Emu Meat
The company has emerged as a highly distinguished Manufacturer and Supplier of Emu Meat in Surat. The Emu Meat is reddish in color and is known for its soft texture. The Emu Meat has less cholesterol and is 98% fat free. The American Heart Association has named the Emu Meat in the list of meats healthy for the heart. Details Lower in fat than chickenAn excellent alternative for health-conscious consumersDelectable taste of traditional red meatLower cholesterol, fat and caloriesTender, juicy and flavorfulHighly nutritional compared to other meats, poultry and fishHigh in iron and protein Emu Meat Facts Tasty, pleasing red meat, and packed with protein98% fat free and high in iron and vitamin B12Low in calories and cholesterolTenderness and texture enable variegated preparationBest prepared lightly grilled, pan fried, or sautéed
...moreEmu Bones
The company is a major Manufacturer and Supplier of Emu Bones in Surat. Used for making weapons in the ancient times owing to their strength, the Emu Bones can be bleached and painted. The company can also carve the Emu Bones and they are used as decorative materials and showpieces. Various Emu Bones & Their Uses Needle bone used as hair picks and art worksBone collar as shoulder bladeBreast bone used for mounting chainsIlium (pelvis) as interesting artifactsTiba and Tibiotarsus used in artsEmu rib bone used in art
...moreEmu Egg
The company has made its mark as a highly distinguished Manufacturer and Supplier of Emu Eggs in Surat. The Emu Eggs are highly nutritious and have low cholesterol and high protein content. The Emu Eggs have a rich green color and the company ensures the timely delivery of the best quality. Details Approximately 5 to 6 inches in lengthWeigh from 650 gram to 800 gramBeautiful works of art by themselvesUsed in several different arts and crafts applicationsChicks hatch in 49 to 52 daysContain 31% saturated and 68% unsaturated fatsContains 55% white, and 45% yolkContains all 8 of the essential amino acidsCan be refrigerated up to a month or frozen up to a yearWhen freezing the yolk, or scrambled egg, add either 1/2 teaspoon of salt or 6 teaspoons of sugar per cup. If you do not add salt or sugar, the yolk will become gelatin overtime.
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The company has emerged as a highly trusted Manufacturer and Supplier of Emu Egg Shells in Surat. The Emu Egg Shells are available at the market leading prices and the company ensures the timely delivery at all times. The company caters to a nationally spread client base and an ever-rising demand for the Emu Egg Shells. Highlights Used for painting and as decorative itemsAvailable in deep blue colorStrong and used in artificial ornaments and craft goodsPolished pieces of eggshell make unique jewelry
...moreEmu Feathers
The company has carved a niche for itself as a highly acclaimed Manufacturer and Supplier of Emu Feathers in Surat. The company offers the finest Emu Feathers to the clients based in various parts of the country. The Emu Feathers are properly processed and can be availed at the market leading prices.
...moreEmu Nails
The company has acquired the status of the leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Emu Nails in Surat. The company has been actively involved in the processing and supply of the best quality Emu Nails. The company ensures the timely delivery of the Emu Nails at highly competitive prices. Highlights Used for paintingUsed as decorative items due to deep blue colorStrong and a commonly used decorative Used in artificial ornaments and craft goodsPolished toenails make unique jewelry
...moreEmu Oil
The company has come up as a highly reliable Manufacturer and Supplier of Emu Oil in Surat. The Emu Oil is the fluid obtained from emu fat and has been traditionally used for treatment of muscle and joint pains. The Emu Oil does not lose its natural property during processing and refining and has been extensively used in pharmaceutical & cosmetic products. Directions For Use Only a few drops are enough to massage the affected areas.Its color may vary from pale yellow to off white and does not contain any odor and leaves no stain on your clothes.Emu Oil tends to congeal easily, so it is advisable to put the bottle in hot water for until oil becomes quite liquid. The warm thin oil penetrates the skin more easily and brings faster results.Emu oil does not leave your skin oily as it very well penetrates into it. Uses Arthritis : Emu Oil reduces inflammation of the joints which has also been proven by Medical & Research studies. It is helpful in reducing pain, swelling and stiffness of joints close to skin surface.Hair Problems : Emu Oil acts as a fortifying agent for limp dry hair, helps to eliminate split ends and restores a natural healthy shine to the hair. Sometimes it also results into new hair growth treatment.Ageing : Studies found that dry aging skin increased by 2-3 times in thickness when treated with Emu Oil resulting into diminished age spots and wrinkles. Thus, it has been proved as effective anti-ageing oil.Stretch Marks & Scars : Emu Oil reduces recent scars and also has anti-inflammatory action against the formation the formation of keloid tissue. Properties MoisturizingBacteriostaticNon-comedogenicCholesterol reducerExcellent emulsifierPenetration enhancerAnti-arthritic activityInflammatory activitySignificant wound healing agentSignificant epidermal proliferate activitySignificantly reduces recent keloid scarringAppears to promote faster healing of burns with less pain and scarring
...moreEmu Farming Consultancy
Emu Farming as a business- is growing rapidly because of its increasing scope in near future. Major SK Sharma realized it and is now the proud owner of fully fledged Emu Farm. He in order to encourage young farmers to come up with Emu Farms has introduced the service of Turnkey Projects. Whereby, he will help the prospects right from planning to execution of a proper farm. Additionally he will also take care that one gets EMU of fine quality to start their business with. Below are few tips on How to make an EMU farm : Emu birds being highly adaptable birds can very easily adapt to any kind of given ambience. They feel comfortable to non agricultural or barren land. The land must be appropriately spacious and facilitated with sufficient water throughout the day.As they love to live in group there must be minimum of 20 pairs of Emu Birds with both male & female.The farm must be properly fenced and equipped with shade to protect the birds from sun, wind & rain.Apart from proper shelter they must be provided with healthy food so that they can produce healthy chicks.So, if you are keen to own a farm and nurture EMU feel free to contact SISA EMU Farms & Hatcheries.
...moreEmu Skin
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