Psoriasis Homeopathic Treatment Services
Psoriasis is a chronic, recurrent, auto immune disease and non-contagious inflammation of skin. Normal skin takes 28-30 days to produce new skin. To shed the old skin due to inflammation, the process of skin formation multiplies within 3-4 days itself. As old skin can't be shed fast, it causes dead skin cells to pile up on top of each other forming thick red itchy flaky patches know as plaque. Distribution is mostly on extensor surfaces i.e. on knees, elbows, buttocks; it may also involve palms and scalp. Psoriasis gets better and worse spontaneously and can have periodic remissions (clear skin).
...morePneumonia Homeopathic Treatment Services
Pneumonia is a disease that leads to infection and inflammatory changes within the affected lung. It affects nearly 7% of the entire world is population every year and India has the unfortunate recognition of being among the leading countries with incidence of Pneumonia.
...morePeptic Ulcer Homeopathic Treatment Services
A peptic ulcer is a breach or sore present in the innermost lining of the stomach or the first part of the small intestine called duodenum. About 10-15% of the global population currently suffers from this condition, with duodenal ulcers being more commonly seen than stomach ulcers.
...morePCOS Homeopathic Treatment Services
PCOS is a condition in which the ovaries show the presence of cysts that are balloon-shaped. The cause lies in a discrepancy in the delicate balance of hormones. Apart from menstrual problems, females suffering from PCOS often complain of excess hair growth on the body and weight gain. Consult Us
...moreMigraine Homeopathic Treatment Services
Migraine is a chronic type of headache that occurs in episodes and is characterized by a violent throbbing pain, usually felt on one side of the head and is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting and intolerance to light. More than 15% of the entire world's population is afflicted with migraine, and it is more common in women. Migraines are varied in causation and are among the most devious diseases to treat what with people being continuously exposed to triggers of a migraine. Homeopathy Treatment helps to reduce this unnecessary sensitivity and make the constitution more resistant to these common assaults. The homeopathy medicines for migraine or headache help to correct the internal pathophysiology of the disease to give a more lasting improvement and relief.
...moreHemorrhoids Homeopathic Treatment Services
Hemorrhoids are blood vessels located in the lower part of the rectum and around the anus which have become enlarged and swollen. Hemorrhoids very commonly occur in both men and women. Approximately, half the population is known to have hemorrhoids by age 50, and usually caused by increased pressure within the lower abdomen.
...moreGERD Homeopathic Treatment Services
The most affected site of digestive tract is the lower esophageal sphincter; it is a muscular ring (sphincter) connecting the esophagus with stomach. The main function of the sphincter is to prevent food from moving out of the stomach and back into esophagus. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease ([GERD]/ heartburn) is very often used word to describe many digestive problems. Stomach acids reflux (or back up) from stomach into esophagus causes harsh, burning sensation in the area in between ribs or just below neck and may radiate through the chest and into neck and throat. Reflux often occurs if the muscle where the esophagus meets the stomach doesn't close tight enough. A hiatal hernia aggravates GERD symptoms worse. It occurs when the stomach bulges through this opening into the chest.
...moreEczema Homeopathic Treatment Services
Eczema has a recognizable pattern as seen in a number of skin diseases. Primary lesions may include papules, red macules, and vesicles, which can unite to form patches and plaques. In severe eczema, secondary lesions from infection or excoriation, marked by weeping and crusting, may predominate. Long-standing dermatitis is often dry and is characterized by thick scaly skin (lichenification). Atopic dermatitis is a common causes of eczema, and is more prevalent in those with asthma and hay fever. It usually starts in childhood, and often gets milder or goes away by adulthood. It begins as red, raised tiny blisters containing fluid with red, elevated plaques. When the blisters break, the skin starts to discharge and ooze. In chronic eczema, the blisters are less but the skin becomes thick and scaly. Eczema almost always is very itchy.
...moreDialysis Homeopathic Treatment Services
Dialysis is the procedure adopted to cleanse the body of waste and excess water from the body when the kidneys are unable to perform adequately for survival. It is usually adopted by many conventional practitioners in cases of Chronic Kidney Disease or Chronic Renal Failure. The most glaring problem in this is that it is an artificial and temporary replacement for a kidney. And an artificial replacement, is, after all, artificial. The results may be seen, but only for a short time, only for the person to return again for another session. Continuous dialysis also reduces the existing functions of the kidneys, and they finally shut down after few years. It is an extremely dependent process, and it is very difficult to wean a person off dialysis without the right treatment. Here is where Homeopathy helps!
...moreDental Pain Homeopathic Treatment Services
Dental caries start asymptomatically with the destruction of the hard surface ofthe tooth. Streptococcus mutans, essentially, along with other microorganismscolonize the naturallybuffering film on the tooth surface to produceplaque. If not expelled by brushing or the normalcleaning action ofsaliva, bacterial acids demineralize the enamel.Fissures and pits are the most frequent sitesof decay.Over a period of time, dental caries spread to the underlying dentin, leadingto cavities and ultimately infiltration to the tooth pulp,thus producing acute pulpitis. At this early stage when the pulp infectionis constrained, the tooth becomes sensitive to hot or cold,and pain resolves immediately when the annoying stimulus is removed.
