We are offering triphala means a complete body cleanser that acts as a cleaning agent for the human body. Triphala is extensively used by natural healers in india for curing many problems. Triphala is a perfect combination of fruits and is highly useful in medical industry due to numerous health benefits. botanical combination of triphala haritakivibhitakiamalaki advantages high antioxidant qualities high vitamin content high vitamin chelps to detoxify and cleanse the colon useful in treatment of cancerhigh bold pressurehigh cholesterol problemnoise and stress induced conditions comman name harra, bhera, amla.
...moreTerminalia Arjuna Leaves
We take the credit for introducing high grade Terminalia Arjuna Leaves to the valued clients across the country. The Terminalia Arjuna Leaves offered by us has antibacterial properties and is used for the treatment of dropsy, piles and diarrhea. The Terminalia Arjuna Leaves offered by us is also appreciated for being hygienically processed free from external contaminants. Why Our Terminalia Arjuna Leaves? NaturalHighly pureRich in medicinal propertiesFree from all contaminants Used In Treatment Of DropsyPilesDiarrhea
...morePhyllanthus Niruri
We are offering phyllanthus niruri that is a perfect ingredient added in ayurvedic medicine. All parts of phyllanthus niruri are used for the treatment. Due to its strong roots, the phyllanthus niruri is called as a “stonebreaker”. The phyllanthus niruri plant is dried as an extract and acts as a diuretic and astringent. Clients can avail phyllanthus niruri at very competitive rates from us. common name bhumiamla widely used for treatment of dysentery and intestinal colicfor treating chronic liver diseasesas a diuretic in oedemain ayurvedic medicines used for treatment of jaundicegonorrheafrequent menstruationdiabetes used as a poultice for skin ulcerssoresswellingitchiness
...moreMucuna Pruriens Seeds
We are offering mucuna pruriens seeds or kaunch beej offered by us is commonly known as cowhage, cow itch is one of the popular medicinal of india. Mucuna pruriens seeds constitutes one of the main constituents in many indigenous drug formulations. All parts of cowhage posses valuable medicinal properties. We offer the mucuna pruriens seeds at affordable rates. rich source of tocopherol or vitamin ecomman name : kaunchbeej applications beneficial in parkinsons diseaseused as a foliage crop to fertilize and protect fallow fieldsfeed the beans and seeds to multi-stomached animals such as cows for a protein and fiber rich food source botanical name mucuna pruriens.
...moreGymnema Sylvestre Dry Leaves
We provide the purest Gymnema Sylvester Dry Leaves, which are gift of nature for us. Gymnema leaf is used as an ayurveda medicine to reduce blood sugar levels when used for an extended period of time. The Gymnema Sylvester Dry Leaves taste like sugar when it is placed in the mouth and is used to fight sugar cravings. A special extract comes from its leaves known as Gymnemic acids, which exhibit anti-sweet activity. It is also said that the herb actually reduces cravings for sugar by blocking sugar receptors in the tongue.It is used in an all natural medication for diabetes with other ingredients such as cinnamon, chromium, zinc, biotin, banaba, huckleberry and bitter melon. Common Name Gurmar Scientific Name Gymnema Sylvestre Benefits Fights sugar cravingsGymnemic acids exhibits anti-sweet activityBlocks sugar receptors in the tongueReduces blood sugar levelsGood for healthNo side effects Bio-active Constituents Belongs to the group of oleanane type triterpenoid saponins known as gymnemic acidsThe latter contain several acylated (tigloyl, methylbutyroyl etc.,)Derivatives of deacylgymnemic acid (DAGA) which is 3-O-glucuronide of gymnemagenin (3,16,21,22,23,28 hexahydroxy-olean-12-ene)Includes gymnemic acids I-VII, gymnemosides A-F, gymnema saponins Usage For Diabetic Medicines Mixed With Other Ingredients Like CinnamonChromiumZincBiotinBanabaHuckleberryBitter melon Chemical Composition The major bioactive constituents of Gymnema sylvestris are a group of oleanane type triterpenoid saponins known as gymnemic acids. The latter contain several acylated (tigloyl, methylbutyroyl etc.,) derivatives of deacylgymnemic acid (DAGA) which is 3-O-glucuronide of gymnemagenin (3, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28-hexahydroxy-olean-12-ene)2. The individual gymnemic acids (saponins) include gymnemic acids I-VII,gymnemosides A-F, gymnemasaponins.
