Transzol Reagent
4,100 Per Pack
TRIzol Reagent (TransZol™) is a ready-to-use reagent for the isolation of total RNA from cells and tissues.Reagent is a complete, ready-to-use reagent for the isolation of high-quality total RNA or the simultaneous isolation of RNA, DNA, and protein from a variety of biological samples. This monophasic solution of phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate is designed to isolate separate fractions of RNA, DNA, and proteins from cell and tissue samples of human, animal, plant, yeast, or bacterial origin, within one hour.
Type : Pure
Form : Liquid
Use in : Laboratory
Shelf Life : 1 Year
Grade : Superior
Storage : Cool & Dry Place
...moreTissue DNA Isolation Kit
4,950 Per Set
Transiom Tissue DNA Isolation Kit allows rapid and efficient purification of genomic DNA from Different types of tissues. Tissue DNA Isolation Kit provide fast and easy silica-based DNA extraction without phenol or chloroform in convenient spin-column formats. Most samples can be directly lysed with Proteinase K, eliminating the need for mechanical disruption and reducing hands-on time.Tissue DNA Isolation Kit Optimized protocols for specific sample types provide reproducible extraction of high-quality DNA for life science, genotyping.Tissue DNA Isolation Kit is designed with a simple procedure for the isolation and purification of total DNA from a variety of samples including animal tissues.
Type : Disposable
Material : Metal & Plastic
Application : Hospital Use
Color : Available in many colors
Width : 20-40 Cm
Height : 50-100 Cm
...moreTissue DNA Extraction Kit
4,950 Per Set
Transiom Tissue DNA Extraction Kit allows rapid and efficient purification of genomic DNA from Different types of tissues. Tissue DNA Extraction Kit provide fast and easy silica-based DNA extraction without phenol or chloroform in convenient spin-column formats. Most samples can be directly lysed with Proteinase K, eliminating the need for mechanical disruption and reducing hands-on time.Tissue DNA extraction Kit Optimized protocols for specific sample types provide reproducible extraction of high-quality DNA for life science, genotyping.Tissue DNA Extraction Kit is designed with a simple procedure for the isolation and purification of total DNA from a variety of samples including animal tissues.
Type : Disposable
Material : Metal & Plastic
Application : Hospital Use
Color : Available in many colors
Width : 20-40 Cm
Height : 50-100 Cm
...moretaq dna polymerase
3,000 Per Pack
Taq DNA Polymerase is a thermo stable DNA polymerase that exhibits a 5’→3’ polymerase activity and a 5’→3’exonuclease activity, with no 3’→5’exonuclease activity. Taq DNA Polymerase is purified from an Escherichia coli (E.coli) strain over expressing the gene of Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase. Taq DNA polymerase is heat-stable and will synthesize DNA at elevated temperatures from single-stranded templates in the presence of a primer. Taq Polymerase is recommended for use in routine PCR reactions. We supplied Taq Polymerase with appropriate buffers. Usually 1-1.5 u of Taq DNA Polymerase is used in 50 µl of reaction mix. Higher Taq DNA Polymerase concentrations may cause synthesis of nonspecific products. However, if inhibitors are present in the reaction mix (e.g., if the template DNA used is not highly purified), higher amounts of Taq DNA polymerase (2-3 u) may be necessary to obtain a better yield of amplification products. No endonuclease, exonuclease, or bacterial DNA were detected in this kit.
...moreScrew Cap Micro Tube
7 Per Piece
Microcentrifuge tube is one of the basic requirements of a biological laboratory. Transiom makes 2.0 ml self stand microcentrifuge tubes. Microcentrifuge Tubes are made of plastic (polypropylene). Microcentrifuge tubes are suitable for both sterile and non-sterile conditions. Microcentrifuge tubes can easily be used for centrifugation in a microcentrifuge while balancing the rotor. Microcentrifuge Tubes are economical and very useful in DNA/RNA extraction, amplification, PCR, blotting experiments, gel electrophoresis etc or any molecular biology experiment.
