Wow Mom Lactating Nutrition Drinks
A Delicious Nutrition for Pregnant and Lactating Moms It’s always important to eat a balanced diet — and it’s even more important when the woman is pregnant because what she eats is the main source of nutrients for her and her baby. However, many women don’t get adequate nutrition with daily foods. Wow Mom has been scientifically designed keeping in mind the increased nutritional requirements of expecting mothers. Wow Mom is a protein rich supplement that contains high quality protein and DHA, which is essential for physical as well as brain development of the foetus. Besides protein and DHA, it also contains many essential nutrients and vitamins, which play a significant role in baby’s health and development. An unborn child is fully dependent on the mother’s intake and this is why WowMom should be a part of the daily diet. Wow Momprovides HBV (High Biological Value) Protein : It will enhance healthy weight gain during pregnancy and transport nutrients and oxygen to and from the cells throughout the body. DHA , Folic acid and Choline: DHA an omega 3 fatty acid that is not present in the human body. DHA has a major role to play in brain growth and formation, ~ 60 per cent of brain tissue comprises of fatty acid and half of these acids are DHA. Dietary Fiber and FOS (Fructooligosaccharides): Dietary fiber supplementation will decrease constipation, lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of preeclampsia. And support healthy digestive system. Calcium and Vitamin D: It helps to build strong bones, teeth and aids the absorption of calcium. USP High quality protein, PDCAAS 1 DHA, Choline, Folic acid FOS Low fat supplement
...moreWholesome Health Nutrition Drinks
Wholesome Nutrition for Wholesome Health The food choices we make every day affect our health . Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Wholesome is high quality nutritional supplement that has been specifically designed to assist in the nutrition, fitness and health goals of individuals. It provides protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin, minerals and energy requirements in a balanced way. Wholesome when mixed with water/milk makes a delicious drink that can be used as nutritional supplement or as a meal replacement. Protein: It helps in growth of the muscles, bones, skin and blood. Helps in body repairing tissue. MCTs: It is easy to digest & provides an ideal energy boost throughout the day. MUFA: helps to improve blood lipid profile, lowers the risk of cardiovascular complications and helps maintain the healthy weight. USP PDCAAS 1 High Biological Value Protein Medium Chain Triglycerides MUFA rich Fat Profile Lactose Free Trans Fat Free Essential Micronutrients High Solubility & Rapid Dissolution
...moreRenoDiet Pre Dialysis Nutrition Drinks
RenoDiet LP Pre Dialysis Nutrition Malnutrition is common with chronic kidney diseases (CKD) with its onset and severity linked to the level of Glomerular filtration rate (GFR). As GFR level falls the nutritional status becomes markedly mere compromised and metabolic abnormalities become more apparent. RenoDiet LP have been formulated based on the NKF/KDOQI clinical nutrition guidelines. RenoDiet LP is a unique blend of Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates, Fibres, Amino acids, Antioxidants, Phosphate Binders, Vitamins and Minerals. RenoDiet -LP specifically designed high calorie and low protein medical nutrition for dietary management of patients in stage 1-4 of CKD. RenoDiet LP is designed to provide low protein to help slow decline of kidney function and high energy to specifically meet the nutritional demands of pre dialysis patients. Protein Low protein from product gets better utilized by the body to help slow decline of kidney function Fibre CKD patients run a high risk of constipation. Many people with CKD don’t get enough fibre, because many fibre sources are too high in potassium and phosphorus and thus are avoided. Adequate fibre in diet will Keeps GI (gastrointestinal) function healthy. Carbohydrate Maltodextrin is a gluten-free and easily digestible Carbohydrate which provides instant energy. Amino acids CKD patients need supply of necessary amino acids, in order to improve the protein deficiency situation and delay the progression of kidney failure. Minerals CKD patients are advised a diet / supplement Low in Phosphorous, Potassium and Sodium. RenoDiet LP is specially formulated with low contents of these minerals. USP Nutritionally complete with 28 vitamins and minerals Low in Na/K/P** MUFA rich fat Soluble and Insoluble Fibres Phosphate Binders Enriched with Amino Acids and Alpha Lipoic Acid *European Best Practice Guidelines (EBPG); ESPEN (European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism); US National Kidney Foundation KDOQI and KDIGO guidelines when used as sole source of nutrition.
