FRP Portable Bio Toilet
25,000 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
bio toilet
1,450 - 2,900 Per kg
Manufacture of specialize Microbial bioculture for Bio- toilet,It is specialized bioculture in powder form with fully acclimatized bacteria & ready to use bioculture. No need to do fermentation before use.
Best Deals from Bio Toilet
Modular Bio Toilet
10,000 - 29,000 Per piece
1 piece (MOQ)
25,500 Per piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Bio Toilet modular
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100 Pair (MOQ)
We are manufacturer of Most economical Bio Toilet in ready to fit Design having Sturdy Superstructure and compact Bio digester Material used for making Toilet Super structure assuring :- Modular technology Light weight structural members Longer life Better aesthetics Lowered transport cost RK Technologies Bio-digester benefits:- Eco friendly Economical Easily installable Easy maintenance features 1) Lowest Price most economical 2) sturdy design 3) ready to use in one hour(India's 1st of its kind) 4) compact design 5) available with soakpit design,septic tank design and bio toilet design 6) can supply in quantity 7) book on cell 9822952481 8)Ready delivery Bio toilet in ready made design 200 L (3-5 people) 500 L (4-8People) 1200 l(6-15People) we Deal CSR,Bulk orders & NGO.
FRP Bio Toilets
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We are the main supplier of this product.
SRS Bio Mobile Toilet
290,000 Per Number
1 Piece (MOQ)
bio toilet
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MECHWAT are leading manufacturers, suppliers and exporter of Bio Toilet. We are serving our client in more than 7 countries across the world. Biotoilet/Biodigester technology treats human waste at source. A collection of anaerobic bacteria that has been adapted to work at temperature as low as -5 C and as high as 50 C act as inocula to the bio-digesters and convert the organic human waste into water, methane and carbon dioxide. The anaerobic process inactivates the pathogens responsible for water borne diseases and treats the feacal matter without use of an external energy source. The only by-product of the waste treatment process are pathogen free water, which is good for gardening and biogas, which can be used for cooking. Biotoilet do not require sewage connectivity and because the process is self contained, biotoilet are self maintenance free. While we explain the functioning of the system to users, no specific training is required.  What is a Bio Toilet ? how does a BioToilet Work ?  BioToilet is an assemble unit of toilet super structure with Bio-Digester Process Unit for complete decomposition of human sewage waste into gases and digested nutrient rich liquid fertilizer residual. Bio Toilet Mechanism is followed by Anaerobic and Aerobic Operation.  Bio Toilet Technology followed by Anaerobic Bio-Digestion Process are more popular than Bio Toilet Technology followed by Aerobic Bio-Digestion Process due to zero consumption of power and zero discharge of sludge.   Bio Toilet Technology Followed By Anaerobic Bio-Digester Process Unit.   Bio Toilet Technology followed by anaerobic biodgester process contain different groups of bacteria. These groups work in sequence, with the products of one group serving as substrates of another group. Therefore, each group is linked to other groups in chainlike fashion, with the weakest links being acetate production and methane production.  STAGE 1- Hydrolysis Stage  In Anaerobic Digester Unit, Insoluble solid sewage waste undergo hydrolysis. human sewage waste consist of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats. These waste are polymeric substances, that is large insoluble molecules consisting of many small molecules joined together by unique chemical bonds. The Small molecules are solubles are quickly go into solution once the chemical bonds are broken. Hydrolytic bacteria or facultative anaerobes and anaerobes that are capable of performing hydrolysis achieve breakage of these unique bonds. Hydrolysis is the splitting of a compound with water.
Western Modular Bio Toilet
37,000 Per Piece
1 Piece(s) (MOQ)
bio enztech toilet
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Wall panels are made of solid PVC foam profile with homogenous fine cellular structure having smooth outer integral skin having 64mm width & 30mm thick as vertical & horizontal stiles. Joints are made using solvent adhesive and GI ‘C’ sections or M S Pipe stiffener frame insert. The infill panel shall be filled with 321mm wide and 20mm thick ACCUCEL ribbed panel.
10 Seater PUF Mobile Bio Toilet
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Payment for consignments can be carried out through offline or online modes, as per convenience of the clients. We assure you any method that is agreed upon by you and the company will be safe. Customers can provide their specifications to us in regards to the packaging of the products as we serve customized packaging requirements. We ensure damage-free products at customer's end.
Bioclean Biotoilet
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Bio Toilet with Solar System
65,000 - 115,000 Per Piece
bio toilet
41,400 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
bio toilet
55,000 - 120,000 Per Piece
2 Piece(s) (MOQ)
Bioclean Biotoilet
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Prefab Portable Bio Toilet
49,000 Per Piece
bio toilet
45,000 - 75,000 Per piece
10 Piece (MOQ)
We have a pre-fabricated portable toilet with Indian, western, and premium options. Size 1.1 m *1.1m *2.4 m Made: Fiber-reinforced plastic door: swing type Waste management: Bio digetseter customizable as per requirement with soak pitÂ
bio digester toilet
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The company offers a range of clean and properly designed Bio Digester Toilet that are eco-friendly as well as long lasting. What is Bio Digester Bio Digester Toilet involves a unique technology wherein the human waste is decomposed in a specially designed digester using a specific anaerobic bacteria that works in the digester tank to break up the feacus into water and methane. This mechanism with the indigenised and novel techniques results in the total breakup of waste matter thus providing the advantage of being eco friendly, least polluting and odourless with side use of its water and gas for other purposes. It eliminates the risk of contamination and thus reduces diseases. The process involves subjecting the faecal matter to an environment assisted by the anerobic process, wherein the bacteria feeds into the faecal matter decomposing it completely to release water and gas. Indigenous bioactive fluid The bacteria is generated specially through an indigenously developed process under controlled conditions. Advantages of Bio Digester Toilet Eco FriendlyConomicalAse of UseAsily installableLiminates mosquitoes cocroaches & flies xempt of usual bad smell.Asy maintenance
FRP Bio Degradable Toilet
40,000 Per Piece