Type : Screw Cap
Material : Plastic
Size : Standard
Color : Transparent
Shape : Round
Surface : Polished
...moreRNA Spin Columns
7 Per Piece
TransPure™ (8 High Efficiency Silica Membrane Layer) RNA extraction columns are supplied with spin columns andcollection tubes. The columns provide fast and reliable extraction of highquality RNA from tissues, cells, plants and blood with a binding capacity of 50μg. Extracted RNA is ready for use in many downstream applications, includingNorthern Blot, real-time PCR, translation and primer extension.
Type : Disposable
Material : Plastic
Size : Standard
Color : Transparent
Shape : Round
Surface : Polished
...moreRNA Reagent
4,100 Per Pack
TRIzol Reagent (TransZol™) is a ready-to-use reagent for the isolation of total RNA from cells and tissues.Reagent is a complete, ready-to-use reagent for the isolation of high-quality total RNA or the simultaneous isolation of RNA, DNA, and protein from a variety of biological samples. This monophasic solution of phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate is designed to isolate separate fractions of RNA, DNA, and proteins from cell and tissue samples of human, animal, plant, yeast, or bacterial origin, within one hour.
Type : Pure
Form : Liquid
Color : Transparent
Use in : Laboratory
Shelf Life : 1 Year
Storage : Cool & Dry Place
...moreRNA Extraction Magnetic Beads
14,500 Per Pack
TransMag™ is Polydisperse silica magnetic beads. It contains different size of beads from 200nm~5um. The core material is iron oxide. So the concentration is higher. It is recomnended for Plasmid DNA extraction, DNA clean up, viral DNA/RNA, and micro amount DNA/RNA extraction.
Size : Standard
Type : Magnetic
Material : Polydisperse
Application : Hospital
Color : Black
Pattern : Plain
Finishing : Polished
...moreRNA Carrier
24,300 Per Pack
Carrier RNA Poly(A) is a single-stranded RNA homopolymer. Carrier RNA is used for quantitative precipitation/purification of RNA and DNA Carrier RNA Poly(A) (polyadenylic acid) can be used to evaluate the binding of potential therapeutic agents to mRNA in drug development research. Carrier RNA that improves binding and recovery of low-concentrated viral RNA.
Type : Pure
Form : Powder
Color : Brown
Use in : Laboratory
Shelf Life : 1 Year
Purity : 100%
...moreReverse Transcriptase
3,600 Per Pack
Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus Reverse Transcriptase (H-) (M-MLV RT) is an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase that can be used in cDNA synthesis with long messenger RNA templates (>5kb). M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase (RT) is a product of the pol gene of M-MLV and consists of a single subunit with a molecular weight of 71kDa.Because RNase H activity can catalyze the degradation of RNA in the DNA/RNA hybrid strand, the template RNA may be degraded in the cDNA one-strand synthesis reaction. M-MLV (H-) Reverse Transcriptase is an M-MLV mutant with loss of RNase H activity obtained by site-directed mutagenesis. Compared with the common mutants obtained by deleting the RNase H domain, this product retains the complete protein structure, so it has the same polymerase activity as the wild type, and can be used for longer cDNA synthesis and full-length cDNA library Construction, etc. It also has strand displacement activity and can be used in experiments such as 5'RACE.
Type : Reverse
Form : Liquid
Use in : Laboratory
Shelf Life : 1 Year
Grade : Superior
Storage : Cool & Dry Place
...moreProteinase K
3,500 Per Pack
Proteinase K is a Broad-Spectrum serine protease for general digestion of proteins in Biological samples. Enzyme is free from RNase and DNase activities. Proteinase K is stable in urea and SDS. Recommended working conc. for Proteinase K is 10-20 mg/ml in majority of applications.
Type : Pure
Form : Powder
Color : White
Use in : Laboratory
Shelf Life : 1 Year
Purity : 100%
...morePlasmid DNA Isolation Kit
Transiom Plasmid DNA Isolation kit provides high-speed Extraction of high-quality plasmid DNA. Transiom Plasmid DNA isolation kit is designed for the rapid isolation of plasmid DNA from bacterial cells. Transiom Plasmid DNA Isolation kit offers a simple, rapid, and cost-effective method for isolating plasmid DNA from Bacteria. Plasmid DNA Isolation Kit combines the power of silica column based technology with the time-tested consistency of alkaline-SDS lysis of bacterial cells to deliver high-quality DNA in less than 60 minutes. TransPure™ Columns facilitate the binding, washing, and elution steps thus enabling multiple samples to be processed simultaneously.
