Allan Smith Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Thane West, Maharashtra

4.8 4 Reviews
GST Number : 27AAKCA2375F1ZO
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  • Kiln Tyre Raceway Grinding

    Kiln Tyre Raceway Grinding

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    Kiln tyre grinding our company is recognized as one of the proficient service providers involved in rendering services for kiln tyre grinding. Usually, question being asked for need of grinding of tyres and reasons attributed for change in shape of tyre raceways from square to convex concave, the change is because of followings: abnormalities in kiln operating conditions, like: • high shell runout • high tyre wobble • misalignment in kiln axis • improper support roller axis, etc tyre wobble also called as tyre axial runout or tyre throw and usually consequence of installation error, kiln shell bend thermal or mechanical, taper wear on chair pad etc tyre wobble leads to reduced contact between tyre and support roller in part of kiln revolution. The reduced contact result in higher hertz pressure on roller tyre surface and has its own consequence and causes accelerated wear on rolling surface and adversely affects kiln axial balancing as well. From the figure, it is obvious the wear is convex on tyre and concave on support roller. The wear begins series of problems like hot bearings, failure of tyre retainers, accelerated wear of raceways etc. Once wear pattern established, accelerated wear can be expected in order to adjust kiln axial movement by adjustment of the worn out support rollers. • obvious solution for the above anomaly is to restore square tyre and roller raceways. • supports rollers are expected to operate about an axis and the resurfacing is relatively easy. • however, the resurfacing for the tyre is not easy because of wobbling in lateral and axial direction. And, tyre was removed from position and bored in vertical boring machines and reinstalled. As the methodology is not economical, an innovative approach is required beyond normal machining methods and tyre grinding machine is developed for the resurfacing. tire resurfacing technique • utilizes cup grinding stone • methodology adopted is more

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  • Kiln Shell Replacement

    Kiln Shell Replacement

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    Decision for kiln shell replacement is taken upon experience of persistent mechanical or operation problem. usually, operation problem is premature and repeated refractory failure at certain zone of kiln shell. The failure result in reduced campaign life and reduced productivity. And, repeated hot bearings, convexconcave wear on tyre rollers, erratic kiln axial movement etc as mechanical problems. Shell replacement at appropriate position is one of solution for the above problems.

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  • kiln shell profile study

    kiln shell profile study

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    Kiln shell deformation attributed to weakening of refractory, holding kiln at a position for extended time. The shell deformations shell bend caused in the kiln increase operating problem and the rectification is obligatory. Shell profile study is a study to conclude deformation bent in the shell section of kiln and correction can be scheduled includes shell replacement with exact determination of the cut line for the replacement. Usually, following is the scope of measurement: 1. Measurement of axial wobbling of rings (Tyre) 2. Measurement of gear rim mounting (wobbling – axial runout, eccentricity and local deformation) 3. Measurement of the shell axis and local deformation preferably every two meter. 4. Determine the distribution map of the vector of eccentricity and local deformation of the shell. 5. Calculations, review of obtained parameters develop corrective actions for the facility

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  • Kiln Shell Ovality Analysis

    Kiln Shell Ovality Analysis

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    Kiln Shell Ovality is defined as flexing in the shell during the rotation and is a function of clearance between tyre and tyre pads at the instant. By and large, the clearance is a function of kiln operating parameters like shell tyre temperature, material load, feed rate etc. Shell stresses are concluded from the measurements which upon the exceedance result in shell crack. Scope of Shell Flexing Analysis: a. Take kiln shell flexing measurements with high resolution beam, by directly mounting on the shell during normal operation. The flexing analysis is required to evaluate reasons contributing to shell flexing. And, creep is indirect measurement to conclude the shell flexing. b. Shell flexing is governed by following factors: i. Beam Strength of Tyre ii. High air gap between tyre ID & shell OD (tyre creep) iii. Kiln Shell Thickness iv. Kiln Shell Misalignment v. High run-out of kiln shell close to support stations c. It is mandatory the beam (instrument) installation should be close to tyre preferably on the tyre section on kiln shell. The data collected by the installation, away from tyre section (because of shorter tyre section or thrust roller position) may not be true representation of the load and the graph generated cannot be compared for differential load at piers.

