Virgin Coconut Oil Spray
50 Per Kilogram
10 Kilogram (MOQ)
Virgin coconut oil spray (100ml) a dozen ways to use virgin coconut oil spray contains no chemicals and preservatives suggested use : 1 to 4 tablespoons to be taken daily. Ideal for cooking. Excellent for massage and external application on hair and skin. Store at normal room temperature. Avoid direct sunlight. To maintain freshness, keep bottle cap close when not in use. virgin coconut oil spray 100ml comes in a semi-transparent pet bottle. The coconut oil within will turn solid and liquid depending on the room temperature. it�s safe to use for cooking over high heat. Ind organic virgin coconut oil is: � made from natural, organically-grown indian coconut � zero trans fat & hydrogenated fat � cholesterol free � high in vitamins and minerals � no artificial flavoring � no preservative � unrefined & non bleached oil � rich in natural vitamin e � rich in lauric acid (a fatty acid that boosts our immune system) multiple benefits of virgin coconut oil health & medicinal use. Great for those who are or have: � overweight � high blood cholesterol � dry skin, wrinkles, eczema � constipation � arthritis � kidney or liver infections � high blood glucose level � bacterial, viral and fungal (including yeast) infections � digestive disorder � stress � diarrhea � cough and flu
...moreVirgin Coconut Oil
350 Per Kilogram
10 Kilogram (MOQ)
Virgin coconut oil is derived from the milk obtained from fresh coconut meat, and not from copra, by processes like fermentation, centrifugal separation and enzyme action. The main content of virgin coconut oil is 'lauric acid' which is found in mothers milk only. Its highest content of lauric acid builds up the natural immune power of human body thereby making it resistant to many of the bacteria, fungi and viral infections. here is a summary of what virgin coconut oil may do for your health: • improve your energy • reduce your risk of developing heart disease • reduce your risk of developing cancer • improve your ability to digest foods and absorb nutrients • promote weight loss and maintenance of your ideal weight • help prevent bacterial, yeast, fungal, and viral infections • support and enhance your immune system • help regulate your blood sugar and prevent or control diabetes • help prevent osteoporosis • help prevent premature aging and wrinkling of your skin • help keep your skin smooth and soft • help protect you against skin cancer and blemishes
Brand Name : IND Organic
Application : cooking, hair oil, massage
Country of Origin : India
...moreVirgin Coconut Hair Oil
100 Per Kilogram
10 Kilogram (MOQ)
Why can coconut oil help with hair growth? proper health and hair care go hand-in-hand when it comes to improving hair growth. The use of coconut oil can protect and moisturize the scalp while fostering growth of healthy hair. 1. Shield hair protein fatty acids bind to the protein in hair and protect both the roots and strands of hair from breakage. Lauric acid is found in coconut oil and has better results than other mineral or sunflower oils when it comes to improving hair health. 2. Seal in moisture moisture is essential for healthy hair and regular and consistent use of coconut oil is a beneficial technique. By penetrating the hair shaft, coconut oil protects against environmental impurities and excess heat. 3. Improve blood circulation a coconut oil scalp massage will effectively improve scalp circulation and boost nutrient and oxygen delivery to your hair. 4. Provide nutrients the natural antioxidants and nutrients found in coconut oil will deliver critical resources to improve your hair's softness and luster. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin e, vitamin k and iron and effectively eliminates dandruff while boosting hair growth. 5. Contain antibacterial and antifungal properties the scalp and hair are high in bacterial content, but coconut oil is an effective remedy to deal with the issue. Coconut oil contains both antifungal and antibacterial properties to protect against dandruff and lice. Both of these potential problems limit hair growth. How to use coconut oil for hair growth it is critical to avoid additives and impurities that can further impair hair growth. The best solution is to use only organic virgin coconut oil. The top choice is ind organic coconut oil and is the most natural form available. You can find it at most health food stores or in super market .
Color : Water Color
...moreSemi Husked Coconuts
250 Per Bag
1 Bag(s) (MOQ)
Semi husked coconuts we offer the premium quality coconut, obtained from reliable vendors of the industry and are made available to the customers in genuine quality packaging. Owing to their rich taste, freshness and high protein content, this semi husked coconuts is widely acknowledged by the clients backed by profound experience of the industry, we are exporting a vast variety of semi husked coconuts to various countries these coconuts are rusty brown with high nutritional value and rich in taste. All these coconuts are used in various indian sweets and recipes to enhance its taste and flavor. Adding to this, a team of adroit experts make sure that only high quality coconuts are delivered at clients' location within the scheduled time limit. It is also commonly called as fresh coconut, husked coconut, or de husked coconut. features: � free from rot and damage � natural taste � high water content � longer shelf life product detail: � high quality � best quality nuts � good for health � size of each coconut will be 13 cms or above � weight of each coconut will be 550 aa 600 gms � colour : light brown
Color : Brown
...moreOrganic Virgin Coconut Oil
350 Per Kilogram
10 Kilogram (MOQ)
Extra virgin coconut oil (evco) has a myriad of health benefits. When eaten, it can help regulate blood sugar, fight heart disease, speed up weight loss, and improve the immune system. Used topically, it can dramatically recover the condition of both skin and hair, preventing wrinkles and making your tresses stronger and shinier. One of the best things about coconut oil benefits is the fact that it eradicates the need for some of the most toxic, potentially harmful and drying �beauty� concoctions out there on the market. Look on the back of any one of your shampoo or conditioner bottles and you will almost without fail find alcohol of some sort or another as one of the main ingredients. How does adding alcohol to a product that is supposed to moisturize hydrate anything? another common culprit in most beauty products is petroleum- despite being a known carcinogen that potentially causes cancer, it�s in almost everything. Seriously, it�s in almost everything; toothpaste, makeup, lotions, deodorant, clothing, foods� evco is a natural and effective way to lessen your exposure to toxins without having to sacrifice any superficial benefits of a beauty routine. It is important to choose a product that is cold pressed, unrefined, organic, and basically as minimally processed as possible. I highly recommend ind organic extra virgin coconut oil, as it is as minimally processed as possible and also has no trans or hydrogenated fats (which is especially important if you are going to be using it for cooking or as a supplement). It smells fantastic, but the smell quickly fades once you have applied it to skin or hair.
