Cheknsee Drinking Water Test Kit
1,314 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Cheknsee – Drinking Water Test Kit (E.coli / Coliform Test) Water contaminated with bacteria is a major cause of water-borne disease in humans. Enteric diseases like diarrhoea dysentery typhoid paratyphoid gastroenteritis cholera etc. are caused by the tiny menaces viz bacteria. Detecting these dangerous but unseen predators is quite a tough task and normally it is the domain of the white coated microbiologist who works amidst sterile conditions and a lot of hush hush secrecy. No longer! Modern science has now made testing so easy and convenient. Just do it yourself Our unique water potability test kit helps you detect coli form group of bacteria with ease and convenience. These coliform bacteria are found in sewage as they are present in the intestine of man and animal and are generally accompanied by the harmful disease causing bacteria. ChekNsee helps to check water from all kinds of sources viz. taps purifiers coolers storage tanks rivers ponds springs etc. This extremely simple and convenient test can be carried out by anybody anywhere i.e. homes offices factories shops banks hospitals hotels schools etc. How to Test Step 1:-Media pouches and sterile bottle Step 2:-Cut open both the pouches carefully. Step 3:-Pour the contents of both pouches into the bottle Step 4:-Water upto the red arrow mark. Step 5:-Keep in a warm place for 18 to 24 hours. Step 6:-Then observe the colour of liquid in bottle. If the colour remains violet water is Potable else if it turns yellow water is Not Potable. *Conclude the test in 24 hours.
Brand Name : Cheknsee
...moreBactaslyde Yeast and Fungi Test Kit
1,203 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Yeast are unicellular fungi which are used to make bread and other wheat-based products such as dough and dumplings. Also they are useful in production of alcoholic beverages through fermentation. Almost all species of yeasts and fungi grow on BACTASLYDE and there growth may consist either purely of yeasts or purely of fungi or may be mixed. Fungi are aerobic and commonly occur in nature especially in places which are damp where organic matter and oxygen are present. They produce vast numbers of spores and grow continuously without regards to size and shape. Several fungi are domesticated species that are bred or selected according to their capacity to ferment food without producing harmful toxins. The Total Bacterial Count gives a quantitative idea about the presence of microorganisms such as bacteria yeast and mold in a sample. It is also known as Total Viable Count (TVC) Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) Heterotrophic Colony Count (HCC) Aerobic Plate Count (APC) Total Plate Count (TPC) or Standard Plate Count (SPC) and it represents the total bacterial load in a given sample. All our range of dip slides enables you to perform the Total Bacterial Count on one side of the slide to reflect the general hygiene condition of a sample.
...moreBactaslyde Vibrio Test Kit
1,339 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Vibrio cholera is the causative agent of cholera that occurs naturally in water and transmitted primarily through faeces and sewage polluted drinking water and food. Earlier cholera was found in practically all major cities of the world especially in places with ineffective sanitation and where not much is done to prevent pollution of food and water. However after consistent vigilance by both National and International health authorities all over the world and with sanitary engineering of sewage disposal and water supplies the scourge of mankind has been brought under much control. But it is still found in fish and shellfish produce or leftover cooked grains. Marine and estuarine fishes are the most susceptible medium and it is usually most severe in marine culture and fish farms. BACTASLYDE is supplied in boxes of 5 along with the complete instructions set for a complete quantitative analysis of the contamination.