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  • Kiln Balancing

    Kiln Balancing

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    We had an expertise to measure precisely support roller axial thrust in elevation as well in plan view. The measurement is concluded in �mm� and �ton� and accordingly the correction carried out to optimize the axial loading on the support roller. Kiln Balancing excessive travel may consequence in : Damaging thrust roller thrust face of thrust tire. Partly damaging kiln end seals because of excessive axial load on faceplates. Result in hot bearings damaging of bearings of support rollers. Excessive wear and tear on the support roller and tires surfaces. Optimum balancing of kiln axial load may help to reduce eliminate the above-mentioned problems. We can also support you with repair technology, preparation for the shell straightening by cutting and resetting, replacement Alignment of girth gear and tires, Chair pad replacement, chair pad shimming and adjustment system of our own design.

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  • Hot Kiln Alignment

    Hot Kiln Alignment

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    Hot kiln alignment is undertaken to ensure parallelism of center axis of kiln and all the support rollers. Measurements are carried out on kiln and support rollers to locate the existing axis. Depending upon analyzed result, correction can be taken up to ensure parallelism in plan and elevation view. Kiln misalignment influences on load distribution on the rollers. Possibility of load variation exists because of some or other reason like one roller has higher diameter than another roller, rollers with different elevation difference etc. Optimization of kiln load on the rollers helps to reduces differential loading between rollers at same pier. Problem like hot bearings, overturning of bearings, excessive wear on support rollers, and excessive wear on thrust rollers can be eliminated. Proper kiln alignment ensures proper load sharing on the support rollers. Features as a standard procedure, we are carrying out fea analysis to check the kiln stiffness. The stiffness helps to conclude the kiln is �stiff� or �flexible�. We evaluate local slopes of each tire (as shown below) - usp we optimize loading on the piers, depends upon stresses in the shell. unique accuracy of our measurements is related to the possibility of access the support roller shaft end during operation. our precision of the measurement is up to tens of millimeter. What we can see during rollers adjustment when moving the roller of 0�2 or 0�3 mm we are shifting for thrust direction.

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  • Kiln Shell Analysis

    Kiln Shell Analysis

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    Deflection and Bent, we are measuring by standard method of measurement of distance to rotating kiln section. The data analyzed and presents as polar diagram for eccentricity and local deformations. Additionally, we measure roller shaft deflection to conclude hidden cranks of the shell at support roller position. Also, we reverse calculate the shell bent causing shaft deflection and consider this in the real final shell axis shape. Support Roller Deflection We carry out support roller deflection measurement, a dynamic deflection during normal kiln operation. Data recorded for complete rotation of kiln using high precision digital dial gauge of accuracy 0.001 mm. The deflection indicate �hidden bend in kiln shell�, support roller shaft strength under operation load, etc. Kiln shell runout eccentricity and hidden crank induce cyclical shaft deflection and leads to incipient of fatigue crack in the shaft. Static deflection of the shaft will be higher but this we can�t measure; we can measure only variation in the deflection during operation. The static deflection can only be measured during shutdown.

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  • Tyre & Support Roller Grinding Services

    Tyre & Support Roller Grinding Services

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    allan smith engineering pvt. ltd. is a noted service provider of tyre & support roller grinding. as an experienced entity in the industry, we improve the contact between surfaces by implementing equal pressure on it. this also reduces the rotation resistance and axial kiln balance. the entire process is executed under expert supervision by professionals. hence, you can stay assured of the process at an affordable rate.

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  • specialized maintenance services

    specialized maintenance services

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    Specialized maintenance services, offered by Allan Smith Engineering, are widely acknowledged for optimal engineering solutions. Maintenance of cement clinker is essential for prolonged performance and hence, we make sure that the machine performs in the long run. Our professional engineers perform a quality check on the mechanical parts. The hindered equipment is replaced as per the requirement. For further queries, get in touch with our experts.