Type : Disposable
Material : Metal & Plastic
Application : Hospital Use
Color : Available in many colors
Width : 20-40 Cm
Height : 50-100 Cm
...morePlasmid DNA Extraction Kit
TransPure™ Gel DNA Purification Kit provides convenient isolation of high-quality DNA in large amounts. By combining agarose gel electrophoresis and extraction, you can easily concentrate dilute, aqueous DNA solutions. Gel Purification Kit provides spin columns, buffers, and collection tubes for silica-membrane-based purification of DNA fragments from gels (up to 100-200 mg slices) or enzymatic reactions. DNA ranging from 70 bp to 20kb is purified using a simple and fast bind-wash-elute procedure and an elution volume of 30–50 μl.Gel DNA Purification kit employs a user-friendly workflow that enables processing of 6 samples in ~25 minutes.
Type : Disposable
Material : Metal & Plastic
Application : Hospital Use
Color : White
Width : 20-40 Cm
Height : 50-100 Cm
...morePlant DNA Isolation Kit
3,750 Per Set
Genomic Plant DNA Extraction Kit allows efficient isolation of total DNA from a variety of plant samples. Plant DNA Extraction Kit is designed for rapid and efficient purification of high quality genomic DNA from a wide variety of plant species and tissue types. It utilizes silica-based membrane technology in the form of a convenient spin column Technology. Plant DNA extraction Kit is a next-generation kit designed for the rapid isolation of genomic DNA from plant cells and tissue, providing higher yield and quality. The silica membrane in the TransPure™ columns is optimized to improve DNA binding.
Type : Disposable
Material : Metal & Plastic
Application : Hospital Use
Color : Multi Color
Temperature : 4-8 Deg C
...morePlant DNA Extraction Kit
3,750 Per Set
Genomic Plant DNA Extraction Kit allows efficient isolation of total DNA from a variety of plant samples. Plant DNA Extraction Kit is designed for rapid and efficient purification of high quality genomic DNA from a wide variety of plant species and tissue types. It utilizes silica-based membrane technology in the form of a convenient spin column Technology. Plant DNA extraction Kit is a next-generation kit designed for the rapid isolation of genomic DNA from plant cells and tissue, providing higher yield and quality. The silica membrane in the TransPure™ columns is optimized to improve DNA binding.
Type : Disposable
Material : Metal & Plastic
Application : Hospital Use
Color : White
Temperature : 4-8 Deg C
...moreMicrocentrifuge Tube
7 Per Piece
Microcentrifuge tube is one of the basic requirements of a biological laboratory. Transiom makes 2.0 ml self stand microcentrifuge tubes. Microcentrifuge Tubes are made of plastic (polypropylene). Microcentrifuge tubes are suitable for both sterile and non-sterile conditions. Microcentrifuge tubes can easily be used for centrifugation in a microcentrifuge while balancing the rotor. Microcentrifuge Tubes are economical and very useful in DNA/RNA extraction, amplification, PCR, blotting experiments, gel electrophoresis etc or any molecular biology experiment.
Type : Microcentrifuge
Material : Plastic
Application : Storing Liquid
Color : Transparent
Cap Type : Screw Cap
Transparancy : 100%
...moreMagnetic Stand
16,500 Per Piece
TransMag™ megnatic stand used for DNA/RNA extraction. TransMag™ Magnetic Stand is designed to simplify the manual processing of magnetic bead separations for Nucleic acid purification and clean up.The use of magnetic separation devices is essential in any paramagnetic bead-based DNA and RNA purification process.Magnetic field calibrated, high throughput extraction magnetic stand for 8 simultaneous reactions at a time. Used in all manual based extractions processes and compatible with a wide range of single tubes.
Size : Standard
Type : Magnetic
Material : Metal & Plastic
...moreInsect DNA extraction kit
4,550 Per Set
Insect DNA extraction kit is designed for the purification of Genomic DNA from insect. Insect DNA extraction Kit provides a fast and easy method for purification of total DNA from fresh, frozen, dried, or ethanol-preserved insects, arthropods, roundworms. With these Insect DNA Extraction kits, the procedure is easy and can be completed in minutes The DNA is then isolated and purified using our TranPure™-Spin Technology and is ideal for downstream molecular-based applications including PCR, array, genotyping, etc.
