Peak Trico-H Trichoderma Harzianum
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PEAK TRIC0-14 controls root rot, set rot. damping off, Dia back Ref Rust, witts of Fusarium, Ganoderma etc. Its metabolites stimulate seed germination. plant growth and early flowing & fruit formation Works best recovery from Hai Damage. Pest attack & as a Growth Promoter as well.Recommended for : Use in Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds, Cotton.. Vegetables, Fruit crops, Sugarcane. Ground Nut. Rubber, Turmeric, Tobacco. Tea, Coffee, Coconut etc. Dosage : Seed Treatment : Mix 20 ml PEAK TRICO-H in 50'0 ml of water and coat in seeds required for one acre. Spray : Mix 200 ml PEAK TRICO-H in 211 lir Weter sprayin one acre. Soil Application : Mix 250 ml of PEAK TRICO-H with 20 kg Farm Yard Manure (FYM) and broadcast to one acre area. Nursery Application: Mix 50 ml of PEAK TRICO-H in 100 ltr of water and drench on bed or pots. Precautions : Store the product in a dry place at room temperature. Avoid direct sun-light. Avoid extreme temperature conditions. At the time of application do not mix with chemical fertilizers or fungicides or insecticides. An interval of 10 to 15 days is required between the application of chemical products and Bio-controller in the field