...moreProPedia Children Nutrition Drinks
A Complete Balanced Nutrition for Children Healthy eating habits is a must for children and it is good to start from an early age. Early food experiences will go on to impact their eating patterns and habits right through to the adulthood. ProPedia has been scientifically formulated to meet the increased need of the growing children for protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins & minerals and can be used as a sole source of nutrition. ProPedia contains Growth Nutrients, Immunonutrients , Neuronutrients , Essential Micronutrients, Healthy fat profile rich in MUFA, Unique blend of Prebiotics & Probiotics, Calcium & Phosphorous for bone and teeth development. Immunonutrients - FOS, Probiotics, Vitamins, Zinc, Selenium These immune nutrients are the building blocks of the immune system. Neuronutrients - DHA, Omega 3, Omega 6, Taurine, Choline DHA, Omega 3 fatty acids make up about 8 to 10 percent of the brain's weight. Neuronutrients overall increases cognitive function & attention, facilitates cerebral metabolism & energy utilization, expand learning capacity in children.. Unique blend of Prebiotics & Probiotics (Dietary Fibre/FOS) Helps to support healthy digestive system, prevent GIT complications. Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins D, C & K Combination of essential nutrients designed to help build, maintain strong bones and healthy bone development. USP of ProPedia Essential Micronutrients Healthy fat profile rich in MUFA DHA Unique blend of Prebiotics & Probiotics High Net Protein Utilization Lactose free, Trans fat free
...moreLivWel Hepatic Care Nutrition Health Drinks
Specialized Nutrition for Hepatic Care Patients with hepatic disorders are exceptionally vulnerable to developing inadequate nutrition in their body because of the key role played by the liver in regulating the nutritional state and the energy balance. LiveWel is a specially designed nutritional support for people with liver disorders. It is calorie densed and facilitates increased calorie consumption with minimal fluid intake. It is rich in Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCCA), MCT’s Dietary Fibres, and Antioxidants as they facilitate complete liver health. BCCA To support and preserve/restore muscle mass and to improve hepatic encephalopathy High MCT Medium Chain triglycerides are very efficient in metabolizing and digesting in GIT. Dietary Fibres Allows regular bowel movements, controls cholesterol, and helps normalize blood sugar level. High Antioxidants Blocking the damage caused by free radicals thus heals wounds and also participates in vital redox reactions of the body USP of LiveWel Low Fat, Low Protein, Low Sodium Amino Acids & BCAAs Powerful Antioxidants Medium Chain Triglycerides Fibre Enriched
...moreLeanWel Weight Loose Nutrition Drinks
More than two-third of adults and almost one-third of children and adolescents are overweight or obese. LeanWel is great tasting meal replacement diet to provide complete balanced nutrition with reduced calorie intake. The specially designed lean calorie diet is low in fat , high in fibres, fortified with essential micronutrients and hence is recommended for people trying to lose weight in simple and healthy way. LeanWel is comprised of Natural Fat Burners, Protein, Complex Carbohydrates, Dietary Fibres, Vitamins And Minerals. Hydroxy Citric Acid (HCA) Suppress fatty acid synthesis, increase fat breakdown & suppress hunger, Reduce total lipid level, Inhibit CHO to fat conversion. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Increase lipolysis (fat breakdown) in adipocytes, reduces the fat cell size, increases cell death of adipocytes. Soy Protein Isolate It effect satiety and reduce excess fat. Dietary Fibres Soluble fibres help to regulate Cholestrol and blood sugar levels and Insoluble fibre make feel full for a longer period . Chromium Control blood lipids, lower LDL cholesterol & increase HDL cholesterol. USP Nutritionally Complete Rich in Soluble and Insoluble Fibre Fortified with Amino Acids Fat burners Easily absorbed Protein Gluten free
...moreGradual Diabetes Nutrition Drinks
Advanced Nutritional Supplement For Patient With Diabetes Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires a holistic approach in terms of care to prevent both acute and long-term complications. Nutritional management for diabetic patients has been evolving for 100 years as the pathophysiological basis of the complications incurred from diabetes becomes more explicit. Gradual supports the increased nutrition needs of diabetics with Nutriose As diabetics mostly on polypharmacy and they are prone to develop GI complications hence it modulates the composition, supports the growth and effectiveness of beneficial bacteria and keeps the intestine and colon in good shape.
