Shree Swami Samarth Acupuncture Center Sidheshwar Peth, Solapur, Maharashtra

  • Self Treatment Soft Laser

    Self Treatment Soft Laser

    1,500 Per Piece

    You can treat yourself or your family with Soft Laser easily without side effect. Just by seeing the pictures for each disease in Book that will send you along with Soft Laser. No need of Electricity, Shock, Needle. Any pain can be relieved within two minutes. The Power input : 2 � 1.2 Volt AAA Alkaline chargeable Battery. Power output : 100 mw , Wavelength : 650 nm Diseases to be treated with Soft Laser : Muscular pain, Headache, Neck pain, Lumber pain, Backache, Knee pain, Heel Pain, Rheumatism, Osteo Arthritis (Knee, Hip, Hand, Foot), Sinovitis, Asthma,Sinusitis, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Parkinsonism, Chorea, Paralysis, Muscular Dystrophy, , Frozen Shoulder, Tennis Elbow, Cervical Spondylosis, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Abdominal Pain, Gynaecological Diseases, For Normal Delivery, Leucorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea, Infertility, Menopause, Hot Flashes, Deaf-mutes, Eye Diseases, Leucoderma, Eczema, To Increase Sport�s Performance, Non Healing Ulcers, Addictions (Alcohol, Tobacco, Smoking), Diabetes, Thyroids, Impotence, Psychological Disorders, Obesity, Under weight, Height Problem (Age 12 to 18), Pimple Treatment, Face lifting, Falling Hair, Under Eye Dark Circles, Writer�s Cramp, Sun Burn Face, Cerebral Palsy, Skin Disease, Cataract, Colour Blindness, Dry Eyes, Autism, Dementia & Any Other Diseases Can Be Treated With Low Level Laser Acupuncture. It will decrease the consultation of doctors, many investigation fees, medicines, unnecessary operations. It is the investment of family health, beauty, knowledge of Laser Acupuncture, Acuyoga. Procedure for operating is simple.

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  • Women's Health Book

    Women's Health Book

    600 Per Box

    The Specialty of Book are : • Including important acupuncture points in yoga means Acuyoga. • Acuyoga is easy and simple for anyone can do daily at any time anywhere.There are 30 Acuyoga exercise. • Clinical Acuyoga is separate for each diseases. It benefits for Brain and Nervous System, Respiratory Disorders, Common Cold, Asthma, Heart and Cardiovascular System, Stomach and Intestinal Disorders, Urogenital and gynecological Disorders, Ear Disorders, Deafness, Vertigo, Eye Disorders, Endocrinal Disorders, Thyroids, Locomotor Disorders, Low Backache, Backache, Neck Pain, Knee Pain. • Organ Acuyoga is considering important points of 14 Acupuncture Channel. It benefits to improve the function of each organ. For beautiful face Cosmetic Acuyoga is to minimize the wrinkle on face and face lifting, glowing skin and looking young.• Atlas of Acupuncture is to treat Acupuncture, Acupressure, Laser Therapy and Laser Acupuncture. The information in this book is found nowhere. This book is helpful to all family members of any age. Using this book minimizes doctor’s consultancy, different types of investigations, medicines, operations. The book can also order by sending Money Order on fallowing address.

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Contact Information

Shree Swami Samarth Acupuncture Center

  • Dr. Sakhare M S
  • Shop No. 58, Indira Gandhi Stadium Dr. Ambedkar Chowk, Siddheshwar Peth, Sidheshwar Peth, Solapur, Maharashtra