Fresh Tamarind
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The ripe fruit of the Tamarind tree is used as a condiment and has an extremely sour taste. Tamarind comes in whole pods, Compressed Blocks, Paste, or Concentrates. Tamarind is used in the preparation of various dishes. Health Benefits of Tamarind: Improves Digestion Helps Reduce weight Fights Cancer Controls Diabetes Helps in Healing Wounds Clears up Skin Protects Liver Treats Cough, Cold & Asthma Prevent Peptic Ulcers Relieve Stomach-ache & Constipation Prevent Malaria & Microbial Diseases Fights Against Cancer Cells
Fresh Tamarind
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Tamarind (TamarindusindicaL) is one of the common fruit trees found grown all over India mostly under rainfedconditions, particularly in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. It is also one of the most popular avenue trees which yield useful fruits and timber besides providing shade. Tamarind is believed to be native of Tropical Africa but now cultivated throughout South East Asia, Australia, America.Tamarind fruit is an important condiment/ adjunct used as an acidic/ flavouringagent in the Indian cookery. India produces about 2.5 lakh tonnesof Tamarind pulp annually. Pulp powder and juice concentrates have a export potential in European countries.
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Fresh Tamarind
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