Ideas about educational and social reform in any country have generally emerged when people have been suffering from stagnant thoughts, economic depression, social and political evils. A leader appears, whose thinking, life and works shed new light on all aspects of society. He brings fresh vision, and interprets many of the old accepted beliefs in a new manner. He attacks existing customs, and cherished ideas and recommends new ways, often arousing the criticism and hostility of conservative thinkers and leaders in society. Such a reformer was Swami Dayanand Saraswati. Swami Dayanand's aim in founding the Arya Samaj was to " organise a society which would devote itself to bettering and raising mankind. 'Samaj' means, 'Society' and 'Arya' means 'Noble'-that is a society. He wanted to regenerate the people of India. So, the local D.A.V. Managing Committee established. The present D.A.V. public School in the year 1994