...moreGlutaZen Nutrition Health Drinks
Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid that is both naturally found in the foods we eat, as well as synthesised internally in times of need. Due to being conditionally essential, whereby glutamine is only needed specifically in times of depletion, glutamine is one of the best time specific recovery, immune boosting and gut health supporting supplements on the market. GlutaZen Health Benefits are, Helps maintain cell volume and hydration, speeding up wound and burn healing and recovery. Benefits you by replenishing declining Glutamine levels during intense workouts. Helps in management of growth hormone levels. A study has shown 2 grams of L-Glutamine increased growth hormones by over 400%. May serve to boost your immune system. For bodybuilders, this is important since heavy workouts tend to greatly deplete Glutamine levels. (Glutamine is a primary energy source for your immune system.) Offers one of the most important nutrients for your intestines. It has the ability to 'repair a leaky gut' by maintaining the structural integrity of the bowels. May even cure ulcers! Studies have found that 1.6 grams of Glutamine a day had a 92% cure rate in 4 weeks. Indication: To Accelerate Muscle Growth and Repair To Support Intense Workouts
...moreDiabetic Nutrition Food
CopeWel Nutrition Health Drinks
Specialized Pre- Postoperative Nutritional Support Poor nutritional status is a common problem in patients admitted for surgery. It is often not recognized and hence, not treated. If the patients are not given adequate nutrition, there is an increased chance of developing complications after surgery and the length of stay in the hospital also increases. CopeWel is a specialized high protein postoperative nutrition to support wound healing and hyper metabolism associated with surgical recovery. CopeWel fulfils the energy, fluid, protein, vitamins and electrolyte requirements in the immediate postoperative period to reduce fatigue and improve recovery of surgical patients. Proteins Protein is required for formation of tissue in healing wounds, controlling swelling at the surgical site, or resisting infection. Amino Acids Enhances immune system function, support vital organ functions and promote wound repair. MCT Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) are more rapidly absorbed by the body and more quickly metabolized (burned) as fuel. Fats Healthy MUFA rich fatty acids will improve immune response and aid the body’s absorption of vitamins. USP High in Protein & Amino Acids Rich in Dietary Fibre Fortified with Glutamine, Alpha Lipoic Acid Medium Chain Triglycerides Lactose free, Sugar free and Gluten free
...moreCanWel High Calorie Nutrition Health Drinks
High Protien, High Calorie Nutrition for Cancer care. Advancement in therapy, the early detection methods, better treatment has improved the prognosis of cancer to a great extent in the last few decades. However, along with treatment, adequate nutrition can also be considered as an important aspect in recovery and management of cancer. Good nutrition can help maintain weight and improve quality of life in cancer patients. CanWel is High Protien, High Calorie balanced nutritional supplement for cancer care, CanWel , contains Enzymatically Pre-digested Protein, Powerful Antioxidants, Fortified with EPA & DHA, Goodness of Curcumin & Lycopene, Fibre Enriched, Sucrose Free that help meet the increased nutrition needs of cancer patients. Proteins Predigested protein enables faster absorption in cancer patients having poor GI and helps in healing and rebuilding tissues affected by cancer cachexia and side-effects of cancer treatment.. Carbohydrates In cancer, if enough calories are not available from carbohydrates, the body starts breaking down proteins stored in the body. So, to spare the protein reserves, adequate carbohydrates should be provided in the diet of cancer patients. Fats, MCT MUFA , ω-3 Fatty Acids Along with other nutrients, fats is required in cancer patients to make up for the inadequate daily intake. Omega-3, an essential fatty acid, can increase response to chemotherapy and should be consumed by cancer patients undergoing treatment. EPA /DHA Helps to preserve the lean body mass, increased physical activity, improves appetite and weight gain, whereas DHA have immunomodulatory properties. Dietary fibre (5.5 gm) , FOS (2.3 gm) Intake of fibers and FOS may help to treat diarrhoea and improve gut health Vitamins and minerals To improve the quality of life of cancer patients. Cancer patients requires supplements rich in vitamins and minerals to fulfil the increased need. USP of CanWel Powerful Antioxidants Fortified with EPA & DHA Goodness of Curcumin & Lycopene Fibre Enriched Amino Acids Sucrose Free
...moreBIOLEANMAS Muscles Nutrition Drinks
BIOLEANMAS Feed Your Muscles A key component of bodybuilding success is nutrition. Nutrition gives you the raw materials for recuperation, energy and growth. Without a good diet, you'll never achieve your ideal body. Bioleanmas has been formulated with 100% Whey Protein (WP)-The gold standard protein. BioleanmasTM provides the active body with exactly what it needs—pure unadulterated fuel. This formula will fuel the body up to take on even the most demanding workouts. The specialized formulation maximizes protein synthesis by delivering the naturally occurring amino acids and increasing the nitrogen levels in the body. Other benefits include antioxidants and components that aid cellular strength and your body's immune system. Whey Protein BioleanmasTM comprised primarily of Gold standard protein (100% whey Protein) which is a blend of whey protein isolate (purest form of whey protein available) and Whey protein concentrate which ensures rapid digestion. Creatine Monohydrate Creatine in BioleanmasTM can potentially impact on exercise performance through a number of different mechanisms. The most direct is by increasing muscular stores of creatine phosphate which is used to resynthesize ATP during high-intensity. USP Fast Digesting Whey Protein Supports Lean Muscle Growth Added Creatine Monohydrate Naturally occuring BCAAs Low Levels of Carbohydrate, Fat and Cholesterol
...morePediatric Nutrition Food
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