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  • Precision Repairing Services

    Precision Repairing Services

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    Precision maintenance describes the maintenance culture in a facility. Specifically, a precision maintenance plan involves performing maintenance work in a consistent, precise, and industry-accepted way. If properly implemented, this means that the maintenance should yield the exact same results regardless of whosoever is performing the work. At Allan Smith Engineering, we’re agile at rendering precision repairing services. Feel free to contact us for acquiring precision repairing services in the city.

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  • Kiln Tyre Grinding

    Kiln Tyre Grinding

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    we are proficient service provider of kiln tire grinding; our kiln operates consistently without stoppage it obvious abnormalities arises like  high shell run out high tire wobbling misalignment in kiln axis improper support roller axis  above issue reduce contact between tire and roller in part of kiln revolution, reduced contact result in higher hertz pressure on roller tire surface and has its own consequences and causes accelerate wear on rolling surface and adversely affect kiln axial balancing as well, it brings series of problems like hot bearing, failure of tire retainer, accelerated wear on raceways, it can be expected in order to adjust kiln axial moment by adjustment of warm out support roller. solution for all above abnormality can be restore squire tire and roller raceways ,support roller are expected to operate about an axis of the and the resurfacing is very easy. our technique of resurfacing:- 1. using cup grinding stone 2. methodology is similar to centre less grinding machine 3. ensure uniform grinding and stone pressure on surface    set up requirement: safety: - safe working procedure machine size and working space environmental condition- temperature, humidity , altitude , corrosive atmosphere lighting vibration-maximum requirement noise- less than 70 dba working platform pneumatic supply electrical supply electrical connections benefits of resurfacing reduce unplanned stoppage achievement of maximum plant availability efficient planning for schedule shut down budget planning for high cost item

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  • Kiln Shell Analysis Services

    Kiln Shell Analysis Services

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    Deflection and Bent, we are measuring by standard method of measurement of distance to rotating kiln section. The data analyzed and presents as polar diagram for eccentricity and local deformations. Additionally, we measure roller shaft deflection to conclude hidden cranks of the shell at support roller position. Also, we reverse calculate the shell bent causing shaft deflection and consider this in the real final shell axis shape.rnSupport Roller DeflectionWe carry out support roller deflection measurement, a dynamic deflection during normal kiln operation. Data recorded for complete rotation of kiln using high precision digital dial gauge of accuracy 0.001 mm. The deflection indicate “hidden bend in kiln shell”, support roller shaft strength under operation load, etc. Kiln shell runout eccentricity and hidden crank induce cyclical shaft deflection and leads to incipient of fatigue crack in the shaft. Static deflection of the shaft will be higher but this we can’t measure; we can measure only variation in the deflection during operation. The static deflection can only be measured during shutdown.

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  • kiln installation services

    kiln installation services

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    Acquire the best kiln installation & erection services in Thane (Maharashtra), turn to Allan Smith Engineering. We provide kiln installation & erection services across the city and areas nearby. Owing to the professionalism in the work, we’ve been a prominent choice for people. Our professionals leave no stone unturned in providing the best kiln installation & erection services. For more, get in touch with us today.

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  • Kiln Balancing Services

    Kiln Balancing Services

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    we had an expertise to measure precisely support roller axial thrust in elevation as well in plan view. The measurement is concluded in “mm” and “ton” and accordingly the correction carried out to optimize the axial loading on the support roller. kiln balancing excessive travel may consequence in : damaging thrust roller thrust face of thrust tire.rnpartly damaging kiln end seals because of excessive axial load on faceplates.rnresult in hot bearings damaging of bearings of support rollers.rnexcessive wear and tear on the support roller and tires surfaces.rnoptimum balancing of kiln axial load may help to reduce eliminate the above-mentioned problems. we can also support you with repair technology, preparation for the shell straightening by cutting and resetting, replacement alignment of girth gear and tires, chair pad replacement, chair pad shimming and adjustment system of our own design.

