hydro power project
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Hydro Power Project Sale & Purchase Service Provider All Over India. Hydro power project is very beneficial because no raw materials are required to generate electricity, only water is required. Himachal Pradesh is a hilly area, there is no shortage of water and Himachal Pradesh government is willing to buy electricity from hydro power project. Makes a power purchase agreement for 40 years and after 40 years again makes a power purchase agreement to buy electricity for the next 40 years at the revised electricity rate. Investment in this has to be made once and its income will keep coming for the coming generations and Himachal Pradesh government Payment is monthly made to the hydro power project on monthly unit basis, payment is never late and the cost of the hydro power project is nominal and the profit is very good, hence this project is very profitable. Contact Person Vishav Godara Proprietor B.R. Associates