Neem Oil Dealers in Singampunari, Sivaganga

(8 products available)
  • Neem Oil

    Neem Oil

    350 Per Kilogram

    1 Kilogram (MOQ)

    • Color: Yellow

    Neem oil is a botanical oil, extracted from seeds and kernels of neem tree (azadirachta indica), a member of the meliaceae family, a botanical cousin of mahogany, by crushing. Neem oil or neem seed oil is a brownish yellow color liquid, with smell of garlic. Neem oil is slightly soluble in water and has 6.5 to 7.5 ph value, it boils at more than 200 degree celsius and freeze at 13 degree celsius. Neem oil is a broad spectrum pesticide, nematicide, fungicide and miticide. Its cost effective application make it organic pesticide of choice. Apart from its agricultural use neem oil is also know for it excellent therapeutic properties. It is used in human as well veterinary medicines our neem oil is an in-house prepared cold pressed and double filtered pure neem oil derived from supreme quality neem seeds. Uniorganicpro oil confirms to the specifications of bureau of indian standards. Neem oil is manufactured and tested with safe limit for aflotoxin b1, b2, g1 and g2 which are carcinogenic and toxic. Uniorganicpro oil is also free from heavy metals. Azadirachtin is the main active ingredient or content in neem oil. Uniorganicpro oil ranges from 1500 ppm up to 3000 ppm. We supply any quantity in any concentration with authenticating lab report and msds of neem oil. Neem oil is also showing encouraging results in cosmetic industry. Neem oil has a complex mixture more than hundred biologically active compounds in organic form. Most active compound in neem oil is azadirachtin, azadirachtin further has been classified as azadirachtin a and b, out of which azadirachtin a is more active and is in abundance. Active ingredient in neem oil includes : � azadirachtin � isonimolicinolide � nimbonin � salanin � azadirone � nimbidinin � nimbin � vepinin vn � meliantriol � meldenin � mahmoodin

  • Neem Oil

    Neem Oil

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    Pure organic neem oil extracted from the neem seed kernels. We have been exporting the same to italy and uk on a regular basis.

  • Best Deals from Neem Oil

  • Neem Oil

    Neem Oil

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    We are offerining neem oil, neem seed oil, neem tree oil, neem oil manufacturer, neem oil supplier, neem oil exporter, organic neem oil, neem oil exporter, neem oil in india, neem oil manufacturers, neem oil suppliers, neem oil wholesaler.

  • Neem Organic Oil

    Neem Organic Oil

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    We sakthi exports (an iso 9001:2008 certified) exporter of neem oil and neem cake. neem oil is derived by pressing the seed kernels of the neem tree. it also contains vitamin e, other essential amino acids and some percentages of fatty acids. neem oil is an excellent moisturizing oil and contains various compounds that have insecticidal and medicinal properties. it is used in making shampoos, toothpaste, soaps, cosmetics, mosquito repellants, creams and lotions, pet products like pet shampoo, etc. neem oil helps to control common pests like white flies, aphids, scales, mealy bugs, spider mites, locusts, thrips, and japanese beetles, etc. they are bitter and have anthelmintic (vermifuge – destroys and expels intestinal worms) properties, as well as being anti-bacterial.

  • Neem Oil

    Neem Oil

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    Neem Oil We Sakthi exports are leading supplier of Neem Oil. Neem oil is derived by pressing the seed kernels of the neem tree between 40 – 50C. Neem Oil is yellowish brown in colour. It has strong odor and bitter taste. Azadirachtin and Nimbin are the main ingredient in Neem oil. The Azadiractin is the proven bio pesticide, it repel mealy bug, beet armyworm, aphids, the cabbage worm, thrips, whiteflies, mites, fungus gnats, beetles, moth larvae, mushroom flies, leafminers, caterpillars, locust, nematodes, Japanese beetle and manymore. And it is not known to be harmful to mammals, birds, earthworms and some beneficial insects. The azadirachtin content of neem oil varies from 300ppm to over 2500ppm depending on the extraction technology and quality of the neem seeds crushed. Nimbin is the best antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and fungicidal agent which is mainly used as a raw material in herbal cosmetics industry.

  • Neem Oil

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    Neem Oil

  • Neem Oil

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    Neem Oil, Virgin Coconut Oil, Karanja Oil, Citronella Oil

  • neemoil

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