...moreBactaslyde Sulphate Reducing Bacteria Test Kit
1,339 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) are those bacteria that can obtain energy by oxidizing organic compounds or molecular hydrogen while reducing sulfate to hydrogen sulfide. They are also know as Sulfide Generating Bacteria (SGB) and commonly found in anaerobic environments where they aid in the degradation of organic materials like secondary oil recovery effluents estuarine waters deep wells cooling waters metalworking fluids water-based hydraulic fluids and petroleum based products. They can survive up to 600 DegC and cause pitting corrosion on metal structures that are exposed to sulfate-containing water by cathodic depolarization. They also play a role in the anaerobic oxidation of methane below the seabed in the transition zone which leads to heavy production loss. Since sulfate is also found in some formulations of or the other used in water treatment viz corrosion inhibitors coolants etc. Sulfate acts as a hydrogen acceptor produces hydrogen sulfide and ferrous sulfide. These together form a malodorous black slime. In some case bubbles of H2S rise though the water and cause objectionable odors. The corrosion of iron by sulfate reducing bacteria is rapid and unlike ordinary rusting is not self limiting. Our specially developed test kit with a unique 10ml sample size gives a much detailed quantitative analysis of the SRB count in a sample. BACTASLYDE SRB is supplied in boxes of 5 along with the complete instructions set for a complete quantitative analysis of the contamination.
Brand Name : Bactaslyde
...moreBactaslyde Staphylococcus Aureus Test Kit
1,339 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Staphylococcus species are found on the skin and hair of a large proportion of the population and are the common cause of pyogenic infections and food poisoning. They spread through various housekeeping activities generally in domestic environment and in hospitals. Infection in food can occur through workers from infected cuts abrasions boil or from nasal carriers. Foods with high salt content are generally contaminated with staphylococcus species like meat ham synthetic cream sauces fresh fish canned f and cheeses especially cheddar. Staphylococci produce several enterotoxins which can withstand high temperature. Many species of staphylococcus are pathogenic and cause food poisoning diarrhea and prostration while the other make useful indicators of sewage pollution. Foods especially the high salt content ones are contaminated with staphylococcus species viz. meats synthetic cream and sauces fresh fish and canned vegetables and cheeses. Staphylococci produce several enterotoxins which withstand heating at 1000C for 30 min. BACTASLYDE is supplied in boxes of 5 along with the complete instructions set for a complete quantitative analysis of the contamination.
...moreBactaslyde Salmonella Test Kit
1,339 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Salmonella bacteria are zoonotic and can be transferred between humans and other animals. These are intestinal pathogens and are cause for many diseases viz. typhoid paratyphoid food poisoning etc. Classic typhoid fever is a serious and life-threatening infection which has a mortality approaching 20%. Cases of enteric fever almost always occur from the ingestion of contaminated food or water. These bacteria can survive for some time without a host for weeks outside a living body and they are not destroyed by freezing. They are frequently found in polluted water contamination from the excrement of carrier animals being particularly important. This organism enters through the digestive tract due to ingestion of contaminated food. The food infection is generally thru eating or handling contaminated raw or not properly cooked meat of cattle swine poultry fish etc. FDA has laid down mandatory testing norms to control risk of salmonella contamination in foodstuff like spices fish and eggs etc. BACTASLYDE is supplied in boxes of 5 along with the complete instructions set for a complete quantitative analysis of the contamination.
...moreBactaslyde Pseudomonas and TBC Test Kit
1,203 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Pseudomonas commonly found in soil or water and is generally in slime form with a consistency range from that of molasses to rubber. It is extremely versatile as it thrives not only in normal atmospheres but also in hypoxic atmospheres and acquires immunity very rapidly to antibiotics. These species are sturdy organisms able to live at very low oxygen tension and difficult to kill. They obtain their energy for living and multiplying either by oxidizing organic compounds or by fermentation. They are more or less free swimming in cooling water and thrive by oxidizing organic substrates to carbon dioxide. It also serves as a biding agent for accumulation of dirt or other organisms and if unchecked can form insulating sticky films on surface where it initiates under deposit corrosion. Pseudomonas is a highly relevant opportunistic human pathogen and has been incriminated in hospital acquired infections in water supplies soaps ice and even disinfectants. Only Pseudomonas species will grow on BACTASLYDE and the colonies would be white off white red or green. The Total Bacterial Count gives a quantitative idea about the presence of microorganisms such as bacteria yeast and mold in a sample. It is also known as Total Viable Count (TVC) Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) Heterotrophic Colony Count (HCC) Aerobic Plate Count (APC) Total Plate Count (TPC) or Standard Plate Count (SPC) and it represents the total bacterial load in a given sample. All our range of dip slides enables you to perform the Total Bacterial Count on one side of the slide to reflect the general hygiene condition of a sample.
