A2 Milk
110 Per Litre
1 Litre (MOQ)
Experience the purity of A2 milk, a special variety produced by cows naturally yielding A2 beta-casein protein. Why choose A2 milk? It is known for being easier to digest and having fewer allergenic effects than regular cows milk, thanks to lower levels of Beta-Casomorphin Peptides (BCMs). Embrace the goodness in every bottle of our A2 milk - a wholesome choice for those seeking a gentler and more digestible dairy option.
A2 Gir Cow Milk
75 Per Litre
Ayurveda & modern science have now endorsed the superiority of Cow Milk. It contains 10 times more Carotene (Vitamin A). It is easy to digest and helps you to overcome numerous ailments. Doctors and Naturopaths strongly recommend Desi Cow Milk to patients suffering from cholesterol, obesity, High/ Low BP, insomnia, constipation, stomach, eyesight & cardiac ailments.
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