Shakambari Oil Mill Palsana, Surat, Gujarat

  • Shakambari Mustard OIl

    Shakambari Mustard OIl

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    We have installed a large storage facility wherein we keep a large stock of the offerings. This facility helps us in keeping the entire lot away from the damaging factors like moisture, sunlight, dust, rain, etc. High-quality and certified inputs are used for the production of our finished goods. We, as a trusted name, only select the certified vendors for procuring quality raw materials. Our Shakambari Mustard Oil has minimum moisture content with various nutritional benefits and a long shelf life.

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Contact Information

Shakambari Oil Mill

  • Mr. Om Prakash Sharma & Mrs. Sangita Devi Sharma
  • Opp. Maganwadi Kadodara, Tal. Palsana, Surat, Gujarat