...moreBactaslyde Nitrifying Denitrifying Bacteria Test Kit
2,500 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Nirifying bacteria are autotrophic and are responsible for the conversion of Ammonia to Nitrates. These then produce Nitric Acid. Some of the Species can be particularly troublesome in Cooling systems as they form Zoogloea masses of the organisms embedded in slime. Nitrifying Bacterial species are generally found in Fertilizer Industries where the Ammonia ingress in Water is high. Denitrifying Bacteria work in the reverse way by reducing Nitrates to Nitrites and then to Ammonia. These Bacteria are detrimental to Close Systems where Nitrite based Corrosion Inhibitors are used.
Brand Name : Bactaslyde
...moreBactaslyde Iron Bacteria Test Kit
1,653 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Iron oxidizing bacteria occur worldwide in fresh water sea and brackish waters. They derive the energy they need to live and multiply by oxidizing dissolved ferrous iron or manganese. Generally most species oxidize ferrous or manganese oxides in there extracellular structures like sheaths or stalks rather than inside their own cells. The resulting oxide is insoluble and appears as yellow brown slime especially in iron bearing waters adhering to stones or water plants or even soil. Problems occur when bacteria build up in well systems and reduce well yields by clogging screens and pipes. They comprise of the various species like Sphaerotillus Leptothrix Crenothrix Gallionella and Siderocapsa. Our BACTASLYDE Test Kit is supplied in boxes of 5 along with the complete instructions set for a complete quantitative analysis of the contamination.
Brand Name : Bactaslyde
...moreBactaslyde Algae Test Kit
1,305 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Algae the plant like microorganisms are prolific invaders of the open exposed parts of cooling systems such as the tower and the pond areas. They will grow rapidly if conditions are right and only require light; CO2 and water to synthesize their growth. Algae are often visible as green felt-like mats in internal sections of cooling towers that are wet and accessible to sunlight. Algal growth is extremely unsightly and will reduce the efficiency of the cooling tower as a heat exchanger. Loosened deposits will block and foul pipe work and other heat exchange surfaces. The dead cells contribute to the formation of the complex organic material Humus which supports the growth of other microorganisms particularly the anaerobic types. Filamentous and capsulated colonial algae coat splash packing thus interfering with the formation of droplets which aid intimate contact of water and air. Algal growth prevents rainwater from wetting film packing and forming thin films which are Algae also secrete a mucilaginous sheath much like the slime layer in bacteria. The mucilage of the blue-green algae in particular is associated with a peculiar form of movement called gliding that is exhibited when the organism is in contact with a firm surface. These sticky secretions may contribute significantly to complications in cooling systems such as clogged screens and fouled heat exchangers. Many algae produce within their cells malodorous oils and poisonous cyclic alcohols these are released when the organisms die and may cause foul odours. How to Use Algrosee Just cut open media pouch and empty contents into the tube provided. Now add water sample to be tested up to red arrow mark. Place the tube on the Energy source. Observe the colour of the tube every day for 4 days. The medium used in AlgroSee has been specially formulated for the growth of a wide variety of Algae species viz green bluegreen brown red etc.
...moreAquasol Zinc Test Kit
1,737 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Zinc is introduced into water naturally by erosion of minerals from rocks and soil most zinc is introduced into water by artificial pathways such as by-products of steel production coal-fired power stations or from the burning of waste materials. Zinc is also used in some fertilizers that may leach into groundwater. Zinc is used as a corrosion inhibitor for Cooling water. The zinc water testing system is easy to use and results achieved are fairly accurate.