...moreCOPD Homeopathic Treatment Services
COPD is the acronym for the condition Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and is a spectrum or range of conditions that exhibit the predominant complaints of cough and breathlessness. Whereas in Asthma, the problem was in the airways of the lungs, in COPD, the issue goes deeper. Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema are the most known forms of the condition. The airways within the lungs form an intricate network and they become smaller the deeper they go. Every tiny airway ends in a bag-like structure called alveolus that is the centre of exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. By inflating and deflating, the alveoli are able to maintain oxygen levels in the lungs and blood. In COPD, these alveoli become defective and lose their flexibility resulting in incomplete functioning.
...moreCold Cough Homeopathic Treatment Services
Cold and cough are the most frequently reported symptoms to a doctor, especially when it comes to children. The conditions are so common that most don't even bother going to a doctor and consider this as part and parcel of their lives! But the reason is simple- lowered resistance. Children especially have an underdeveloped immunity system, that is defective as far as resistance to common offending viruses are concerned. That is why they tend to fall prey to colds very easily. The problem comes when the immunity is still weak even as the child grows into an adolescent and then adult.
...moreBronchitis Homeopathic Treatment Services
Bronchitis is an inflammatory condition wherein the mucosal lining present within the bronchi or airways gets irritated and swollen giving rise to cough and breathlessness. It is most frequently seen in young children whose immunity is still not well-developed, although even adults cannot escape this disease.
...moreBronchial Asthma Homeopathic Treatment Services
Asthma is defined as a chronic inflammatory disease of airways characterized by increased sensitivity of the respiratory system to a variety of stimuli. There is wide spread narrowing of the air passages with outbursts of difficulty in breathing, cough, and wheezing. There are acute episodes mixed with symptom-free periods. Clinically the patient seems to recover completely after an attack.However, few times, the patient experiences some degree of airway obstruction daily. In unusual circumstances, acute episodes can cause death. Bronchial asthma occurs at all ages but predominantly in early life.
...moreAnal Fissure Homeopathic Treatment Services
It is also called as FISSURE IN ANO. An anal fissure is a small rip, tear or crack, in the lining of anal canal, a tear or cut in the anus extending to anal canal. Anal fissure are usually less than one centimeter, but anus is very sensitive part of body because of which pain in this area can be very severe, even with small rip or tear. What are the symptoms of Anal Fissure? 1) Pain: Pain is sharp while passing the stool followed by a longer deep burning sensation. Patient may avoid going to toilet, which may lead to increasing their risk of constipation. Patient delays going to bathroom resulting in making pain and tear the worst because stool will be harder and larger. Some patients also experience sharp pain while cleaning themselves with toilet paper. 2) Blood: Bright red blood because it is fresh bleeding on stool. Anal fissure in infants usually bleeds. 3) Itching: Itching in anal region is due to disturbance in mucosal lining of anus caused by tear. The sensation may be persistent or intermittent. 4) Dysuria: Patient may complaint of discomfort while urinating which is less common.
...moreAggravatechronic Pain Homeopathic Treatment Services
There are few factors that can initiate, sustain or aggravatechronic pain. Many a times, the patient suffers from a characteristically painful disease which is difficult to completely cure, like cancer, arthritis, migraine, fibromyalgia, etc. Second, there may be auxiliary perpetuatingfactors that are starts with the disease and remain even after that diseasehas resolved. Finally, a varietyof psychological conditions can worsen or even cause pain. Other clues that can lead to a conclusion that a significant emotional disturbance is the reason behind a patient’s chronic pain include: pain occurring in multiple unrelated sites; pain beginning at a time of emotional trauma, such as the loss of a parent or spouse; a past or present history of physical or sexual or drug abuse. On examination, the doctor should observe whether the patient guards the painful area and restricts certain movements or postures due to pain. Painful areas should be examined for deep tenderness, noting if it originates from muscle, ligaments, or joints. A neuropathic component to the pain is indicated by evidence of nerve damage, such as sensory impairment, exquisitely sensitive skin, weakness and muscle atrophy, or loss of reflexes. A guiding principle in assessing patients with chronic pain is to evaluate both emotional and organic factors before starting treatment. Tending to these issues of emotional and organic factors together rather than waiting to address them one after the other improves the outcome of cure. For instance, a cancer patient with bone metastases may have pain as well as may also be depressed. Optimal therapy necessitates that each of these factors be evlautedfor and treated.
...moreAcne Homeopathic Treatment Services
Acne is a disease of hair follicles predominantly of face, chest and back that affects teenagers mostly during puberty. Appearance of Acne Comedones-Occluded pores-black heads or white heads Pimples-Tender red bumps Pustules-Bumps which contains pus Cyst's-Boils, pimples
...moreAnemia Homeopathic Treatment Services
Anemia is a condition that develops when the blood in the body lacks enough red blood cells or hemoglobin (part of red blood cells that binds oxygen). Anemia can happen if: 1) Body doesn't make enough red blood cells 2) Bleeding causes to lose red blood cells more quickly than they can be replaced 3) Body destroys red blood cells Investigations like the red blood cell count, the hematocrit, and the hemoglobin are relevant to an anemia diagnosis.