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  • Kiln Audit Services

    Kiln Audit Services

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    Acquire the best kiln audit services in Thane (Maharashtra) by approaching Allan Smith Engineering. We are backed by a professional staff that holds expertise in kiln auditing. We make sure that no client faces the slightest inconvenience after acquiring our kiln audit service. As per the client requirement, the data is maintained for clinker and cement used. For further queries, feel free to get in touch with us now.

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  • Kiln Alignment Services

    Kiln Alignment Services

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    The Kiln Alignment services that we offer are reputed for zero error and close tolerances. We offer specialized Kiln Alignment solutions using the latest technology and tools. Our team is proficient and experienced in carrying out Kiln Alignment jobs of any scale, small or large. Our ability to locate the recurring problems and eliminating them enables us to offer dedicated Kiln Alignment.   Why Our Kiln Alignment Service? We have an expert team of mechanical engineers who are proficient in this domain. They have extensive experience in over hundred slow speed rotary machines which enables them to effectively align and rectify any kind of problems.   What Is Floating Point Alignment? Designed specially to address the requirements of slow speed rotary machines, this method aligns two pier supported systems thus mechanically stabilizing them. This method is planned after meticulously reviewing and learning the number of pre and post alignment issues in the two pier support systems. This ensures proper and complete alignment. The Floating Point Method is designed to bring the four floating points onto a reference plane with the aim of accomplishing uniform load sharing with support rollers.

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  • Hot Kiln Alignment Services

    Hot Kiln Alignment Services

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    Allan Smith Engineering Pvt. Ltd. is engaged in providing hot kiln alignment. By utilizing our hot kiln alignment services, you can easily acquire realistic knowledge on the condition of the kiln without hampering the clinker production. Our alignment approach is based on technical and customized hardware/software. Since our professional alignment specialists hold expertise in grasping the root cause of kiln failure. Based on our experience and considering the root cause of kiln failure, we offer the best service at feasible costs.

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  • Cold Alignment Services

    Cold Alignment Services

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    Machines and gears often face alignment problems when not used for a prolonged period or overused. Thermal changes in gearboxes can be especially difficult to calculate. Often the input shaft temperatures will be different from the output shaft temperatures. This causes the gearbox shaft alignments to change in the horizontal plane as well as the vertical plane. Approach us and find the best solution by acquiring cold alignment services offered by Allan Smith Engineering. Our staff provides optimal quality cold alignment services across the region. For further queries, get in touch with us.

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  • Kiln Erection Services

    Kiln Erection Services

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    The Kiln Erection service offered by us is employed by several industries. Rotary equipment, kiln is the core of any processing facility. Our services in the field of Kiln Erection are designed to address the current requirements and demands of the industry. We are well-equipped with the workforce and the latest machines required for carrying out effective Kiln Erection. The Kiln Erection services that we offer are cost effective and designed to offer stability and long service life. Our Kiln Erection services are carried out ensuring minimal to zero breakdown of the kiln.

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  • Hot Kiln Alignment Service

    Hot Kiln Alignment Service

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    We are having expertise, working on similar machines for around 23 years. Engineers had hand on specialized experience in world-class organizations and also have global exposure. We are committed to increase availability of the machines and thus the reliability of the machine. Our specializations are for following machines; � Slow speed rotary machines. � Rotary Kiln Cooler Granulator Calciner Roaster etc rnAllan Smith Engineering, the company you can depend upon for improving achieving cent percent productivity.

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  • Kiln Alignment

    Kiln Alignment

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    Our services of kiln alignment having mission Dynamic analysis of all spare parts of kiln to maintain accuracy in measurement, zero tolerance, by our experienced and specialized team lashed with modernized specific tools to monitor closer observation through latest   international technology.       Our services Benefits Our service team targeted to reduce operating cost and increases the wear life in various kiln design, speed, process, products, and completion of work within the time frame. Our focus to find reason through analytical audit of kiln and its spares to eliminate wear problem with providing suitable solution.   Significant of Floating Point Plane ( FPP) Alignment :- Alignment is a starting point for any mechanical maintenance program in rotary kiln, it includes all mechanical characteristics of the kiln. Initially we study geometrical status of kiln spares , support system then  analyze axis of rotation as accordingly .After collection  and analysis of data we stabilize balance on every support station .The floating point method is designed to bring a point on the reference plane with the aim of accomplishing uniform load sharing with all support roller.            

