Dry Methi Leaves
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gri Gold's Dry Methi Leaves is processed keeping in mind the health factor of individuals. It is stamped "The GOLD Standard". It's a promise of superior quality, highest purity and absolute trust. "The Gold Standard" is expected to become a new benchmark in the food/edible category market. Quick Overview "The Gold Standard" food and processed product of Agri Gold are made out of the traditional methodologies while being processed with the latest technologies in the industry in the Company's own factory. The entire exercise retains the original taste and flavours of ingredients. The company is comitted to the core values of maintaining purity and quality across all our products.
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This is another invaluable contribution of the mint family and contains white needle like leaves which are extremely fragrant in nature. Rosemary or Rosmarinus officinalis belongs to the botanical family of Laminaceae and the botanical order of Lamiales. The Mediterranean region is where it is natively found. Rosemary derives its name from the Latin dictionary from the words ros or dew and marinus or sea, thus the combination of the same culminates into rosemary or dew of the sea! The Greek also refer to it as Anthos or flower and it is historically significant to them. An ancient myth says that the Virgin Mary had spread her cloak over the white flowers of the rosemary plant while she was resting and the same flowers magically turned blue, thus the plant also came to be known as Rose of Mary and has ever since been considered sacred by the Greeks, Romans and the Egyptians.
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