Motion Technique (India) Pvt. Ltd. Wagle Estate, Thane, Maharashtra

  • Rotary Unions

    Rotary Unions

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    Rotary unions are employed in a wide range of industrial fields wherever water, steam, oil, coolant, lubricants or other media have to be conveyed into or through turning machine parts like rollers, shafts or spindles. We offer a wide range of rotary unions with applications ranging from a mere swivelling action to high speed spinning.In addition, we offer special solutions, customer specified variations and modular designs which enable us to provide users with the perfect solution for virtually any application.   Catch Phrases If you are here, you must be looking for a quality Indexing Unit. Would you risk losing 100% value for saving 2% on the input What would you choose? Long term Brand Value or Short Term Cost Saving? Image: Rotodex Indexer and a Service Technician. Statement:  Which will work out cheaper? You decide. Do you prefer receiving customer complaints or new orders? How does it feel when a customer appreciates the quality of your machine? Make your Purchase officer address customer complaints. He will understand the importance of quality inputs in the first place

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  • Rotary Table Indexer

    Rotary Table Indexer

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    The RX series adopts the same mechanism as a RS/RF series but the large turret diameter is more suited for high number of stops indexing applications. The RX series is ideal for rotary dial applications with features including large output mounting surface & large centre thru-hole.   Centre distance – 80 to 200mm Number of stops – 2 to 36 Index angle – 90º to 360º Accuracy +/– 30 Arc seconds  

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  • Pneumatic Clutch Brakes

    Pneumatic Clutch Brakes

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    The Clutch/Brake combination unit consists of an air actuated disc clutch & spring applied Disc Brake. Its compact design combined with its high thermal capacity & low air consumption makes it ideal for high speed, high cyclic, heavy-duty industrial applications. When cylinder is pressurized, the piston clamps the clutch disc to the hub which transmits the torque to the shaft. When cylinder exhausts, the springs moves the piston in the opposite direction clamping the brake disc & stopping the shaft.      ADVANTAGES High Thermal Capacity. Stable Coefficient of friction Low Air Consumption Low Operating & Maintenance Cost.  Easy removal of worn out linings. APPLICATIONS Power Presses Press Brakes Guillotines Printing Machines Wood Working Machines And Many More

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  • Pick & place Units

    Pick & place Units

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    The PP (Pick & Place) series perform accurate part placement with indexing or oscillating rotary motions Both lift axis can be symmetrical or non symmetrical for pick and place application. Rotary motions can typically cycle faster than linear handlers.The features of this series include high speed performance, high accuracy positioning and accurate timing (synchronized operation).Each timing motion can be customized to synchronize with supporting equipment, commonly used in packaging equipments.  

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  • Parallel Shaft Indexer

    Parallel Shaft Indexer

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    The RP series is the Parallel Shaft Indexer and Oscillator series comprising of conjugate disc cams with turret having yoke mounted cam followers. This series incorporates parallel input and output shafts and is most often used for low number of stops and conveyor applications.   Centre distance – 50 to 200mm Number of stops – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 8 Index angle – 90º to 330º Accuracy +/– 30 Arc seconds  

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  • index tables

    index tables

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    We offer our clients a wide range of Index Table for Lamp Industries. We supply customized index tables for lamp making machines. These include machines for Washing, Flare making, Sealing, Stem making, Mounting, Basing and Aging. The features of this series include large number of stops, hardened and ground barrel cams and accurate positioning. Index tables with integrated drives can also be supplied on request.

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    These series of indexers are robust, versatile units suitable for a wide variety of applications and basically comprise of two elements, the globoidal cam and radially equispaced cam followers called Turret. Available as shaft output (RS) and flange output (RF) in many size to meet a wide variety of speed, load and space requirements.   Centre distance – 45 to 250mm Number of stops – 2 to 36 Index angle – 90º to 360º Oscillation angle – 1º to 180º Accuracy +/– 30 Arc seconds Optional centre thru-hole in flange version

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
MOTION TECHNIQUE (INDIA) PVT. LTD. is a premier supplier of Indexing Systems in India and has established itself as a preferred choice of many large engineering cos. for their requirement of high precision Indexers. Apart from Indexing, Motion Technique also provides Special Purpose & Automation Machines designed to your specific requirements.
Our Indexing range of products includes Globoidal Cam Based Indexers, Ready-to-use Indexing Tables, Conjugate Cam (Parallel Shaft) Indexers, Oscillators, Pick & Place Units, Automatic Tool Changers, Large Format Indexing Tables, Custom Designed Cams and Indexing Mechanisms.
Motion Technique has also recently been appointed as an exclusive distributor for India region by OMPI, Italy for their complete range of Pneumatic Industrial Clutch Brakes & Rotary Unions.
Backed up with over a decade of engineering experience and dedicated approach towards customer's satisfaction, Motion Technique is the right partner for your Automation needs. We are focused on setting a new bench mark in the automation industry by providing a wide range of quality products and unparalleled customer service.
Together with wide experience in sales and distribution, we carry core technical knowledge attained through various in-depth technical exchanges with our foreign technology partners in countries like UK, Japan, Korea, China, Germany & Italy. The company has its own in-house design & assembly setup, which forms the pillar for the company's high standards in field of Cam Indexing and allied automation supplies
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Contact Information

Motion Technique (India) Pvt. Ltd.

  • Motion Technique (India) Pvt. Ltd.
  • Plot # 375B, 1st Floor, Road # 15, Wagle Industrial Area, (W), M.S. – 400604,, Wagle Estate, Thane, Maharashtra