Radicon Abbe Refractometer
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Abbe Refractometer for physic & chemistry laboratories latest model designed for quick and convenient measurement of refractive index and also dispersion of liquids and solids. In addition a sugar scale is provided facilitating measurement of percentage of sugar in solutions. Scale Reading +.001 & +.00001 by estimation. The reading on the scale is to the third decimal place and can be estimated easily to the forth decimal place.
Abbe Refractometer
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PRECISE MEASUREMENTPrecise measurement of Reflective Index 1.3 to 1.7 with an accuracy of 0.001 direct in scale and 0.0001 by estimation and sugar percentage range 0-95% with an accuracy of 1% on scale and 0.1% by estimation.IMPROVED MODELEnclosed eye pieces with fine optics. Precise measurement of Reflective Index 1.3 to 1.7 with an accuracy of 0.001 direct in scale and 0.0001 by estimation and sugar percentage range 0-95% with an accuracy of 1% on scale and 0.1% by estimation
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