Multistage Evaporator
1,500,000 Per Piece
laboratory Sample Concentrator Nitrogen Evaporator
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Best Deals from Evaporator
Milk Evaporator
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Goma manufactures agitated type vacuum pan, forced circulation & falling film types of evaporator, for concentrating fruit juices milk and other liquid foods. Our vacuum pan consists of main cylindrical vessel, vapor separation system, condenser, vacuum pump (water seal with silencer), and other necessary accessories and mountings. Vacuum pan is equipped with digital temperature sensor, vacuum gauge, sample valve, sight glass, air vent, vacuum release valve, condensate system (strainer, steam trap, by-pass valve), safety valve, pressure gauge, steam supply point etc.
Industrial Evaporators
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Features Can be ceiling suspended as well as floor mounted suitable for Freon as well as Ammonia. Ceiling suspended units in the range of 2 TR, 3 TR & 5 TR. Floor mounted units range from 5 TR, 7.5 TR, 10 TR, 15 TR & 20 TR. Coils can be in different configuration; SS tubes with Al. fins, Cu tubes with Al. fins. Al. tubes with Al. fins (imported coils). Coils provided with electric defrosting. Cabinets are made of 16 SWG CRCA duly treated zinc metalised (or) powder coated. Fans can be propeller or tube axial with TEFC Motors. Provision can be given for capacity control.