Drone Survey Mapping Service
Drone Site Surveys uses technology to offer construction professionals alternative visual options, enabling them to work smarter. Drones offer us safer a.tyernatives to external work and working at height. Drone Site Surveys has drones for every task, whether you require highly accurate measurements, thermal investigations, site progress monitoring, or even great imagery, we can deliver.
Fire Adequacy Survey Services
Fire Adequacy survey is an assessment of the building against all legislative as well as functional requirements and its level of compliance with all the systems and resources. A fire adequacy survey helps to ensure that buildings are fitted with correct fire safety installations required by the fire safety standard and that these fire safety installations are maintained in an operational condition. The survey includes a check… Availability and adequacy of fire safety systems and installations Operational test of fire safety installations. Records of maintenance of fire safety installations Evacuation instructions were given to employees and residents Structural aspects of the building After a fire safety survey, a report is prepared and issued to the building owner/occupier confirming the findings of the survey. The final report contains the level of compliance and deficiencies. Where a deficiency is noted, we give specific recommendations to correct the same.
quality management consultancy
product survey services
Route Survey & Design
Quality Inspection Services