ISO registration service
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We are providing iso registration service which is a type of intellectual property, and typically a name, word, phrase, logo, image, symbol, design, or a combination of these elements, which distinguish services or goods of one person or enterprise from those of another. A trademark is a distinctive sign or indicator used by an individual, business organization, or other legal entity to identify that the services or products to consumers with which the trademark appears originate from a unique source, and to distinguish its products or services from those of other entities. to protect your trade name or brand name or logo you have to file an application for trade mark registration. You can start using the tm mark in the top right hand corner of your trade mark as soon as the application for trademark registration is filed. However, the r within a circle mark ® can be used only after the trademark is registered. Before filing an application for trademark registration, a search of the existing trademarks should be done to identify any similar trademark already filed. If there are similar trademarks already filed, the trade mark registry will not approve your application. Hence, it is important to search all the existing trademarks filed with and available in the trademark database of the trade marks registry. Once a positive trade mark search report is obtained, you may apply for your trademark registration. Requirements for filing application for trademark registration power of attorney (we will prepare and send it to you for your signatures) trademark (logo or word) (as intended to be used) to be registered name, age, father's name, address, nationality, contact numbers of the applicant name, age, father's name, address, nationality, contact numbers of the authorized signatory (in case of a corporate) if the applicant is a partnership firm, name, address, nationality, contact numbers of all the partners must be given
ISO 50001 2011 Certification service
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ISO 50001 2011 Certification service, iso 10002-2004 certification services
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ISO Certification
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ISO Certification, Trademark Registration Services, Copyright Services
Iso Registration Services
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Iso Registration Services, Web Design Services, Copyright Services
ISO Certification
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ISO Certification, trademarks services, tax services, loan services
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