Soya Milk Plant
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The Soya Milk Plant we offer is extensively used for producing milk ,tofu,(Paneer), Yougrt (Curd) from soak soya bean. The Soya Milk Plant can be availed at the market leading prices. We have established a formidable name as a reliable Soya Milk Plant manufacturer and Supplier located in India. Construction : The Soya Milk Plant is fabricate with food grade stainless steel and contains : Boiler Grinding cum cooking unitFilter press Model Capacity : ASIC-60 60 literASIC-90 90 literASIC-30 30 LiterASIC-45 45 liter Optional Accessories : Caning retortHydrolic paneer pressureDedoiser which works on 220/440 volt AC. supply.Deioniser3 phase motor