Whirling Of Shaft Apparatus Dealers in Sangli

(3 products available)
  • Whirling Of Shaft Apparatus

    Whirling Of Shaft Apparatus

    50,000 Per Piece

    • Brand Name: Labline
    • Finishing: Powder Coated
    • Driven Type: Electric
    • Packaging Type: Wooden Box
    • space: 40 cm x 180 cm

    features : 1.  unique model on which various nodes can be observed for different shaft size2.  on this equipment, various nodes can be observed by changing end  conditions.3.  easy to demonstrate.4.  guards for fixing the nodal positions. introduction :this equipment is used to study the phenomenon of whirling of shafts for different end conduction's.  whirling frequency may be also determined by this equipment for various nodes. specification :1)  shafts made from steel & of the following  nominal dimensions. dimensions mm-in  length mm-4.76mm or (3/16)"      900 or (36)6.35mm or (1/4)"        900 or (36)8 mm     or (5/16)"      900 or (36)2) drive 'tullo' make single phase ac/dc  fractional hp  6000 rpm.3) dimmerstat for controlling of  z ampps speed. range of experiments : display of the various modes of whirl for a  range of shafts with -a)  both ends  directionally freeb)  one end fixed and the other free.modes of vibration can be studied & the frequency  can be measured in each case. experimental procedure :the speed of rotation of shaft can be  measured  by use of a stroboscope ( not supplied  with the unit.) when the shaft is in the second mode of whirl., the strobo may used for accurately determining the nodal position.  tachometer cab also be  for  speed measurement ( not supplied  with product.) space requaired : 1)   a floor space area of  40 cm  x  180 cm  is sufficient for this unit.2)   weight =  70 kg.it is necessary to change the shafts after each experiment. During whirling the shaft is subjected to permanent deformation. service  requaired : 1) ac 220 v.,  50 hz. Supply2) hand technometer3) stroboscope * * hand technometer & stroboscope are in the scope of supply but however it can be made available at extra cost on purchasers request. almost  care is taken for preparing this literature, but still if there are any mistakes, those may be excused.  we reserve our right to change or modify the equipement without notice.  

  • Whirling of Shafts Apparatus

    Whirling of Shafts Apparatus

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    Display of the various modes of whirl for a range of shafts with * Both ends directionally free. * One end Fixed and the other Free.

  • Best Deals from Whirling Of Shaft Apparatus

  • Whirling Of Shaft Apparatus

    Whirling Of Shaft Apparatus

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    Whirling of shaft apparatus , We also manufacture the equipments and control systems for sugar industries mainly mill automation, boiler instrumentation, prd stations and embibition water control system.

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