...moreADHD Homeopathic Treatment Services
ADHD is an extremely common behavioural disorder seen in many children today. It is a condition of the neurodevelopmental type wherein the patient shows symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity in various combinations and degrees. What are the symptoms of ADHD? ADHD is of 3 types, Predominantly Inattentive, Predominantly Hyperactive and Combined, demarcating the difference in the symptoms manifestations of the condition: 1) Inattention: Parents will often notice that the child gets easily distracted, cannot concentrate, keeps losing things, cannot follow simple instructions and makes silly mistakes. 2) Hyperactivity: Child cannot sit in one place, gets bored of performing any task very easily, in unable to complete the given task, talks too much and hands and legs are in a constant state of activity. 3) Impulsivity: The child is extremely impatient, interrupts when other people are talking and act before they think.
...moreAlopecia Homeopathic Treatment Services
Alopecia is also called as hair fall. During the normal process of hair cycling hair follicles is replaced at different rates. The growth is alternates between phases of activity and rest. The growth period called anagen phases for two to six years. Follicle is long and deep producing thick well pigmented hair. Anagen phase covers nearly 90% of scalp hair. Followed by brief transition phase known as acatagen phase lasting for one to two weeks during this time base of follicle gets shrivelled. Atelogen phase is resting phase of hair cycle they clubbed or bulbous tip and last for several months (three month) before falling /shedding out. In this phase, shrunken follicle retains hair fiber. Following Telogen phase, next comes Anagen phase; in which old hair falls out to make room for new hair to being growing in its place or same place. Hair loss is usually caused or precipitated during or by stress, pregnancy, heredity, lack of protein, anemia, thyroid disorder and aging. Androgenetic alopecia is a non-reversible genetically determined hair loss, that leads to the progressive miniaturization of the hair follicle. When all hair in the tuft gone a bald scalp start appearing between hairs.
...moreAnxiety Neurosis Homeopathic Treatment Services
Anxiety neurosis is a mental illness which is relatively mild in form and characterized by extreme agitation distress which mainly occurs without any obvious cause. Anxiety is normal in many situations, sometimes anxiety can be helpful also like for dealing with threatening situation, study harder for an exam or perform better in sports. Anxiety is not necessarily harmful and may last for short period of time. But when it becomes persistent and interferes with the ability to cope and disrupts daily life routine, then person may have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are more common in all mental conditions and more common in women. Types: Panic disorder- Mainly sudden anxiety that occurs without warning. Agoraphobia- avoiding specific situations, such as crowded places or public places, from which they cannot easily escape. Social phobia or social anxiety- Embarrassed in social situations, constant fear of being judged. Specific phobias- there is intense fear reactions of specific objects or situations such as fear of flying, height or spiders. Generalized anxiety disorder- person feels anxious most of the time.
...moreArthritis Homeopathic Treatment Services
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder that can affect not only joints, but also other organs, including the skin, eyes, lungs, heart and blood vessels. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the lining of joints (synovium), causing a painful swelling that can eventually result in bone erosion and joint deformity. The resulting inflammation thickens the synovium, can eventually destroy the cartilage and bone within the joint. The tendons and ligaments that hold the joint together to continue to get weaken and stretched. Thus, gradually the joint loses its shape and alignment. If inflammation increases, there can be loss of cartilage, and the joint spaces become smaller. Joint deformity also can occur.
...moreBedwetting Homeopathic Treatment Services
Enuresis (bedwetting) is an involuntary passage of urine caused by variety of factors. It can occur either during the day or at night (though some restrict the term to bedwetting that occurs at night). It is commonly known as bed-wetting. Nocturnal enuresis, or bed-wetting at night, is the most common type. Daytime wetting is called diurnal enuresis.Mixed enuresis is a combination of nocturnal and diurnal type, wherein urine is passed during both waking and sleeping hours. Types: Bed wetting is classified in two types 1)Primary Enuresis: Bed wetting is sincechildhood 2)Secondary Enuresis: Bed wetting in children who have been trained to be continually dry for about minimumsix months, but revert to wetting again Primary Enuresis Primary enuresis is mainly because of delay in maturation of the nervous system.At the age of five years normally children develop good control over bladder. Approximately 16-17% of children wet the bed once a month and male are twice likely as compared to females.
...moreCervical Spondylitis Homeopathic Treatment Services
Cervical Spondylitis is a common, age-linked, degenerative condition that affects the cervical (neck) spine from (wear and tear) of the cervical vertebrae and the intervertebral disc. Many times, the edges of the vertebrae often develop bone overgrowths (spurs, osteophytes). Over time, the intervertebral discs get shrills, and their ability to absorb shock is lost, increasing the degeneration process. Meanwhile, the term spondylosis can refer to compression of nerves in the spinal column, causing severe and chronic pain in the back and extremities. It is worthwhile to note that the majority of individuals over 40 years of age demonstrate such significant radiological changes, however only a small percentage would develop symptoms suggestive of cervical spondylitis. The cervical spondylitis calls for treatment only if the patient is symptomatic.
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