P-Rich Biofertilizer
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We are a reputed Manufacturer and Supplier of P-Rich Biofertilizer from Sangli, Maharashtra. Our P-Rich Biofertilizer is formulated with high quality ingredients and in a hygienic environment. To ensure its quality, we package them in high grade materials before dispatching it to the customer. Owning to our efficient logistic structure, we are capable of delivering bulk quantity of P-Rich Biofertilizer to the length and breadth of the country. Mode of Action : Carbon utilization : The bacteria contained in P-Rich on application to the soil get activated and multiply by utilizing the carbon source of soil or exudates of the root and in this process secrete organic acids and enzymes. Metabolite Production : Bacillus megaterium produces organic such as lactic acid , gluconic acid , citric acid , succinic acid , propionic acid and enzymes that help solubilize the fixed phosphorus into exchangeable form. These organic acids through their hydroxyl and carboxyl groups chelate the cations (mainly Calcium) bound to phosphate converting them into the soluble forms. An inverse relationship is observed between the pH and soluble-Phosphorus concentration which indicates that organic acid production by phospho bacteria plays a significant role in the acidification of the soil medium facilitating Phosphorus solubilization and easier assimilation by plants. Target Nutrition : Phosphorus mobilization. Crops : P-Rich is suitable for application on Cereals , Millets , Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops , Sugar Crops , Forage Crops , Plantation crops ,Vegetables, Fruits, Spices , Flowers , Medicinal crops , Aromatic Crops , Orchards and Ornamentals. Compatibility : P-Rich is compatible with BioPesticides and other Bio Fertilizers. Shelf Life : P-Rich is stable for a period of 1 year from the date of manufacturing. Population density : 1×109 cfu/ml Packing available : 1litre/5 litres/20litres. Method of Application : For spraying- 1 to 2 ml/lt of water. For drip/drenching-1lt/acre For soil treatment-1lt in 25kg cowdung for 1 acre. Technical Name : Bacillus Megaterium
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