Color : Water Color
...moreOrganic Neem Oil
We meticulously pack the entire lot for ensuring safe and secure deliveries across the boundaries. Making sure to capture all marketplaces of singampunari(India), our organization has arisen as an established provider of this range of product.
...moreNeem Pellets
40 Per Kilogram
1 Kilogram (MOQ)
Neem pellets are prepared from the neem seed kernels. In this process, oil is squeezed out from the neem kernel under cold process and the remaining biomass is called neem cake. For uniform and easy application without waste, neem cake is made in to pellets. Neem pellets enriches the soil with organic matter. The neem pellets contains. Organic nitrogen which is gradually released and is made available for a longer duration, thereby preventing leaching losses and preventing pollution of the underground water. The environment is not polluted. Rich in minerals and oligo-elements; it contributes to the mineral nutrition of plants. Neem pellets contain a minimum of 60% organic matter, which favours the development of microbial life in the soil. Prevents soil compaction, improves soil aeration and water retaining capacity. These characters lead to uniform and healthy growth of plants. Neem application results in broader leaves with higher chlorophyll content and improving the photosynthetic efficiency. Shoot and root systems develops well, leading to greater nutrient utilisation efficiency of the plant. The quality of fruits and vegetables improves; neem pellets application results in larger flowers with intense pigmentation, which gives a beautiful appearance. It is an organic manure with goodness of neem properties. Neem pellets increase the water retaining capacity of the soil and hence the plants tolerate the water stress situation. Dosage fied.crops rice�����...500kgha wheat���..�..600kgha sugarcane��...1500kgha soyabean��.�1000kgha tobacco��........750kgha potato���..�.1000 kgha
Color : Brown
...moreNeem Oil water Soluble
350 Per Kilogram
1 Kilogram (MOQ)
Nature neem oil ws ( ws mean : water soluble ) is the commonly used botanical pesticide in organic agriculture. Nature neem oil ws is widely used in several countries around the world today either singly in integrated pest management or in conjunction with synthetic pesticides. When compare to other known botanical pesticides nature neem oil ws is superior due to its wider application and influence in nearly 200 species of insects. It is significant that some of these pests are resistant to pesticides, or are inherently difficult to control with conventional pesticides (floral thrips, diamond back moth and several leaf miners). Nature neem oil ws belongs to the category of medium to broad spectrum pesticides. Nature neem oil ws works by intervening at several life cycle stages of the insect. It does not kill the pests instantaneously but make it incapacitates in several other ways. It is nontoxic to humans, birds, earthworms and animals. As a preventative, neem is mainly used when problems are just starting to show. What is does is to coat the leaf surface which in turn prevents the germination of the fungal spores. Neem is effective against rots, mildews, rusts, scab, leaf spot and blights. It works as a barrier not as a fungicide. It makes a great garden spray as a general tonic for plants and soil. Earthworm populations have been showed to increase with the use of neem as a tonic. Nature neem oil ws controls broad spectrum fungicideinsecticide miticide for indooroutdoor use on ornamental flowering plants, trees, shrubs, foliage, vegetables, fruits, nuts and home and residential landscapes.
