mesa sperm collecting service
MESA technique is used for men with no sperm in their semen because of a blockage or an absence of the vas deferens (the tube which leads from the testis). There is a group of men who have no sperm in their semen because of a blockage or an absence of the vas deferens. The vas deferens is a tube, which leads from the testis towards the penis; sperm must travel down this tube to leave the body. Such men may be producing sperm in large numbers, but because there is a blockage or absence of the vas deferens none will be seen in the semen. This is similar to a man who has had a vasectomy. In these cases sperm can be obtained from the epididymis, which is an organ which is located on top of the testis where sperm collect and mature. If the epididymis itself is blocked or absent sperm can be extracted from the testicles. Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) are techniques which bring the sperm closer to the egg. In many cases, a treatable cause of Male Infertility has not been identified or treatment has not resulted in pregnancy. ART or assisted reproductive technologies may be sued to bring and place the sperm closer to the egg with the hope that this will achieve a pregnancy.
...moreTest tube baby
Test Tube Baby Hospital in Surat
Female first hospital is renowned test tube baby hospital in surat, Your happiness and satisfaction is our first priority, we have achieved 87% of positive results for IVF. Our success rate proves that we never compromise when it comes to customer satisfaction. Test tube baby is another name for IVF procedure, It is the most popular infertility treatment in India and worldwide. In this procedure male sperm and women eggs are collected in a small utensil and they are fertilized in the laboratory which results in a very healthy embryo that’s later transferred into the female internal reproductive organ. Test tube babies are the term referred to the babies that are conceived outside the female body that is additionally called ‘In Vitro Fertilization’ which means outside the body. In this process eggs are collected from the mother’s ovary and incubated with sperm from the father. After the fertilization takes place, the ‘pre-embryos’ are divided 2-4 times and they are returned back in the mother’s uterus by the best gynecologist in Surat, where they can develop normally. It is a method of assisted reproductive technology for the treatment of infertility. With egg donation and IVF, the women who are unable to attain pregnancy naturally or has attained menopause can still become pregnant with test tube baby Surat. Today, the method of in vitro fertilization is considered common and is extremely adopted by infertile couples all around the world.
...moreMicro TESE Treatment services
Micro-Dissection TESE (MicroTESE) is an invasive procedure utilized locate sperm in men with Non-Obstructive Azoospermia or severe testicular failure. MicroTESE is especially helpful in these men as there may be very localized areas of sperm production that may be missed during blind biopsies or needle aspiration procedures. During a MicroTESE, the testes are surgically opened, tissue is inspected under a microscope and an intense search of every part of the testicle is performed to locate healthy areas that are more likely to contain sperm. After MicroTESE, the sperm may be used in a current IVF-ICSI cycle or frozen for later use.
Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) is a minor procedure that typically takes 5-10 minutes under sedation. TESA is generally an option for men with Obstructive Azoospermia where it is expected that sperm will be found easily. During the procedure, sperm is directly removed from the testes to be used in an IVF-ICSI cycle.
...moreSperm Donation in Surat
Donner egg IVF is a fertility treatment in which the egg from the donor is mixed with the sperm donation from the biological father in the laboratory. If embryos are produced they are transferred to the recipient’s uterus. If this results in a pregnancy , the baby thus born will have genetic linkage to the donor of eggs. Indication A need for egg donation may arise for a number of reasons. Infertile couple may resort to acquiring eggs through egg donation when the female partner may not have eggs or poor quality eggs because of advanced reproductive age or other reasons. Compromised Egg Quantity / Quality: Premature ovarian failure (POF), defined as woman less than 40 years old with persistent amenoirlenea & raised genadotropins. it affect 1% of female population. Majority are idiopathic, but about 20% are suspected to be autoimmune in nature. Chemotherapy & Radiation treatment for cancer. Compromise or Removal of the ovaries for treatment of malignancies or for non-cancerous conditions like infection, torsion or over aggressive removal of dermoids or endometrioma. Poor or compromised ovarian reserve because of advanced reproductive age by D 2/3 S.FSH (> 15 MIU/ml), estradiol (>45 pg/ml) or S.inhibin B. Repeated IVF failures because of poor fertilization rates or poor oocyte quality. Recurrent pregnancy loss. Rarely ovaries inaccessible to either trans vaginal or laparoscopic route. Physiological menopause. Congenital absence of eggs. Turner Syndrome (45 X o). Gonadal dysgenesis. Inheritable diseases. Linked or autosomal traits, however preimplantation genetic diagnosis may be useful in these cases.
