Laxmi Fantabac Agro Bio Pesticide
200 Per Litre
100 Litre (MOQ)
By making use of streamlined packing system, we become capable of meeting the bulk and customized packing requirements of the clients. Moreover, we ensure complete safety of the orders. We ensure complete contentment to the clients by delivering only flawless range of goods as we store the complete batch in our capacious warehousing unit that is well-structured and maintained. Fantabac (Laxml's Very Efficient Microbes) : Fantabac Is the result of extraordinary and continuous research In Microbiology. When sprayed on crops, It results in healthy by crop yields with significantly low expenditure. Moreover, Fantabac being an 'Eco-friendty' product contains no chemicals; it contributes maintaining the ecological balance, and protects nature. Advantages of Fantabac : Prevents prematze sheddiig of flowers and fnits. It activates the photo synthetic activity of plants. Helps in balanced all-round development of plant tissues. Enhances the growth of rods, secondary roots and tertiary roots. Enhances the capacity of absorption of water and essential soil nutrients by the crops. Improves the colour and the taste of flowers and fruits respectively. Enhances crop resistance against insects and pests. Improves the 'keeping Quality of farm produce. Helps decrease expenditure end increase crop yields. Improves 'keeping quality" especially after harvest Presentation : Fantabac is available in a liquid form contains strains of P-Solubittg Bacteria, Lactic acid bacteria, Actinomycetes, N-fixing bacteria,CFU Count : I x 109/ml min.Dosage : For Spray - 3-4 ml per Lit of water Drench/ Irrigation : 1 Mlx 0.8 to 1 itt In 200 it water and apply to 1 acre area . Only for Agri. Use : Shake Well before use. Keep in Dry place. Keep away from direct Sunlight & Heat. Packaging : 500m1/ 1 ir. In bottles. Other packing is Available on request.
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