Insulation Services in Solan

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    Protection plays out an essentially significant job across the handling and assembling areas for quite a long time. Not exclusively does the protection framework further develop process efficiencies, shield resources from the general climate and assist with saving energy and decrease costs, however significantly, gives basic staff insurance to individuals. Our exhaustive Industrial Insulation administration covers any application: if its hot, freezing or uproarious we have the experience, information and inventive advancements to suit.

  • eps insulation

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    Our Company is an authorized Service Provider of EPS Insulation (Styropor Roofy). The cellular material made from Styropor is exceedingly light. About 98% of its volume is occupied by air and this is contained within closed cells. For these reasons our EPS Insulation is a very poor conductor of heat, and is widely used in construction industry as an insulant. The EPS Insulation that we offer is marked by low thermal conductivity, energy-efficiency, etc., and widely used in roof insulation.We make EPS Insulation available at reasonable prices. Benefits Gives a protection against extreme climatic conditions, either too hot or too cold due to its low thermal conductivity value. Saves energy while cooling or heating the rooms. Applications Clean the roof with brush.Apply primerMix preparation - Bitumen 1 lt. + Diesel / Kerosene 2 ltrs.For soaking the concrete slab & making it a perfect surface for laying the Bitumen.Apply Bitumen (Grade 85:25)It should be applied at 65 deg .C& to be spread uniformly at 1.5 - 1.75 kg/m2 depending on outside temperature. It works as water vapor barrier & also acts as a binding agent.Start laying Styropor Roofy - Expandable Polystyrene - EPS 50mm thickness with 18 gpl density.Spread Polyethylene (PE) plastic sheet of 200-300 micron. PE plastic sheet acts as a water barrier & has a long life. In the past conventional material like Tar felt (Tart with Bitumen) used to get use whose life used to be only 6 years. Joints of PE sheets to be sealed with BOPP tape (width - 48mm & thickness - 46 micron).Top it up mudfasca / brickbat coba / coarse sand ( cheapest ) material to give slope to roof, with the 4" thickness from one end to other end with 1.5". The purpose of slope is to drain the water.Tile tracingTipping with cement.While matching tile tracing, Khura has to be made. Precaution : At the intersection of roof & parapet wall, provide concrete gola. The shape of gola has to be convex. Sewerage Points All the sewerage points, the drainage pipe has to be above roof level ( as 2" EPS sheet + 1.5" - average mudfasca) & all around 9"x9" concreting to be done.Type of water trap to be used is 3" sewerage pipe & 3" jali with small holes. In the process we are throttling the opening, to avoid the use of welded net.Marble TilingSpecially designed Styropor Roofy with high density of 24 gpl has more compressive strength to take care of marble load that has to be used.After Styropor Roofy layer, on PE sheet, one should place welded wire mesh of 1" x 1" & then fine PCC (1" Bajari) should be laid. Concreting along with Bajari will help to take the load of polishing machine while polishing & prevent it from developing cracks to the marble. Insulation Fundamentals Heat always flows from warmer to colder areas. This movement or transfer of heat occurs by one or any combination of three following methods:ConductionConvectionRadiation An example of all three methods of heat flow occurs in the wall space of buildings. The following graphs demonstrate the effects of adding reflective surface and of filling the air space with an insulation material such as EPS. Clearly, heat transfer by convection, a major component of heat flow, can be almost eliminated by the use of insulation. Requirements For Cold Storage Insulation The most important characteristics of a suitable insulation material are:Low Thermal ConductivityHigh water resistance, andDurability at low temperatureOther properties like easy workability, negligible capillary absorption should also be taken into consideration while making a selection. K-Value The comparison of thermal conductivity can be measured by the 'k' value. The 'k' value, of Thermal Conductivity, specifies the rate of heat transfer in any homogeneous material.If a material has a k value of 1, it means a 1m cube of material will transfer heat at a rate of 1 watt for every degree of temperature difference between opposite faces.The lower this value is, the less heat the material will transfer.The Effect Of Moisture On Insulating MaterialsOf all materials used for insulation applications, EPS is one of the most resistant to the adverse effects of moisture. EPS Combines Effectively Exceptionally low thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of EPS is very low compared to Fiber Glass Wool or Rice Husk and Saw Dust.No deterioration of K-value on ageing.No Shrinkage, Good adhesion to facing.Cost effective, 50% load on power can be reduced by proper design of cold storage. Density V/S Thermal Conductivity Thermal conductivity of EPS varies with density.One should be very careful while choosing density for insulation material.Its low thermal conductivity commensurate with reasonably lower densities makes EPS an attractive case for both for cold and hot insulation. Guidelines On EPS Usage Ensure proper density(minimum 18 kg/m3 is recommended for best results).Ensure thickness as per requirement(for roof: 6", for wall: 4", for wall which is exposed to sun:6")Ensure proper installation of EPS.Ensure vapor barrier application properly. It should always be applied on warm side.

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