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  • Kiln Erection

    Kiln Erection

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    Our project engineering is a core service provided by our engineers especially on mechanical engineering services focused on rotary kiln .our ethics efficient project management with proper co-ordination and administration ,we have our standard policy and methodology good knowledge of agile. We are providing our services in various kiln cement, steel, sponge iron etc. our comprehensive project management plan of erection sequences of kiln, complete method of statement for every individual job , specific and advanced tool with technique, close monitoring on observation , maintaining protocols to authenticate observations and record purpose , compilation of all activities observation chart during commissioning of the equipment. Our job schedule for kiln erection as under.    Erection as alignment of kiln base and gear box. Pre assembly of kiln shell and heavy section (Tire, girth gear. etc) Preparation of kiln bearing scraping as per requirement.  Erection and alignment of the bearing and support roller Erection of kiln and main drive Erection of inlet and outlet seals and other light spares.   We have skilled efficient technician and riggers able to perform kiln erection rigging at any height. We have sufficient number of specialized technicians for erection of kiln and able to cover many more job at a time for early completion of project. In our erection crew job wise separated like specified welder for kiln shell joint, shell cutting and chamfering, grinding and finishing, matching and alignment of shell joint, fabrication team for other miscellaneous fabrication of alignment hardware and other spare.   We are quite aware for power consumption as per production in cement kiln. Our team crew cares for mechanical as well as process parameter for stable operation and more productive.    We adopt safety policy of work with proper work permit, work plan, safety precaution, and safety supervision as per global norms.   

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  • Fea Analysis Services

    Fea Analysis Services

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    Now a day’s Finite Element Analysis is being used to analyze failure analysis. FEA Analysis Services finds extensive application of FEA is in aerospace, automotive industry as well. In FEA, exact virtual model of machine element has been tested under practical conditions. Depending upon the test results, machine element can modify for its best performance in practice. We use FEA to carry out design review of kiln and components under normal operation. The review and corrections ensures reliable and dependable operation,   Recently we had carried out F.E.A. analysis to establish root cause of cement kiln support roller shaft shearing.

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  • Kiln Shell Analysis

    Kiln Shell Analysis

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    We calculate shell distortion and bend our standard method of shell stress analysis, the data analyzed on base of polar diagram for eccentricity and local deformation. We manure shaft deflection to analyze hidden crank of the shell and support roller position.  We have team to weld shell crack /shell change/ Stabilizing circumferential crack. We provide following test for shell. Non destructive testing (NDT) Ultrasonic test (UT) Magnetoscopic test (MT)   Support roller deflection :-   We carry out support roller deflection measurement ,a dynamic deflection during normal kiln operation , data recorded  for complete operation of kiln with high precision digital dial gauge of accuracy of 0.001mm the deflection indicate  “ hidden bend in kiln shell “ support roller shaft strength under operation load etc  Kiln shell run out/eccentricity and hidden crank induced cyclical shaft deflection and lead incipient of fatigue crack in the shaft.   Static deflection of shaft will be higher but this we can’t measure, we can measure  only variation in deflection  during operation, the static deflection only can measure only in shut down  

