Free Forced Vertex
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The company has installed all the in-house facility wherein we maintain a large stock for meeting quick and massive requirements of the clients. Buyers can rely on us for on-time and safe delivery as we are aided by modern transit facilities.
Forced Vortex Apparatus
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It consists of a transparent cylindrical vessel which can be rotated by a variable speed motor. In this vessel by using varies and a cylinder suitably, free and forced vortices can be formed. An upper probe can traversed horizontally and vertically across full diameter of the vessel, so that water surface profile can be measured in case of forced vortex. Both axes contain graduation so that exact position of the probe is known. The vessel will be mounted on suitable rotating platform with bottom drain arrangements for the vessel.
Best Deals from Forced Vortex Apparatus
Forced Vortex Apparatus
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Forced vortex apparatus, We also manufacture the equipments and control systems for sugar industries mainly mill automation, boiler instrumentation, prd stations and embibition water control system.
Forced Vortex Apparatus
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Forced vortex apparatus of transparent cylinder mounted on rotatable base plate. When water is directed tangentially in the cylinder, free vortex is formed. A pointed tracer provided with scale enables to plot the water surface profile. The cylinder can be rotated with the help of small motor, so that forced vortex is formed. The forced vortex can be observed at different speeds.
Free and Forced Vortex Flow Apparatus
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Free and Forced Vortex Flow Apparatus, Losses in Pipes Apparatus