...moreGum Ghatti
We are instrumental in the manufacturing and supplying of gum ghatti. The variety of gum ghatti offered by us undergoes processing in which the impurities are removed through sifting, aspiration and density table separation. The gum ghatti can successfully form oil and water emulsions and is therefore used in beverages. properties complex polysaccharideoccurs as a calcium magnesium saltconsists of l-arabinose, d-glactose, d-mannose, d-xylose and d-gluconic acidodorless and bland in tastecolor varies from light to dark brown; the lighter the colour the better the quality80-90% soluble in waterforms a colloidal solution in cold or hot water used in beverages
...moreEvolvulus Alsinoides
We are offering evolvulus alsinoides offered by us is popularly known as shankhpushpi. The evolvulus alsinoides has anti-ulcer effects due to augmentation of mucosal defensive factors like mucin secretion and glycoproteins. In addition to this, shankhapushpi is also helpful in improving symptoms of hyperthyroidism by reducing the activity of a liver enzyme. botanical name evolvulus alsinoides plantcomman name :sankhapushpi health benefits used as psychostimulant and tranquilizerethanolic extract of the plant reduces total serum cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and nonesterfied fatty-acidreduces symptoms associated with anxiety, panic attacks, nervousness and insomniareduce mental tensionhelpful in nervous exhaustion and memory loss.
...moreEmblica Officinalis
We are offering emblica officinalis that is rich in vitamin c. The emblica officinalis is a green fresh fruit that is refrigerant, diuretic and laxative and is also highly effective for carminative and stomach ache. The dry fruit emblica officinalis is sour and astringent in taste and prevents early graying of hair and cure hair fall. why our emblica officinalis? high medicinal valuenaturalpureeffective health benefits prevents early graying of haircures hair fallhighly effective for carminative and stomach ache comman name amla.
...moreCyperus Rotundus
Our company offers the purest and most natural cyperus rotundus which is known widely for its fragrance. The tuberous rhizome is slightly fragrant and contains essential oil. The fragrance resembles lemon and cardamom. Its tubers are used as perfume for clothing and as a means to repel insects. Tubers contain fat, sugar, gum and carbohydrates, albuminous matter starch, fiber and ash, and traces of an alkaloid. Cyperus rotundus is capable of dissolving several times its weight of lecithin and other amino acid substances associated with the formation of calculi. common name nagarmotha, balisanga ; barsanga ; boto-botones scientific name cyperus rotundus herb description slender, erect glabrous perennial, 10 to 40 centimeters highrhizomes are wiry bearing black, hard, ovoid tubers, which are about 1 centimeter in diameterstems are usually solitary, 3-angled aboveleaves are 5 to 15 centimeters long or sometimes as long as the stemsthe umbel is simple or compound, 2 to 6 centimeters longthe spikes are dense or rather lax, of from 3 to 8 spikeletsthe spikelets are brown, slender, 10 to 25 floweredthe glumes are 2.5 to 3 millimeters long, closely or loosely imbricatethe nuts are obovoid or oblong, black and granulate medicinal benefits roots are used medicinally as a diaphoreticis an astringenta stimulant and good herbal tonica demulcentthe tubers are used also as a tonic, stimulant, and a stomachicapplied to the breast in the form of paste or warm plaster as a galactagoguewhen dried, they are applied to spreading ulcersgiven to women in childbirth and to infants for digestiontubers are used for liver complaints with icterusfor malariafor headachesgiven for urinary disorders
...moreCassia Tora Seeds
Our offering Cassia Tora Linn is extremely useful in terms of its medicinal properties. It has got a high ranking not only in Ayurveda but is used and taken widely in various other cultures and countries. The seeds, ground with sour buttermilk, are used to ease the irritation of itchy eruptions. Seeds are sometimes employed as a substitute for coffee and also in adulterating it. In India the seeds are used in dyeing and along with indigo. Common name Pawad, foetid cassia, andadasi-nga-dadakkel, balatong-aso Scientific Name Cassia tora linn Herb description A stout, erect, smooth and rank-smelling herbHalf-woody annual which is one meter or less in heightThe leaves are 8 to 12 centimeters long and pinnately compound with 6 leafletsThe leaves are furnished with glands on the main rachis between the leafletsThe leaflets are obovate to oblong-obovate and 2 to 5 centimeters longThe flowers are crowded, in pairs, in the axils of the upper leavesThe pods are slender, up to 15 centimeters long, and 3 to 4 millimeters thickThe seeds are flattened in the same direction as the pod Chemical composition The leaves have the following percentage composition: water72.2 percent; petroleum ether extract9.75 per