...morePregenetic Diagnosis and Screening
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) was developed in the late 1980s as an alternative to prenatal diagnosis and possible termination of pregnancy of an affected fetus for couples who are at risk of passing on serious genetic diseases to their children. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis technique requires the use of the test tube baby technique (IVF) to test embryos for genetic disorders before it implants in the womb (uterus). It avoids the need for abortion. The procedure is associated with ethical and medical concerns and raises issues of sex selection and genetic engineering. Despite an increasing number of genetic disorders that can now be diagnosed by this technique, not all-genetic disorders can be diagnosed in this way. It should be noted that genetic disorders could be due to either a single gene disorder or sex linked chromosomal abnormalities. In single gene disorders, such as cystic fibrosis, the actual genes of the sampled embryo can be examined for the presence of the condition. Other genetic disorders, such as Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, or hemophilia, affect only males (sex linked diseases). In these cases, the cell is examined to determine the sex of the embryo and only female embryos are replaced. In cases of recurrent chromosomal abnormalities such as Down’s syndrome and recurrent miscarriages caused by parental translocations, the number and character of several chromosomes can be determined.
Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) is a technique used to determine sperm counts in the event of a possible blockage of the vas deferens. It is an alternative to microepidydimal sperm aspiration(MESA), and aims to address the technical difficulty and cost of MESA Technique. A small needle is inserted through the skin of the scrotum to collect sperm from the epididymis, where sperm are usually stored after production in the testes. It can also be used to extract sperm for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
...moreIUI Treatment Surat
What is intrauterine insemination (IUI) and how does it work? Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a laboratory procedure where fast-moving sperms are separated from more sluggish or non-moving sperms. The fast-moving sperms are then placed into the woman’s womb at the time of ovulation (when the egg is released), IUI cost in India is very affordable nowadays compare to other countries. Considering that, medical tourism is also increasing in India for IUI Treatment and other infertility Treatments. What is The Indication of IUI? Unexplained Infertility. Ovulation Problems. Male partner experiences impotence or premature ejaculation. What are the pre-requisites for IUI? At least one patent fallopian tube assessed by laparoscopy / HSG / hysterosonogram. The significant problem with the sperms (numbers or quality or shapes). Normal uterine cavity evaluated by hysteroscopy/saline sonography / HSG What are IUI Options? IUI with or without fertility drugs/injections (clomiphene/gonadotrophins) –in most infertility clinic in India IUI can be given with or without fertility drugs to boost egg production.
...moreInfertility Treatment
Infertility Clinic in Surat | Female First Hospital In India 15-20% of the married couples are suffering from infertility related problems and the numbers are only increasing because of Urbanization, Pollution, Stress, Chemical exposure, Competitiveness, Career Orientation, Late settlement in life etc. Amongst many misconceptions and misgivings, infertility was a cause of frustration and depression. With developments in medical science we got many solutions to treat infertility related problems. At female first hospital infertility clinic in surat and we believe different patient need different kind of fertility treatment and care, according to their root cause of infertility. We don’t believe on “one-plan- fits-all” strategy. Before planning an ideal treatment to achieve your desired goal we will take you to the end-to- end diagnostic testing and reproductive health examine to find out the best suited Infertility Treatment for you. With our structured & carefully planned approach, we make sure that the odds are always stacked in your favor.
...moreGenetic Service in Surat
Female first hospital provides the best Medical Genetic Service in surat. It strives to provide a service that consistently meets the needs and expectations of our patients, while contributing to the well-being of the patient, their families and the community as a whole. Our hospital has periodically adopted new technologies, keeping in line with the constant change and advancement of technology. Our hospital has highly qualified and extremely experienced doctors. We are well equipped with state-of- the-art modern equipment that helps us provide best results with the latest technologies in the diagnostic field of genetics and genomics. We take immense pride in our ability to provide the best and appropriate genetic services as per international standards and guidelines.
...moreegg freezing test process service
It is possible to cryopreserve sperm and embryo at -196º C in liquid N2 by computerized slow cooling method. Subsequent cryothaw cycles treatment becomes cost effective and patient does not require undergoing active cycle management. Embryos and sperms can be kept cryopreserved for years.Recently developed vitrification technique uses rapid cooling of embryo. A. Embryo B. Semen C. Oocyte A. Cryopreservation and Vitrification of Embryo Egg retrieval under ultrasound guidance and subsequent fertilization and embryo culture are carried out according to our current procedures. If there happens to be a surplus of embryos following selection for fresh transfer (usually between one to four embryos are transferred to the uterus), then embryos of sufficient quality may be considered for cryostorage. While embryos can be frozen at any preimplantation stage between one-cell (one day old) to the blastocyst stage (5-6 days old). In certain cases where all embryos need to be frozen without a fresh transfer (e.g., when a woman may be at risk from ovarian hyperstimulation that might be complicated by pregnancy), we generally freeze all embryos the day after egg collection at the one-cell stage.
