performance testing services
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Load testing We check system behavior under a set of expected load variations that help identify a number of connections the system can handle while delivering a certain response time. We also detect system bottlenecks and determine which system element is causing them. Stress testing We identify the maximum operating capacity the system can handle in terms of extreme load. Then we check whether it will perform sufficiently if the current load goes above the expected maximum. This helps to plan the potential outrages that can result in new system connections. Scalability testing WinStream measures the capability of a system to scale as more load is applied to it. We help to understand at which point the system stops scaling and identify the reasons for this. Results of scalability testing can be used to plan for future growth and avoid over-investment in hardware. Stability testing WinStream checks whether the system remains stable over an extended time span (including 24/7 operation). This helps evaluate the risk of downtime to plan maintenance activities. The later a performance defect is detected, the higher the cost of remediation. Therefore we start testing your idea from the planning stage to proceed into the development stage with confidence of getting the maximum ROI in your solution thanks to its fault-proof performance.
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