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Endoscopy is the procedure of examining the inside of human body for some medical reasons by using a rigid and flexible telescope known as endoscope. It is minimally invasive diagnostic medical procedure used to examine the internal surfaces of an organ or tissue. When other diagnosis devices are considered inappropriate like MRI, CT Scan and X- Ray, it is often used to confirm the degree of problems where certain conditions may have caused. With the help of this, the visualization of ovaries, uterus and tubes etc are possible without having a big cut and helps to operate inside at the same sitting. Procedure is very helpful to examine the following parts of body: The Uterus The Fallopian Tube Ovaries Endometriosis Further ,In our clinic we always perform Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy and required procedure in the same sitting. Like repair of the tubes, correction of endometriosis, ovarian drilling for Polycystic Ovarian Disease. In Hysteroscopy ,the inside of the uterine lining is seen . With this technique we perform various procedures like Tubal cannulation ( for blocked fallopian tubes), removal of polyps, Septum resection etc. The main purpose of doing this procedure is to make the uterine bed good, so that embryo should implant In Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy ,the female partner is asked to come overnight fasting. It requires general anesthesia and may require one day hospital stay Hysteroscopy: Hysteroscopy is a minor surgical procedure that involves placing a lighted telescopic instrument (hysteroscope) through the neck of the womb (uterine cervix) and visualizing any abnormalities within the wall of the uterine cavity. Diagnostic Uterine Septum Resection Lateral Metroplasty Adhesiolysis [Asherman’s Syndrome] Polypectomy TCRE Tubal Cannulation Submucous Myoma Resection Foreign Body Removal
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flexible endoscopes, Pulse Oximetry Monitor
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