Color : Yellow
...moreNeem Oil
350 Per Kilogram
1 Kilogram (MOQ)
Neem oil is a botanical oil, extracted from seeds and kernels of neem tree (azadirachta indica), a member of the meliaceae family, a botanical cousin of mahogany, by crushing. Neem oil or neem seed oil is a brownish yellow color liquid, with smell of garlic. Neem oil is slightly soluble in water and has 6.5 to 7.5 ph value, it boils at more than 200 degree celsius and freeze at 13 degree celsius. Neem oil is a broad spectrum pesticide, nematicide, fungicide and miticide. Its cost effective application make it organic pesticide of choice. Apart from its agricultural use neem oil is also know for it excellent therapeutic properties. It is used in human as well veterinary medicines our neem oil is an in-house prepared cold pressed and double filtered pure neem oil derived from supreme quality neem seeds. Uniorganicpro oil confirms to the specifications of bureau of indian standards. Neem oil is manufactured and tested with safe limit for aflotoxin b1, b2, g1 and g2 which are carcinogenic and toxic. Uniorganicpro oil is also free from heavy metals. Azadirachtin is the main active ingredient or content in neem oil. Uniorganicpro oil ranges from 1500 ppm up to 3000 ppm. We supply any quantity in any concentration with authenticating lab report and msds of neem oil. Neem oil is also showing encouraging results in cosmetic industry. Neem oil has a complex mixture more than hundred biologically active compounds in organic form. Most active compound in neem oil is azadirachtin, azadirachtin further has been classified as azadirachtin a and b, out of which azadirachtin a is more active and is in abundance. Active ingredient in neem oil includes : � azadirachtin � isonimolicinolide � nimbonin � salanin � azadirone � nimbidinin � nimbin � vepinin vn � meliantriol � meldenin � mahmoodin
Color : Yellow
...moreNeem Cake Powder
30 Per Kilogram
1 Kilogram (MOQ)
Neem cake powder with our expertise in the domain, we provide our customers with premium quality neem cake powder. These are highly demanded in the market for their application in soil conditioning, natural fertilizer, saving nitrogen and manufacturing various food, cash crops, pesticides and insecticides. Our offered powder are procured from our trusted vendors, which are further stringently checked by our quality analysts by determining the amount of oil left in it and through the process of extraction. Moreover, after mixing this neem cake powder in the soil it helps in increasing the nutrient content and fertility, when mixed with soil. specifications: � nitrogen: 3.56% � potassium: 1.67% � phosphorous: 0.83% � magnesium: 0.75% � calcium: 0.99%
Color : Brown
...moreNeem Cake
30 Per Kilogram
1 Kilogram (MOQ)
Neem cake as organic fertilizer: since very early in india neem are being used as a natural fertilizers. It had become very popular due to its dual impact of soil enhancer as well as pest repellent. Neem cakes as well as neem leaves are used to fertilize the soil. The followings are the nutrient content of neem seed cake: nutrients percentage and neem cake composition (n) nitrogen (2.0% to 5.0%) (p) phosphorus (0.5% to 1.0%) (k) potassium (1.0% to 2.0%) (ca) calcium (0.5% to 3.0%) (zn) zinc (15 ppm to 60 ppm) (cu) copper (4 ppm to 20 ppm) (s) sulphur (0.2% to 3.0%) (mg) magnesium (0.3% to 1.0%) (fe) iron (500 ppm to 1200 ppm) (mn) manganese (20 ppm to 60 ppm)
Color : Brown
...morekaranja oils
90 - 110 Per Kilogram
100 Litre (MOQ)
Product description: ind organic karanja oil: ind organic extracts the karanja oil by tcp ( temperature controlled process ) and this process ensures available of all the active ingredients in the karanja seed’s kernel. Ind organic is the only company offering high quality karanja oil for pharmaceutical and cosmetic process. most of the karanja oil available in the commercial market for bio diesel purpose, that have been extracted by solvent and the main purpose this oil for bio-fuel. That is entirely different from our natural way of extraction . the karanja seed procured by organic source and mountain area which has been ensured that quality and zero contamination by other factors. ind organic karanja oil, known for its medicinal and pesticide properties, is extracted from the seeds of pungam/ karanja (pongammia glabra syn pongammia pinnata) tree which is indigenous to india. The active ingredient in karanja oil is the liminoid karanjin.
Cultivation Type : Common
Color : Yellow
Type : Karanja Oils
Shelf Life : 2years
Country of Origin : India
...moreExtra Virgin Coconut Oil
200 Per Kilogram
10 Kilogram (MOQ)
Extra virgin coconut oil (evco) has a myriad of health benefits. When eaten, it can help regulate blood sugar, fight heart disease, speed up weight loss, and improve the immune system. Used topically, it can dramatically recover the condition of both skin and hair, preventing wrinkles and making your tresses stronger and shinier. One of the best things about coconut oil benefits is the fact that it eradicates the need for some of the most toxic, potentially harmful and drying �beauty� concoctions out there on the market. Look on the back of any one of your shampoo or conditioner bottles and you will almost without fail find alcohol of some sort or another as one of the main ingredients. How does adding alcohol to a product that is supposed to moisturize hydrate anything? another common culprit in most beauty products is petroleum- despite being a known carcinogen that potentially causes cancer, it�s in almost everything. Seriously, it�s in almost everything; toothpaste, makeup, lotions, deodorant, clothing, foods� evco is a natural and effective way to lessen your exposure to toxins without having to sacrifice any superficial benefits of a beauty routine. It is important to choose a product that is cold pressed, unrefined, organic, and basically as minimally processed as possible. I highly recommend ind organic extra virgin coconut oil, as it is as minimally processed as possible and also has no trans or hydrogenated fats (which is especially important if you are going to be using it for cooking or as a supplement). It smells fantastic, but the smell quickly fades once you have applied it to skin or hair.
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