...moreAquasol Turbidity Test Kit
530 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Turbidity is a principal physical characteristic of water. It is caused by suspended matter or impurities that interfere with the clarity of the water. These include clay silt finely divided inorganic and organic matter soluble coloured organic compounds and plankton and other microscopic organisms. Turbidity is the measure of relative clarity of a liquid. Clarity is required for drinking water and in manufacturing uses. This AQUASOL water turbidity test kit is simple and adequate. It has been designed for onsite use. It suffices its purpose and helps regular monitoring.
...moreAquasol Thymolphthalein Test Paper
275 Per Pack
1 Pack (MOQ)
thymolphthalein paper testing have been developed with a mixture of several indicators which on contact with the sample solution assume a particular color. a check against the color comparison table supplied allows the parameter to be determined. aquasol range offers a range of thymolphthalein paper indicator and other test papers to meet your specific testing needs. our aquasol thymolphthalein paper combine ease-of-use with accuracy consistency and unmatched quality. the convenience of using aquasol thymolphthalein paper for the rapid determination of thymolphthalein and other parameters has many applications in laboratories and industry. features and benefits instant readings economical in kangaroo pack accurate for a wide range of testing convenient and portable
...moreAquasol Tannin Test Kit
809 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Tannin is a natural organic material that is the by product of nature s fermentation process created as water passes through peaty soil and decaying vegetation. Tannins create a light yellow to dark brown discoloration of the water and cause yellow staining on fabrics fixtures and laundry. Tannin based formulations are used for prevention of scale and corrosion in steam boilers closed cooling systems and steam locomotives. The tannin test kit is a titrimetric one and has reagents for two ranges in the same kit making it portable and user friendly.
...moreAquasol Table Top TDS/Ph Meter
22,030 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
ForFor analyses for parameters like pH ORP Conductivity & TDS in industries we have specially developed reliable accurate and robust Table Top meters. These meters are available with a built in Bluetooth which enhances the measuring performance and provides accurate readings. The meters have multi parameter option i.e. same meter can analyse different parameters pH & ORP by just adding an electrode. All meters are advance microprocessor based with rugged housing & splash proof keyboard. It has a optional Built-in Bluetooth function for remote printing and Android APP Features : Advance Microprocessor based with Large LCD & splash proof keyboard. Built-in Bluetooth function for remote printing (Optional) Large LCD display for multi parameter display simultaneously. Built in ATC (Automatic Temperate Compensation). Advance Storage / Memory function with USB Connectivity. Sensors(Default): pH electrode (AMEPHLG), TDS Sensor (AMECNLG) and Temp Sensor (AMETTABTP) is provided alonghwith meter, to measure ORP kindly purchase separate electrode (AMEORLG). Also buy separate Bluetooth App Kit to activate Bluetooth feature.
Brand Name : Aquasol
...moreAquasol Table Top TDS Meter
16,945 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
analyses for parameters like Conductivity & TDS in industries we have specially developed reliable accurate and robust Table Top meters. These meters are available with a built in Bluetooth which enhances the measuring performance and provides accurate readings. The meters have multi parameter option i.e. same meter can analyse different parameters by just adding an electrode. All meters are advance microprocessor based with rugged housing & splash proof keyboard. It has a optional Built-in Bluetooth function for remote printing and Android APP for mobile interface. Features : Advance Microprocessor based with Large LCD & splash proof keyboard. Built-in Bluetooth function for remote printing (Optional) Large LCD display for multi parameter display simultaneously. Built in ATC (Automatic Temperate Compensation). Advance Storage / Memory function with USB Connectivity.
