Micro Slitter
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Manufacturers of Machines Tools And Micro Slitter Material to be slit is positioned easily at unwaind shaft by one knob operation. Smooth start lead by A.C. Drive motor. Cutter unit accurately, efficiently built to eliminate friction heat, thrust pressure, jerking of cutters and obtains beautiful cutting face of yarn. Cutter unit is quickly, easily interchangeable. Cutters are well quenched, carefully sharpened, reasonably set, to last for working 6,000 - 10,000 hours. Unwind tension is controlled completely by electrical brake and any torque can be easily set up by one knob operation. Length counting device measures accurately length of the material to be slited ±5/10,000 . Tension for bobbin winding is now fitted on slitter.
micro slitters
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micro slitters, Rapier Looms
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