.5%. * Highly qualified Solar Modules with 25 years warranty. * Efficiency for 10 years will be 90% and for remaining period 80%. * High Reliability.
Solar PV Modules
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LYTON offers an extensive range of PV modules in Amorphous and crystalline technology that are IEC certified. Depending on the Energy requirements, Geographical location, Environmental conditions and space constraints, an optimal solution is provided. Amorphous Silicon (Thin Film technology) Ranging from 30 Wp to 60 Wp Crystalline Silicon (Multi and Mono) Ranging from 75 Wp to 300 Wp
Best Deals from Solar Modules
Solar Module
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Solar Module, Solar Charger, Solar Lights, Solar Panel Boards
Solar PV Modules
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Solar PV Modules, Solar PV Panels