refrigerated van
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We provide best quality Refer Vans with smart technical features and on very reasonable price.Refer Vans (Refrigerated Transport Vehicles) : This component refers to Reefer Trucks – vehicle road transport with fixed insulated carriage body equipped with active refrigeration designed for temperature controlled carriage of horticulture produce. All refrigerated trucks supported under these guidelines must incorporate GPS based location tracking system and be installed with data logging temperature and humidity sensors. Varied vehicle capacities and sizes are supported. Refer Van Component Descriptions : The cost norm is applicable for vehicles of multiple carriage capacity vehicles. A Reefer Van must comply with all relevant rules and regulations in its manufacture and operations. A reefer truck comprises of the following- Truck chassis with motive tractor and cabin with an Insulated chamber for reefer cargoes. Insulated Doors with door securing and sealing system. Independently fuelled Refrigeration equipment with sufficient air flow depending on size of chamber. Reefer unit should be operable with dual power source. GPS tracking enabled and data logging system to monitor humidity and temperature. At least four data loggers must be supplied with each vehicle. Associated refrigeration monitoring and controlling panel. Refer Van Technical Specifications : Tare weight - kgs Gross weight - Kgs Temperature recording - type
refrigerated van
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Refrigerated Van are designed in such a way to meet international quality standard for transformation with the temperature range (+15 Degree C. to -30 Degree C.) Special Features:- Minimum Maintenance Lower Operating Cost Highly Reliable Substantial Power Saving No Emissions
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insulated van
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