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  • Hot Kiln Alignment

    Hot Kiln Alignment

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    Hot kiln alignment parallelism of centre axis of kiln and all support rollers. Kiln misalignment influence on load distribution on support rollers. Our alignment method applied by precision total station , measurement are taken in kiln normal operation and each measurement taken two times because of we allow to determine kiln axis deformation with a precisian below + / - 1 mm with high reliability.   Problems like hot bearing, excessive wear on roller and tire, excessive wear on thrust roller, Vibration in kiln pair, can be eliminate by carrying out hot kiln alignment. Our company having new technologies devices and software which make easy to procure highly precise and accurate measurement, our most specialized field measurement and analysis of kiln. We process our measurement through automating measurement and calculation analysis which is not only for presentation also provide guideline for aligning and supervising machine repair. We also provide animated rotary kiln shell in report.   Scopes of services   1.Set two horizontal reference line and benchmark on each pair 2.Following measurement is to be carried out A. kiln axles position vertical and horizontal plane B.Rollers axles position and skewing and operating angle C.Rollers inclination and foundation frame axial slop D.Support rollers profile (Mechanical wear of running surface) E.Support rollers shaft deflection in reference to the pair (If any crank formation) F.Thrust roller position with reference to kiln axis G.Tire and shell temperature H.Tire migration / air gap I.Shell profile J.Wobbling of tire and girth gear 3.General mechanical inspection mesh ( girth gear –pinion),bearing and shaft condition, seals , thrust roller assembly , cover and housing 4.Calculation of deviation in axis vertical and horizontal plane and kiln slope. 5.Adjustment program schedule 6.Adjustment as per procedure 7.Survey of final axis position and rollers skewing adjustment. 8.Preparation of complete report with recommendation 9.Elastic shell deformation survey. Shell ovality check. 10.Measurement of kiln drives system equipment. 11. Kiln parameter observation as under. i.Current load on pairs ii.Pressure on bearing iii.Bending stress in the shell iv.Stress in the tire  

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  • Kiln Balancing

    Kiln Balancing

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    Kiln balancing is optimizing axial load on rollers. Problems arising during uneven load distribution are as under.   1.Damaging thrust roller /thrust collar of tire 2.Damaging kiln end seal 3.Wear and tear on support roller and tire surface 4.Vibration 5.Missing kiln float 6.Whistling sound form shaft and bearing 7.Consumption of higher current amperage main drive.    We balance axial load on support roller to position of roller axis with respect to rotating drum axis. Method of load balancing first of we check load on every support roller and tire and balance with required quantity as per observation.    

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  • Erection Services

    Erection Services

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  • Tyre Grinding Machine

    Tyre Grinding Machine

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    Owing to our immense expertise in this domain, we have carved a niche in the industry as the reputed service provider for Tyre Grinding Machine.

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  • Kiln Erection Services

    Kiln Erection Services

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  • Support Roller Grinding Services

    Support Roller Grinding Services

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  • Thrust roller grinding

    Thrust roller grinding

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      Alignment is a starting point for any mechanical maintenance program in rotary kiln, it includes all mechanical characteristics of the kiln. Initially we study geometrical status of kiln spares , support system then  analyze axis of rotation as accordingly .After collection  and analysis of data we stabilize balance on every support station .The floating point method is designed to bring a point on the reference plane with the aim of accomplishing uniform load sharing with all support roller.   Set two horizontal reference line and benchmark on each pair Following measurement is to be carried out kiln axles position vertical and horizontal plane Rollers axles position and skewing and operating angle Rollers inclination and foundation frame axial slop Support rollers profile (Mechanical wear of running surface) Support rollers shaft deflection in reference to the pair (If any crank formation) Thrust roller position with reference to kiln axis    

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Service Provider
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers
  • Year of Establishment 2009
  • No. of Employees 100 - 150
  • Annual Turnover Rs. 25 to 50 Crore Approx.
  • Ownership Type Others
  • GSTIN Number 27AAKCA2375F1ZO

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Allan Smith Engineering Pvt. Ltd. is Service Provider of [Construction Services] - Kiln Erection Services, Erection Services, Kiln Erection, [Manufacturing & Assembling Services] - Tyre & Support Roller Grinding Services, Support Roller Grinding Services, Thrust roller grinding, [Measuring Instruments & Equipment] - Kiln Balancing Services, Kiln Balancing in Thane, Maharashtra.
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Contact Information

Allan Smith Engineering Pvt. Ltd.

  • Mr. Laxmi Narayan
  • Unit no. 612- B Wing, Lodha Supremus, Kolshet Road, Near Air force Station, Thane West, Maharashtra