Type : Disposable
Material : Metal & Plastic
Application : Hospital Use
Color : White
Width : 20-40 Cm
Height : 50-100 Cm
...moreInsect DNA extraction kit
4,550 Per Set
Insect DNA extraction kit is designed for the purification of Genomic DNA from insect. Insect DNA extraction Kit provides a fast and easy method for purification of total DNA from fresh, frozen, dried, or ethanol-preserved insects, arthropods, roundworms. With these Insect DNA Extraction kits, the procedure is easy and can be completed in minutes The DNA is then isolated and purified using our TranPure™-Spin Technology and is ideal for downstream molecular-based applications including PCR, array, genotyping, etc.
Type : Disposable
Material : Metal & Plastic
Application : Hospital Use
Color : White
Temperature : 4-8 Deg C
...moreFFPE DNA Isolation Kit
5,450 Per Set
Type : Disposable
Material : Metal & Plastic
Application : Clinical Use
Color : Available in many colors
Width : 20-40 Cm
Height : 50-100 Cm
...moreFFPE DNA Extraction Kit
5,450 Per Set
Transiom FFPE Tissue DNA Extraction Kit is specially designed for purifying DNA from FFPE (formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded) tissue. FFPE is widely used for long-term preservation of pathological tissue samples. Specially optimized lysis conditions allow genomic DNA to be efficiently purified from FFPE tissue sections without the need for overnight incubation. Incubation at an elevated temperature after proteinase K digestion partially removes formalin crosslinking of the released DNA, improving yield as well as DNA performance in downstream assays. FFPE tissue is an excellent source of DNA, but its extraction can be a challenge. Transiom FFPE Tissue DNA extraction kit provides the reagents that are highly optimized for the rapid and effective extraction of DNA from either fresh or archived FFPE samples.Transiom FFPE Tissue DNA Extraction Kit procedure consists of 6 steps: remove paraffin, lyse, heat, bind, wash, and elute.
Type : Disposable
Material : Metal & Plastic
Application : Clinical Use
Color : Available in many colors
Width : 20-40 Cm
Height : 50-100 Cm
...moreDNA Spin Columns
450 Per Piece
TransPure™ (8 High Efficiency Silica Membrane Layer) DNA extraction columns are supplied with spin columns and collection tubes. The columns provide fast and reliable extraction of high quality DNA from a variety of samples including tissues, cells, plants and blood with a binding capacity of 50 μg .Extracted DNA is ready for use in many downstream applications, including PCR, restriction digestion, sequencing and library construction.
Type : Disposable
Material : Plastic
Size : Standard
Color : Transparent
Shape : Round
Surface : Polished
...moreDNA Purification Gel
3,250 Per Bottle
TransPure™ Gel DNA Purification Kit provides convenient isolation of high-quality DNA in large amounts. By combining agarose gel electrophoresis and extraction, you can easily concentrate dilute, aqueous DNA solutions. Gel Purification Kit provides spin columns, buffers, and collection tubes for silica-membrane-based purification of DNA fragments from gels (up to 100-200 mg slices) or enzymatic reactions. DNA ranging from 70 bp to 20kb is purified using a simple and fast bind-wash-elute procedure and an elution volume of 30–50 μl.Gel DNA Purification kit employs a user-friendly workflow that enables processing of 6 samples in ~25 minutes.
Type : Pure
Form : Liquid
Color : Yellow
Range : 70 bp to 20kb
...moreDNA Extraction Gel
TransPure™ Gel DNA Extraction Kit provides convenient isolation of high-quality DNA in large amounts. By combining agarose gel electrophoresis and extraction, you can easily concentrate dilute, aqueous DNA solutions. Gel Extraction Kit provides spin columns, buffers, and collection tubes for silica-membrane-based purification of DNA fragments from gels (up to 100-200 mg slices) or enzymatic reactions. DNA ranging from 70 bp to 20kb is purified using a simple and fast bind-wash-elute procedure and an elution volume of 30–50 μl.Gel DNA extraction kit employs a user-friendly workflow that enables processing of 6 samples in ~25 minutes.
Type : Pure
Color : Brown
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