Oscillating Tray Type Paddy Rice Separator
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The Panesar Oscillating Tray type Paddy Separator is one of the most excellent Paddy Separators which can be used for any kind of Rice varieties, offering advantages of compact size, high production, easy operation, low maintenance cost, low driving power and highly stable performance. Function The rice after hulling process still contains about 15-20% of paddy kernels. Once the mixture is fed onto the separating trays, it is given special side way motions as it rolls down towards the lower front end of the separating trays. At the very beginning stage, the paddy kernels start floating up onto grain layer as they move from the joint effect of specific gravity and surface smoothness of the grain kernels, and then while being given repeated knockings at the frame edges of the separating trays, gradually drift over to the other side, thus getting separated apart from each other. At the lower front end of the separating trays, the grain layers are divided into the following three flows : Brown rice Mixture of brown rice and paddy Paddy Each flow of separated grains is distinctively discharged into each hopper which is provided with an adjustable divider shiftable by simple turn of handle.
Paddy Separator Machine
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Designed and built sturdily in all metal construction for long period of use guarantees a highly stable and smooth opearion at all times. Completely free from the delicate and troublesome adjustment ascribable to the differences in variety, shape, size and moisture content of rice grains, therefore, no operational skill or professional knowledge is absolutely required. Capable of constant separation regardless of difference or change in grain conditions and therefore most suitable for constant operation. Can be installed into any small, medium or large sized existing rice mills, thanks to it's compact size, and is also operative most economically on smallest horsepower.
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