Endoscopy is the procedure of examining the inside of human body for some medical reasons by using a rigid and flexible telescope known as endoscope. It is minimally invasive diagnostic medical procedure used to examine the internal surfaces of an organ or tissue. When other diagnosis devices are considered inappropriate like MRI, CT Scan and X- Ray, it is often used to confirm the degree of problems where certain conditions may have caused. With the help of this, the visualization of ovaries, uterus and tubes etc are possible without having a big cut and helps to operate inside at the same sitting. Procedure is very helpful to examine the following parts of body: The Uterus The Fallopian Tube Ovaries Endometriosis Further ,In our clinic we always perform Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy and required procedure in the same sitting. Like repair of the tubes, correction of endometriosis, ovarian drilling for Polycystic Ovarian Disease. In Hysteroscopy ,the inside of the uterine lining is seen . With this technique we perform various procedures like Tubal cannulation ( for blocked fallopian tubes), removal of polyps, Septum resection etc. The main purpose of doing this procedure is to make the uterine bed good, so that embryo should implant In Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy ,the female partner is asked to come overnight fasting. It requires general anesthesia and may require one day hospital stay Hysteroscopy: Hysteroscopy is a minor surgical procedure that involves placing a lighted telescopic instrument (hysteroscope) through the neck of the womb (uterine cervix) and visualizing any abnormalities within the wall of the uterine cavity. Diagnostic Uterine Septum Resection Lateral Metroplasty Adhesiolysis [Asherman’s Syndrome] Polypectomy TCRE Tubal Cannulation Submucous Myoma Resection Foreign Body Removal
...moreBlastocyst Culture and Transfer
What is blastocyst transfer? A blastocyst is an embryo that has developed for five to six days after fertilization. With blastocyst transfer, embryos are cultured in the laboratory incubator to the blastocyst stage before they are transferred to the womb. At this time, one or two of the best quality blastocysts are selected and then implanted into the woman’s womb. A blastocyst must successfully attach itself to the wall of the womb for a woman to become pregnant. When is the blastocyst transfer done? Many clinics are now offering blastocyst transfer as a means of improving chances of pregnancy after single embryo transfer. This is particularly useful for younger women with a good prognosis for pregnancy from in vitro fertilization (IVF). Your doctor may also suggest you try blastocyst transfer if you have produced good quality embryos in a previous IVF cycle but they failed to implant in the womb. It is not normally recommended if women produce fewer than normal healthy eggs or embryo’s (usually < 5 good quality day 5 embryo’s). How does Blastocyst Transfer Work? The procedure for blastocyst transfer is similar to that for normal embryo transfer, but instead of being implanted into the womb after two or three days, the embryos are allowed to develop for five to six days before transfer. What are the risks of blastocyst transfer? Not all embryos will develop to produce blastocysts in the laboratory. Embryos can stop developing at the four-cell stage (day two) and progress no further. The embryologist may advise your consultant that in your case it is safer to consider a day two-three embryo transfer than risk having no blastocyst to transfer on day five-six. As with normal embryo transfer, due to the risks of a multiple birth if more than one blastocyst is transferred, you may want to consider single blastocyst transfer.
...moreBest IVF Treatment India
STEPS OF IVF [in vitro fertilization] IVF techniques can differ from clinic to clinic, Best IVF Treatment India often depending on your individual circumstances. A typical IVF Hospital in Surat may be involve: For women: Step-1: Suppressing the natural monthly hormone cycle As a first step of the IVF process you may be given a drug to suppress your natural cycle. Treatment is given as a Daily Injection. This continues for about two weeks. Step-2: Boosting the egg supply After the natural cycle is suppressed you are given a fertility hormone called recombinant FSH/ highly purified FSH/ HMG (or Follicle Stimulating Hormone). This is usually taken as a daily injection for around 12 -14 days ALONG WITH THAT GNRH AGONIST OR ANTAGONIST HORMONE INJECTIONS ARE GIVEN. SOMETIMES TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF EGG IN POOR RESPONDER CASES GROWTH HORMONE INJECTIONS GIVEN. This hormone will increase the number of eggs you produce – meaning that more eggs can be retrieved and fertilized. With more fertilized eggs, the clinic has a greater choice of embryos to use in the treatment. Step 3: Checking on progress Throughout the drug treatment, the clinic will monitor the progress. This is done by vaginal ultrasound scans and, possibly, blood tests and trigger (hormone) injection will be given for final maturation of eggs (usually more than 3 follicles of greater than 18mm in size). Step 4: Collecting the eggs After 34-36 hours of trigger injection, the eggs are usually collected by ultrasound guidance under sedation and general anesthesia. This involves a needle being inserted into the scanning probe and into each ovary, The eggs are, in turn, collected through the needle. Cramping and a small amount of vaginal bleeding can occur after the procedure.
...moreivf treatment
Test tube baby
ivf treatment
Egg Freezing
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