Brand Name : Aquasol T
...moreAquasol Table Top Ph/Orp Meter
16,466 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
For analyses for parameters like pH & ORP in industries we have specially developed reliable accurate and robust Table Top meters. These meters are available with a built in Bluetooth which enhances the measuring performance and provides accurate readings. The meters have multi parameter option i.e. same meter can analyse different parameters pH & ORP by just adding an extra electrode. All meters have rugged housing & splash proof keyboard. It has a optional Built-in Bluetooth function for remote printing and Android APP for mobile interface. Features : Advance Microprocessor based with Large LCD & splash proof keyboard. Built-in Bluetooth function for remote printing (Optional) Large LCD display for multi parameter display simultaneously. Built in ATC (Automatic Temperate Compensation). Advance Storage / Memory function with USB Connectivity. Sensor(Default): PH electrode (AMEPHLG) and Temp Sensor (AMETTABTP) is provided alonghwith meter., to measure ORP kindly purchase separate electrode (AMEORLG). Also buy separate Bluetooth App Kit to activate Bluetooth feature.
Brand Name : Aquasol
...moreAquasol Swimming Pool Water Test Kit
843 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
The quality of swimming water can make a major difference on the quality of your swimming experience. Without properly balanced water swimmers may suffer a number of complaints from sore itchy eyes to dry skin and hair. In fact water that is contaminated with biological organisms may even cause more serious side effects and illnesses which is why it is so important to regularly check your pool s water quality. Our pool water test kits are designed to check the pH and chlorine of your pool. To ensure the healthiest most sanitary clearest water quality you should be testing your water every day. Swimming pool test kits provide a convenient and simple package for checking all elements of water quality.
Brand Name : Aquasol
...moreAquasol Swimming Pool Test Kit
1,691 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
The first thought that comes to mind when we think of safety in swimming pools is drowning slipping and falling etc. But do we really know that the most probable hazard is contamination by germs viz. bacteria. Therefore the likelihood of us falling prey to these sicknesses is much more than that of drowning etc. Bacteria spread through people who have diarrhoea and as the pool is shared by many swimmers it can be very easily be contaminated. Even best maintained swimming pools can spread illnesses due to these microscopic predators the bacteria. Therefore to ensure a disease free swimming experience regular disinfection of the water is essential. Generally Chlorine is the disinfectant of choice and a residual has to be maintained to ensure complete disinfection as well as residual protection. Now for Chlorine to be effective the pH (Hydrogen Ion Concentration) of the water should preferably be between pH 6.5 to 7.5. Water below pH 6 or above pH 8 could be uncomfortable for skin. Now to be doubly sure that the chlorine dose is effective monitoring of harmful bacteria content is essential. However detection of these unseen predators is always a tedious and time consuming task in a laboratory by the conventional methods of microbiology. Now our AQUASOL Swimming Pool Test Kit helps in testing pH Chorine & Bacteria by anyone anywhere in a matter of a few minutes. Our ready to use kits helps to monitor the levels of Chlorine & pH on daily basis as well as has tests for harmful disease causing bacteria.
Brand Name : Aquasol
...moreAquasol Sulphite Test Kit
1,212 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Sulphite is not usually present in surface waters. If sulphite is discharged in effluents or from domestic wastewaters it readily oxidizes to sulphate. Sodium sulphite the most common form of sulphite is an excellent reducing agent and is commonly used as an oxygen scavenger to control corrosion. Sulphite concentrations in boiler and process waters must be monitored regularly to protect the systems. Our sulphite test kit works when sulphite in salt form has been added to waters. It is a titration method easy to use and easy to read.
