Saliva DNA Isolation Kit
4,950 Per Piece
1 Piece(s) (MOQ)
Features Saliva Genomic DNA Extraction kit provides an efficient, consistent and rapid method for DNA extraction from buccal saliva. The procedure includes sample collection, lysis, protein removing, DNA precipitation, washing and hydration. Advantages & Features : Convenient : ideal for routine. Safe : avoids phenol/chloroform extraction. Highly efficient : 10 μg of genomic DNA from saliva. Pure genomic DNA : ready-to-use in all Molecular Biology applications. Time-saving protocol : reduces sample collection distress and blood sample handling. Applications : Purification of genomic DNA from buccal saliva of different origins (Human or animal). Quality control : Analysed by saliva DNA genomic extraction. DNA purified is analysed by: Ratio 260/280 (1.8-2.0). Agarose gel electrophoresis.
Blood DNA Extraction Kit
3,950 Per Set
Transiom™ Blood DNA Extraction Kit is designed for the extraction and purification of genomic DNA from fresh, frozen and anticoagulated whole blood. Transiom™ Blood DNA Extraction Kit provides silica-membrane-based DNA extraction and purification.
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