Soft Package Winder Machine
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Soft Package Winder Machine HCW-800
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Best Deals from Soft Package Winder Machine
soft dye package winder
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Special Features Sturdy and rigid construction for vibration free operation. New concept of double deck frame both side to accommodate 8 drums per section, so substantial space saving on floor area. Machine is designed to wind cotton, staple and synthetic yarn to produce soft wound package. Universally approved "Metal Drums or Backlight Drums" . The accelerating pressure reduction of the package through dead weights compensates the increasing pressure of the package to the drum with increasing diameter and results in desired uniform density package. Spindle less cradle to hold s.s. dye spring and double arm package holder (mandrel) with bearings & rubber rings to prevent direct contact of metal on drum. Double disc yarn tension device with self threading guide wires and high quality ceramic. Two separate electric motors for independent drive of each side of machine to drive drum shaft and gearing system. The traverse motion is achieved through the drum shaft. Cradle can accommodate dye spring or perforated tube / cone.
Soft Package Winder Machine
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