...moreAquasol Starch Iodide Test Paper
275 Per Pack
STARCH IODIDE Paper Testing have been developed with a mixture of several indicators which on contact with the sample solution assume a particular color. A check against the color comparison table supplied allows the parameter to be determined. AQUASOL range offers a range of STARCH IODIDE PAPER indicator and other test papers to meet your specific testing needs. Our AQUASOL STARCH IODIDE PAPER combine ease-of-use with accuracy consistency and unmatched quality. The convenience of using AQUASOL STARCH IODIDE Paper for the rapid determination of STARCH IODIDE and other parameters has many applications in laboratories and industry. Features and Benefits Instant readings Economical in Kangaroo Pack Accurate for a wide range of testing Convenient and portable
...moreAquasol Soil Test Kit
4,025 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Soil testing is the analysis of a soil sample to determine nutrient and contaminated content composition and other major nutrient characteristics. A soil test can determine fertility or the expected growth potential of the soil which indicates nutrient deficiencies potential toxicities from excessive fertility and inhibitions from the presence of non-essential trace minerals. Soil testing is often performed targeting groups of compounds and minerals which need to be in adequate quantities for the soil to be productive and subsequently give a healthy crop. The advantages of testing are that excessive use of fertilizer can be avoided which results in reduction of Waste of plant & potential damage to environment can be controlled. Therefore it makes good sense to test the soil for these nutrients and add the required amount of fertilizer. Soil has to contain some major nutrient for the crops to be healthy. The major nutrients which need to be in adequate quantities for the soil to be productive and subsequently give a healthy crop are: NITROGEN Nitrogen encourages above ground vegetative growth & it serves as the source for the dark green color in the leaves of various crops. PHOSPHOROUS Phosphorus is a component of the complex nucleic acid structure of plants which regulates protein synthesis. It is therefore important in cell division and development of new tissue in roots. POTASSIUM Potassium takes care of multiple functions like Photosynthesis Protein Synthesis and Starch formation and for the translocation of Sugars. It also imparts resistance to the plant against Microbial attack and if deficient results in poor flowering and fruit formation. pH pH is important because it influences how easily plants can take up nutrients from the soil. Also is useful in prevention of soil borne disease. ORGANIC CARBON Carbon content of soil is a major factor in its overall health. Soil carbon improves the physical properties of soil and water-holding capacity of sandy soil. Also it contributes to the structural stability of clay soils by helping to bind particles into aggregates of which carbon is a major part holds a great proportion of nutrients that are of importance to plant growth. It prevents nutrient leaching and is integral to the organic acids that make minerals available to plants.
Brand Name : Aquasol
...moreAquasol RO Plant Water Test Kit
5,568 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a modern process to purify water for a wide range of applications including semiconductors boiler feed water treatment food processing biotechnology pharmaceuticals power generation seawater desalting and municipal drinking water.
Brand Name : Aquasol
...moreAquasol Purified Water Test Kit
5,568 Per Kit
1 Kit (MOQ)
Highly purified water is an essential component of bio pharmaceutical industry. It is used as an ingredient in both research procedures and drug formulations and also for general cleaning rinsing etc. In each case the water source must be processed and treated to microbial and chemical contaminants that would otherwise compromise the quality safety efficacy and purity of finished product.
Brand Name : Aquasol
...moreTesting Kit
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Situated in Navi Mumbai (Maharashtra, India), Om Arham Global Solutions LLP is involved in exporting and distributing a wide range of products to our customers across the globe. Our product range comprises of varied Chemical Testing Kits, Multi-Parameter Chemical Testing Kits, Indicator Papers, Microbiological Testing Kits, Digital Testing Equipment, Cheknsee Drinking Water Test Kit, Water Treatment Chemicals etc. Our customers can avail the offered range at market leading prices.
Om Arham Global Solutions LLP is a very fast-paced growing company. In a short span of time, we have become a leading exporters of these products around the markets of Maharashtra. The company is supported by a group of competent professionals who are expert in their respective domain thus, we are capable enough to tackle any significant project according to the need and requirement of our customers.
We have always given due importance to modernization and product improvement hence, we ensure that the products are only sourced from the renowned manufacturers who have laboratories of their own where frequent tests are conducted to validate the authenticity of the products being made.
Our professionals thrive to provide innovative and economical solutions to existing and future industrial problems in an innovative way. We always welcome the suggestions from our clients with positivity. We also look into the future to put our resources into procuring next-generation instrumentation products that meet various market demands and technologies.
Om Arham Global Solutions LLP is well-known for its ethics, commitment, and integrity. Founded in the year 2021 by Mr. Arvind Jain, we have always adopted the principles for delivering comprehensive client satisfaction. We are a forward-thinking company, pursue to reach every corner of the globe and become a true worldwide leader in the industry.