cent; ether extract0.86 per cent; absolute alcohol extract1.63 per cent; watery extract, 20 per centThese solutions are precipitated by hydrochloric acidThe precipitate has a close analogy to chrysophanic acidEmodin C15H10O5) is trioxymethyllanthraquinone and chrysophanic acid dioxymethyllanthraquinoneDistinguished by its insolubility in benzeneThe seeds contain phytosterine and glucosenine Usage As a remedy for ringworm and scabiesIn the form of paste, with limejuice, for ringwormPrescribed in the form of decoction for children while teethingAs a poultice or hasten suppurationAs a mild purgative or as a cure for coughsFor dysentery and ophthalmia Chemical Composition The leaves have the following percentage composition: water, 72.2 percent; petroleum ether extract, 9.75 per cent; ether extract, 0.86 per cent; absolute alcohol extract, 1.63 per cent; watery extract, 20 per cent. The ethereal extract and the alcoholic extract contain a glucoside substance of a yellow color insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and in water solutions of potash, in which cases it assumes a blood-red color. These solutions are precipitated by hydrochloric acid. The precipitate has a close analogy to chrysophanic acid,. Emodin(C15H10O5)is trioxymethyllanthraquinone and chrysophanic acid dioxymethyllanthraquinone.The medicinal properties of the plant are due to the presence of emodin.Chrysophanic acid is most of its properties, but may be distinguished by its insolubility in benzene, and greater solubility in ether alcohol.The seeds contain phytosterine and glucosenine.
...moreBacopa Monnieri
we are offering pure and processed boswellia serrata or commonly known as indian frankincense or salai. It is found in rajasthan and madhya pradesh in india. Its aroma is generally considered to be far inferior compared to boswellia sacra or boswellia frereana. Boswellia serrata is used in the manufacture of the supposed anti-wrinkle agent "boswelox". Boswellia is the gummy resin of the boswellia tree. It is native to india and used for centuries by ayurvedic doctors. It is an ayurvedic plant that contains anti-inflammatory terpenoids called boswellic acids.common namekunduru, salaiscientific nameboswellia serrataherb descriptionboswellia serrata is a medium sized treewith ash coloured papery barkthe leaves are like neem plant and have small white flowerson injury, it exudates an oleo-gum-resin known as salai guggal or indian frankincensebenefitsfor treating arthritiscures osteoarthritis and joint functionparticularly for osteoarthritis of the kneelargely used as incense because of its very unique fragranceboswellia has been shown to be effectivebetter than drugs like phenylbutazonethe only non-coniferous source of turpentine and resin in indiaayurvedic formulations for treating asthma and arthritis
...moreAsparagus Racemosus
The herb asparagus racemosus is known widely for its beneficial features and we provide it in the purest quality. Asparagus racemosus or according to its more popular name “shatavari” is considered to be very beneficial for humans. This herb is known to be a very good aphrodisiac and is very useful for overall women health and development. Asparagus racemosus is considered to be the main ingredient in ayurvedic rejuvenating female tonic for overall health and vitality. The reputed adaptogenic effects of shatavari may be attributed to its concentrations of saponins, known as shatavarins. common name satavari scientific name asparagus racemosus benefits good for healthrejuvenating female tonicprovides health and vitalityhigh concentrations of saponinsgood aphrodisiacgood anodyne herb description a creeper1 to 2 meters tallprefers to take root in gravel, rocky soils, high up in piedmont plainshas odd little pine-needle-like leaves that are uniform shiny greenhas minute, white flowers on short, spiky stemsfruits are blackish-purple, globular berrieshas an adventitious root system with tuberous roots uses in female tonicfor making aphrodisiacsin anodyne
...moreAndrographis Paniculata
we are engaged in the manufacturing and supplying of andrographis paniculata. The andrographis paniculata range is widely distributed throughout the plains of india from uttar pradesh to assam, madhya pradesh, tamil nadu and kerala. The andrographis paniculata has the medicinal properties like cooling, laxative, vulnerary, antipyretic, antiperiodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, depurative, soporific, anthelmintic, and compoundskalmegh contains bitter principles andrographolide, a bicyclic diterpenoid lactone and kalmeghin (upto 2.5%).specificationsbotanical name : andrographis paniculatacommon name : kalmegh [chirayta]family : acanthaceaepart : used whole plantused to treathyperdispsiaburning sensationwoundsulcerschronic fevermalarial and intermittent feversinflammationscoughbronchitis skin diseasesleprosycolicflatulencediarrhea dysenteryhaemorrhoids
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