Superior Tile Adhesive
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Polymer Based Adhesive for Fixing Tile Superior Tile Adhesive is a grey powder which consists of blend of Portland cements, special cements, polymers and fillers. Superior Tile Adhesive Is A Polymer Based Adhesive For Fixing Tile.Advantages : No soaking of tiles required. Tiles can go directly from box to the wall minimising breakages during soaking and extra labour. Unmatched vertical Adhesion strength upto 8 feet No curing is required as Superior Tile Adhesive paste is self curing type. Surface to be tiled does not need hacking or mechanical key as Superior Tile Adhesive can be applied on smooth plastered surface also. Superior Tile Adhesive waterproofs the tiled surface. Application : Mix the powder and water in the volumetric proportion of 2.5 to 3 volumes of powder to one volume of water. Thoroughly mix to form a creamy paste. Apply this paste behind the tile or surface to be tiled and press the tile in position firmly. An adhesion thickness of 3mm is enough to create a good bond. Coverage : On a smooth even surface Superior Tile Adhesive gives a coverage of 2.5 square feet per kg. approximately for 3mm thickness.