VAM Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza
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500 Kilogram (MOQ)
Tierra Overseas is manufacturer and supplier of high quality VAM (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza) in India. Mode of Action The fungus provides mutualistic association between roots and nutrients by penetrating in the plant root cells and thereby producing balloon like vesicles. Due to this formation, the nutrient uptake area of the plant increases. The mycelium have higher water and mineral nutrient absorptivity due to large surface area of fungal hyphae, thus improving mineral absorption capability of the plant. Soils with a basic pH has demineralized phosphate ions which the plant roots alone are unable to uptake. The mycelium of mycorrhizae access these phosphorous source and make them available to the host plant. As the mycelia are much smaller in diameter, they are exposed to greater volume of soil which results in a larger area for nutrient absorption. Due to this feature, they prove very beneficial in a poor nutrient soil. Benefits of mycorrhiza • Increases root area of the plant through hyphae.• Increases nutrient uptake including primary and secondary nutrients.• Increases immune system of the plant.• Increases disease, drought and salinity resistance.• Can be used to treat Seed, Seedling, Sett, Soil and Plantation crops. Eco-Friendly The product is extremely safe and non-toxic to human beings, plants, animals, birds, fishes and all other non target organisms. Contains no phytotoxicity and exempted from residue analysis. Method of Use Mix recommended quantity of the product with well decomposed farm yard manure or farm soil and broadcast during the last ploughing or sowing followed by irrigation. An evening time is ideal for broadcasting this product. In case of liquid formulation, shake the bottle well before use. Once a bottle is opened the entire content is to be used at once. This product should not be mixed with any antibacterial agent or any chemical fertilizer. Recommended for Millets, Oilseeds, Fruits & Vegetables, Coconut, Oil palm, Cotton, Chilly, Lime, Tea, Banana, Flowers, Spices, Contiments, Herbs, Perinnial trees. Dose 4 kg per ha or 2 ltr per ha Storage Store the bottles in a cool and dry place away from direct heat and sunlight. Note We can provide a consortium/mixture of various bacteria/fungi/micro organisms as per requirement.
Liquid Bio Fertilizer
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Since historic or prehistoric times crops and plants have grown naturally in the fertile soils. Growth and quality of the crops depend on the fertility of soils. Organic content of the soils contribute to the soil fertility. Population burst and profit orientated approaches to farming, lead to intense farming across the globe. For rapid and higher yields chemical fertilizers are commercially being used since 19th century, deteriorating the soil quality. The quantity of chemical fertilizer added to the fields is increased every year to maintain the same quantity of yield. Because of increase in the addition of chemical fertilizer to the soil, the soil has lost its fertility in many locations across the globe.
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Bio Bloom Agricultural Fertilizers
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1 Pack(s) (MOQ)
We are offering Bio Bloom Agricultural Fertilizers. Bio bloom is spacially formulated protien supplement to improve prower and stamina of "blossom" against virul pathogen attack. It is protien food to "bloom" it provides stabilized, strong "bloom" which will bear healthy vegetables crop grains fruits with enhanced aroma and good taste.
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400 Per Kilogram
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